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Thread: The recent rumblings

  1. #11
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Alright since we understand the basis of my question. I will ask you to reflect back on last year did you feel the same way about those issues as you do these? Seriously I am asking you to compare your threat level meter to the one in the current day. Was there the same amount of angst?

    The first city that went bankrupt in the US. Well it hasn't been on the news and people are still living there.. The 2nd city will bankrupt end of this week or month a forget which.

    My threat level meter is kicking about a 7-7.5 that was last year and this week it kicked up for me around 7.5-8.0

    But here is the twist I started to ponder and have been trying to compare between now and then. The discomfert is there but is it higher or are the issue just different..
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.

  2. #12
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    The self destruction of Murica actually started just prior to WWII, but Ill leave all that for you to research and determine on your own. The downward spiral was fully engaged before my birth, what we are seeing is NOT new... but with our progression in age, and maturity... we see it more clearly now than when we were in our teens. But at any rate, the trigger has long been pulled- at some point were just noticing it, and perceive it to be a "new thing".

    Thing is, by the time you realize what is going on, you have already been plugged into the machine/system for so long, there is no stopping it... just prepare for the pop.

    Thats my point on it anyway-
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  3. #13
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    EB, you are on the right track, just didn't go back far enough. We started the downhill spiral before the civil war kicked off. Lots of things happened, then after the war look how the country changed. fast forward to 1913 and the advent of the federal reserve. Then kick it up to the 30's of which you were speaking of and Roosevelt kicked it into high gear. Fully downhill ever since.

  4. #14
    may be in trouble

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    I'm on so many of the regime's enemies lists, it's not even funny.

    Registered Republican
    Possess clearance to sell firearms retail for Wal-Mart
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    Electronic signatory, Mount Vernon Accord of 2011

    If we get a Case OUTLAW, I'm through if I don't get the hell out of Dodge, as they WILL round up people on those lists... and 54 year old overweight borderline diabetics do NOT do well in concentration camps.

  5. #15
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Jekyll Island was def a heads up moment. For some reason I was thinking that was around WWII, I had to go look at the dates again. Derp.

  6. #16
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    It started way back. First I know of was with Lincoln.

    The destination, in my opinion, is America at the status of a third world nation.
    The people in abject poverty, fully under the control of the rich elite by force of arms, plain out in the open.
    The destination of Islam would be sharia law in control here, with all infidels under the subjugation of Islam.

    We are no longer free, and haven't been, but we aren't there yet. At least that's how I see it.

    They don't have the manpower to pull off martial law. There's still too many that would fight.
    No, the people will vote for their own slavery, and go willingly down into the abyss.

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    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  7. #17
    may be in trouble

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    Not me. Better a free savage than some spoonfed slave.

  8. #18
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Same here Keep.

  9. #19
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Fixr is correct, the jinx was placed prior to Jekyll Island, which if Google is right, was before WWII so my timing is off, but concept is still sound (Murica has been CTD since before I was born)

    (CTD is medical slang for Circling The Drain, describes a patient about to expire)

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  10. #20
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I understand America has been degrading for awhile. What I am concerned with is there a big difference between last year and now?
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.



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