I realize the original posts are more than several years old now but, at least now, the ADA does not advocate 50% carbohydrates. I find it hard to believe that would have ever been good advice.

Currently, the ADA recommends the Diabetes Plate Method, which is a ?for dummies? equivalent of the FDA?s food plate that replaced the food pyramid. In my opinion, while it gives rough guidance, to really control Type 2 Diabetes, people should be counting carbohydrates, not guessing.

When I was diagnosed several years ago, my physician gave me very constructive guidance that has allowed me to get it under control and loose weight at the same time (even though I don?t exercise anywhere near as much as I should). And, because my doctors advice translated into a fundamental and sustainable lifestyle change (not a fad diet or quick fix scheme), I have been able to maintain it for years now.

Besides proper portion control, my doctor said if I couldn?t eat more frequent/smaller meals because of my work/life schedule (his preferred recommendation), then I should have 3 meals per day and stick to a regular time schedule with each meal having a target of 20g carbs or less, and no more than 25 carbs. And this means making choices, especially when eating out (which I have to do several times a week because of work travel).

For example, if I?m having BBQ for dinner and want garlic bread with it, go ahead and have it but moderate the portion size and skip putting sweet BBQ sauce on the meat by either using a dry rub or vinegar based sauce instead.

It?s all about moderation and wisely making choices? choices? choices.

I have to admit that until I started counting carbs, I had no idea in the world how many (100?s of grams) I was consuming per day and I?m not even a sweet/desert eater. It was pretty much all coming from carb intensive foods.

And, the first couple months of moderating portion sizes absolutely sucked. I had continuous hunger pains until my stomach shrunk and adjusted to the change. That was by far the hardest part of the whole process. For me, fresh baby carrots, snap peas, and hummus became my best friend whenever the urge to eat came on. And now, a very small portion of nuts or trail mix, or a few ginger snap cookies help stave of the desire to snack on chips or other salty no-no?s between dinner and bedtime.

By the way, here are links to the ADA info that I referenced above. I have found that this general guideline, along with educating myself about the carb content of the foods/ingredients that I consume has been instrumental in keeping my glucose and AC-1 levels under control.



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