As usual, lots of good discussion was to be had in meeting ftf. This was one of them. It is also one staying at the forefront of my mind, considering that I'm finally going to get off my ass and purchase my own home next year. I've got some limitations based on having a fixed region I'll be relocating to, but even at that... when I did a "distance elimination" of locations in TN I learned the best area in that regard was also terrible with meth and related crime. So, there are trade offs.

Current plans run toward a defendable homestead with as many natural resources as possible, and from there a solid bug out location. That last, here in MI, does fall in well with distance requirements, so I'll start with those.

100 miles from populations of 500,000. +
75 miles from pop. Of 100,000 - 500,000
50 miles from pop. Of 50,000 - 100,000
25 miles from pop. Of 10,000 - 50,000, also interstates.
10 miles from pop. Of 5,000 - 10,000
5 miles from town
2-5 miles off any paved road

As I was saying, there is a region in MI that meets those parameters for a BO locatio, as well as having a decent hospital within 30 minutes by car. I'll work within these as best as I can in picking a home. What I'd like to hear from the colony is your thoughts on resources, defense, and any of the related miscellany I may not be considering.

Water is abundant where I'm looking. Mature fruit trees would be a plus, but hard woods for burning a necessity for heat. Acreage needs? Storage?

It's not particularly hilly terrain, so a high ground advantage may be a pipe dream. What other aspects are essentially for good defense. Accessibility and ? And whatnot.

We tend to agree on so much elsewhere I'll be interested to see if there's any difference of opinion here.