Thanks Kes, No I didn't bother pursuing anything. The State we live in has a policy, ALL calls to CPS are strictly anonymous, we never would have known who reported us had she not written that letter to me after she moved out of state.
Twitchy, Thanks yes it's been scary but...Update Grand nephew is doing much better. All talk of CPS is gone. He's going to see a geneticist as they see his spleen is a bit enlarged as well and it's a good possibility that's genetic. Had long talk with my aunt (mom's sis) last night as I have a good deal of family health history info on dad's side but not a lot on mom's on what might be passed on in the family. History of asthma on mom's side only. NIL is also talking with his older family members to see what there might be on his side. G Nephews face looks much better and niece is doing good as well, she FINALLY got some sleep last night. Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Just goes to show, gotta get one's family health history as far back as one can.