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Thread: Is "Starship Troopers" the future of our Military?

  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Is "Starship Troopers" the future of our Military?

    So I'm pretty sure everyone has heard the news about the vote in the house about our military's future spending. Here's the deal, the military has a contract, it has a UCMJ Uniform Code Of Military Justice. that has all the rules to get you busted by. The "Machine" was built this way for a reason, to fight wars, to win them in a quick and precise manner with zero to minimal loss of life. Now if you drop a ball bearing into the gears of this fine running machine it is going to get caught in the teeth of this animal and lock things up, parts will get broken. Military was designed to mold young people into the gears of the machine. It was not designed to come in and get your ball bearings cut off and dropped into the machine.

    IN short, as my young Senior Chief told me not to many months ago. "It's going fuckin Starship Trooper man, fuckin everyone's gonna shower with everyone over there. Glad I ain't married" "These wives are havin a shit fit. "

    What he's saying is that the moral is really being crushed with all this training right now and they are pissed that they have to pay for it. By the way he took his platoon and walked out of training when he asked what was the percentage that he was going to have to deal with a tranny in Specwar...........003%.....nuff said. I hope they put a squash on this.

    Anyway good(sarcasm) article to bring you up to speed
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #2
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    The movie threw that in for gratuitous sex. Which I have no problem with, as long as there is enough of it to balance out the gratuitous violence.

    The book didn't need such bullcrap. Yes, the military will go Starship Troopers (book version) and in about 2 centuries.

  3. #3
    may be in trouble

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    The original ST (written by a former naval officer) distinctly separated sexes but not service. "Bulkhead 30", I think it was. And in 1959 I don't think gender dysphoria had even gotten out of the grass of social radar.

    Showering and bunking across sex lines wasn't the original TROOPER... IIRC that was Haldeman"s THE FOREVER WAR, the first phases of it.

    Most modern bullets don't have the gear in the slugs to discern sex or preference; they'll shoot a gay as dead as a straight, a man as dead as a woman. I"m not entirely comfortable with the idea of co-eds in combat units, but if women got the skills and can do EQUALLY as a man, okay.

    I mind we had a VERY STRICTLY POLICED female platoon in my 4 platoon Basic company, back in 1981. The PT standards were less for the females than for the men. Ditto almost anything else. When i was at Polk , female barracks were whole seperate buildings and much wasted living quarters cause no males were allowed in the building.


    If someone is unhappy with their gender, that is their business. Why the taxpayer needs to foot the bill eludes me. It even more eludes me that the military should need to foot it.

    Some of the transgenders are making such stink cause they want their 15 minutes of fame. Jenner and Bono come to mind.

  4. #4
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Well, the thread was really meant to bring attention to the future of our military and where it's heading. "They" don't want it and "they" don't want to pay for it. They also understand that their paycheck is based on rotating funds, (you pay yourself) your taxed paycheck pays for your paycheck. So it's just a matter of recycled funds, they give you a raise here and take it from there and you achieve no actual increase at all. So "they" are not happy about some POS signing up to get a sex change and be a fuckin sick bay comando for his entire career as a useless no load can't do shit for no one but gets a pay check and his balls moved to his chest and a new snorkel!

    The term "Starship Troopers" was a term that "they" used to me in order to get the light bulb to come on. The boys and girls are pissed is what I'm hearing and they want no part of it. There have been way too many "lessons learned" over the past 8 yrs of declining leadership. I just hope the hell they wake up............can't do shit about it from here. so I was just making folks aware of what's going down, that is all.............carry on.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  5. #5
    may be in trouble

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    Too many of those "lessons learned" have been paid for in dignity and blood, and not by the learners.

    I have to believe that there is some fair sized amount of folks in there that are biding their time until they get people LEADING, who are hard charging and crusty and could give a damn about being pretty about it man-o'warsmen.

    Sort of, I guess, the nervewracking wait in days of sail, guns loaded, ready to engage, but having to wait for being in range, knowing that the enemy is in range of your guns, you were in range of his....

    The English Prince Harry, on being told that once he graduated Sandhurst (West Point, British version) he would be steered away from combat, said something along the lines of "I did NOT go though this school and this training just so my mates could get shot at while I sat on my ass in the rear."

    Spoken like a LEADER, as well as a Prince.

    Admiral Jonas Ingraham said it well ninety years ago..."The Navy has no place for good losers! The Navy needs tough sons of bitches who can go out there and win!"

    SecDef Mattits may, I think, get some of the overdone p/c crap infesting the Armed Services dialed way back or altogether eliminated.

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

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    Again, all I can do is sit back watch and wait. SecDef if given free reign to do his job as the soldier "he was" when I was in. I would say the military would be in good hands. But now that ten yrs has passed since I've been in and not following his career as closely as I would have had I been on active duty. I couldn't tell you what the true pulse from the Corps is about him. Haven't talked to any senior NCOs as of late.

    Having said that I would expect to see this:

    1. Shuffling of senior leadership, restructuring (bush hoggin) of the chain of command in all branches of service.
    2. "Review and replace all Basic Training manuals" bring back the disciplined warfighter, defenders of our country.
    3. Remove all unnecessary "social training" from all branches of service.
    4. Review all Defense contractor budgets, R&D, and dump all waste. If it don't work dump it. Make the contractor come to you with a working unit before funding. Contractors pay for their own R&D. (Black hole money pit)
    5. Stop LCS project. Money Pit. It does not do what it was "designed" for, total mission failure. I'm sure there are a few other projects but this one's one of the most expensive that I know of. Refer to #4.
    6. Remind the military that "this is an all volunteer service, you don't like it, get the fuck out." "That is after I've finished with you....should've thought of that before you signed."
    7. wish in one hand...........see what happens.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #7
    may be in trouble

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    General Mattits has had a rep as a hard charger and never asking his men to do something he had not done himself first. This by itself is a high recommendation.

    1. Shuffling of senior leadership, restructuring (bush hoggin) of the chain of command in all branches of service.

    You'd just about need to haul in a bush hog or woodchipper.Even senior ranks have sea daddies, regrettably.

    2. Review and replace all Basic Training manuals" bring back the disciplined warfighter, defenders of our country.

    Damn straight.

    3. Remove all unnecessary "social training" from all branches of service.

    Which will have the multiple benefits of saving time and resources wasted on such crap, and infuriate the weak little twerps and SJW sympathizers that got this load of crap incorporated into training, into stamping their little pump-wearing foot, crying, getting their panties into a bunch, pouting, and then resigning (To which I say See ya, see ya, so glad I'll never BE ya.)

    4. Review all Defense contactor budgets, R&D, and dump all waste. If it don't work dump it. Make the contractor come to you with a working unit before funding. Contractors pay for their own R&D. (Black hole money pit)

    Absolutely sound... and again, some of these jokers have tentacles in Congress.

    5. Stop LCS project. Money Pit. It does not do what it was "designed" for, total mission failure. I'm sure there are a few other projects but this one's one of the most expensive that I know of. Refer to #4.


    6. Remind the military that "this is an all volunteer service, you don't like it, get the fuck out." "That is after I've finished with you....should've thought of that before you signed."

    Absolutely agreed. Shoulda read the fine print, pally. And it is spelled MILITARY SERVICE, not JOBS PROGRAM or GANGBANGER TRAINING.

    7. wish in one hand...........see what happens.

    You know it, Chief. Some might call it cynical... you and I and most of the other ex- and present military here know it is just what is.

    Last edited by Kesephist; 07-22-2017 at 05:29 PM. Reason: SJW insult enhancement

  8. #8
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Never been in the Mil, from a civilians perspective. Damn straight to everyone of those BWRR. Contractors are a major issue with the deep state shit and needs their hands. Cut off from the trough and be made show their shit performs before getting huge contracts to see if they can make it work.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 07-23-2017 at 05:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    A lot of those contractors are retired military officers working in the "white collar" side while the retired enlisted still work the deck plate level.............granted they are double dippers and are in no hurry what so ever to get the job done. BUT they are more than happy to tell you how great their POS it is!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  10. #10
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    THERE MAY BE HOPE YET! I just heard on the radio this morning that President Trump announced "No transexuals in the military, period".......................this is going to be interesting. But I'm happy as a sailor in a Caribbean port with a "temporarily" broken vessel.

    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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