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Thread: September 23

  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    September 23

    OK, lots of great things are happening! Domeguy's getting married in a cave and LadyHK and I are going to be there! I'm loading up the K5 for a possible SHTF scenario, uh, you case there's a cave in?

    The internet is a cluster with revelations 12 (take 18 minutes for the condensed version) ironically taking place on the 23rd.

    Our president has made a great speech at the UN and pissed a lot of people off, good for him, I thought it was on target and tracking. We have have earth quakes and hurricanes all over the damn place. The usual people are running around like it's just another day and "who gives a shit" attitude.

    So why am I writing this? Well, people are idiots as I've stated before. I am very "optimistic" open minded what ever you want to call it. I have made my peace with the Lord. I think he knows where I stand. There were many times I escaped the clutches of "Davy Jone's Locker" and have damn near taken a dirt nap a few times in the "litter box." I have saved lives and brought home the dead to their families. I have also done things in the eyes of the Lord I'm not proud of and yet I am still here. (He must have a reason for keeping me around) I have seen things in my life out at sea that are not worth mentioning for the sake of being called a lunatic. Oh, you guys already think that anyway......BUT, I have an open mind and I believe ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Because I have seen some weird ass shit out there!

    So is the 23rd a "judgement day" or is it going to be raining nukes or fire and brimstone? Will it be more shifting of the tectonic plates, there's a big one right down the middle of the US to ya know? It won't take much for some "idiot" to push just one button. Then the rest would follow right in behind them with what? Sure we think we as in us Americans are smarter than that and wouldn't go full on apocalypse. But hey who's to know for sure what will happen over the next few days. Hopefully it's just another astrological cycle and alignment of the stars, planets and moon...............REFER TO PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS AND STUPID when it comes to catastrophic events. Mass chaos in the already effected areas

    So I'm looking at it this way, I'm going to CAVE Saturday to see my best good friend "The over fed log haired leaping Gnome" get married to a very wonderful woman who I know is now damn good at shooting her "pink" pistol. Another team mate to count on. So's the Gnome by the way. The K5 will be loaded right outside with the essentials, I think, will tie us over to get back to camp Bravo if the SHTF. Call it a drill, call it what you want. But we'll be ready and it will be a good time either way.

    I'm going to eat some fuckin cake and have a good time with good friends. If you don't hear back from me after the 23rd.........."I'll meet you further on.....up the road"

    This is Bravo Whiskey Romeo Romeo, Out!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #2
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    You'd better be safe, I'm expecting to see you next week with the better half, actually I'm coming to see lady, you and my DH are just along for the ride LOL, just kidding. Have fun and give Dome and the new missus a hug for me.

  3. #3
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Well I did see the ISS fly over last night burning brightly as it usually does out here in the country. Shortly after that I saw "one" meteor........I stored all essential electronic gear in what I thought would keep it safe after our SHTF radio drill in addition to our weekly....funny, it was only me and the net control operator. I found that rather disappointing. I did my inventories for my packs yesterday to make sure I was ready for the run today for the cave so all was GTG for the cave wedding. The sun is shining bright this morning and the deer are in the backyard as usual, none of the critters are acting funny as I enjoyed my morning coffee on the back porch. SO do we call this another "chicken little" drill? Do we ignore the Bible prophesies? Me, like I said above, "I am very "optimistic" open minded what ever you want to call it." I wasn't the only one in town talking about it yesterday, that's OK, it's good to know people still have their "faith" it's also glad to know people didn't/weren't freak out.....after all what is this site all about anyway? When the SHTF right? So it didn't......yet.....worldwide. But it sure has in Texas, Florida, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. I'm sure there will be more coming to a town near you!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Lot of folks at work were talking. About today this week. Probably none of them are prepped for more than a week. When the Lord returns it wont be talked about all over the net before it happens. "Like a thief in the night".

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Bottom line will only be as prepared as the "time when" it happens. And that's all I got to say about that.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    I have never put much stock in any of the set date fecal matter will hit the oscillating blades predictions. As the LORD said, "no one knows the time or date". I concur with BWRR when it does happen you go with what you have at that moment.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  7. #7
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Now I'm going to step out on a limb here and try NOT to step on anyone's toes or piss anyone off. But I "earned" my 1st Amendment right to say what I want whenever and where ever I want. So to follow up on STG1's comment. I could make a statement based on my own upbringing as a Catholic, did the Baptized, 1st Holy Communion, CCD classes, brief alter boy and survived the "priests" without incident. I left the church seeking a "what's this all about" attitude and went to ALL the different houses of worship when I got my first car. Yeah... really. What I found was, in short, I was welcomed, they all wanted money, they all built "temples" in his name (as I recall he didn't want), that everyone had their own book in their own version. That the Pentecostals were the most entertaining. Lastly they were "pushers" I didn't like that. Organized religion was not where it's at was MY conclusion. So I left the Catholic Church, my Grandma's were not very happy, Lutheran and Catholics. I haven't sat in a pew since as a member of any "organization." I did however find a group before I joined the Navy in Christmas, Fl that met in the woods, sat on pine log "pews" had a pulpit of sorts and every week would read a portion of the "Bible" and we would discuss each and everyone's interpretation of what "they" thought it meant to THEM. They all had different opinions of sorts and everyone respected that, BBQ was held after at someone's house, you came as you were, no dress code. If it rained we had umbrellas. there was no "house" to speak of, it was a place meet gather and be thankful for what we had and who we were. I never went back after I joined the Navy, but those people made sense to me. They were thankful for what they had, for each other and for what nature provided. They took care of each other, there was no money involved. Just handshakes and smiles were taken and given. I thought that was were it's at. SO here's my take, my "Church" is my sea, my land, my animals, my friends, nature and all its creatures. To see all that I have below and above ground, be it wet or dry is what I have to be thankful for and I don't destroy it. I have seen things that would blow your fuckin mind is all I can say. You have to take time ans smell the roses. I try very hard to take care of it and I'M DAMN THANKFUL THAT I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO EXPERIENCE ALL THESE WONDERS. I believe in a "Superior Being" (and I NEVER EVER used that word superior when addressing a fuckin pom-passed assed officer) whomever it might be, I'm still on this earth for some reason and I should have been dead many times over.

    So prophecies, preaching, religions and everyone's opinions I respect in one form or another. It's what America is all about, we fought long and hard for that. If I put things on this site that people find offensive or that sound like that of a crazed lunatic (which I am not.....yet) it's because I am me, the "Brownwater River Rat" some guy that was raised riding motorcycles, surfin, diving, shootin, sailing the world, fixin broken shit, helping people whenever I can, proudest father of one of the most wonderful daughters world and husband to a wife that words cannot truly describe PERFECT, no matter where we go she is always the "Most beautiful woman in the whole place" and that people you will have to deal with, she's mine! But that's me and that about covers it, so if you ever meet me one day, some of you have, I'm not perfect, I'm me, and I try to respect, care and even love everyone just the same. I'm an American like the rest of my family.

    And if the world ends today........I'm cool with that, I've had a good life. Have a Gnarly fuckin Day!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  8. #8
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Glad to see we're all here RIGHT?

  9. #9
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Oh yeah, I'm fine. Always have been. You guys good?
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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