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Thread: If you cannot be trusted with a will never be trusted with a vote.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia

    If you cannot be trusted with a will never be trusted with a vote.

    After observing the conduct of the left in this country ..this is the conclusion to which I have arrived.

    Do not despair is much worse than this ...but we will never be so informed ..even by the phony conservative Republicans.

    It is up to you ..the American Citizen awaken and get others awake to the difficulty of real thinking verses real emoting.

    Emoting is today what is passing for thinking among many and in particular our young people....mostly runaway rabid, rampant emotions being substituted for thinking.

    You obviously cannot be trusted with a why would you be trusted with a vote? Someone is so obviously trying to rig both marketpalces against the American Public..and using runaway, rampant, rabid emotions to so do.

    So much in America today has become Jerry Springer like...runaway, rabid, rampant emotional control to drown out and silence thinking Americans.

    You cannot be trusted with your own monies.

    You cannot be trusted to teach your own children your basic beliefs.

    You cannot be trusted with your religion.

    You cannot be trusted to voice your own views and must be silenced here.

    You cannot be trusted with a gun

    And of course cannot be trusted with a vote....particularly and especially if you cannot be trusted with this list of items.

    Pass the word to others ....this very that they can begin thinking for themselves.

    You know what really pisses me off...

    And that is our phony Republican Party conservatives are totally silent on this particular gun control...they are mostly silent ....their silence is deafening to me.

    I no longer trust the Republican Party think most of them are phonies...and not conservative at all.

    I think the Republican party is nothing more than Democrat Lite....both of them are Ishmaelites...working to put the American people into bondage...secretly and privily. To make us more like Englishmen and Continentals....subjects with privileges granted by government instead of citizens with rights.

    You folks certainly do not have to buy into this is just my observation of the nature of what is going on out here.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited by orangetom1999; 03-05-2018 at 03:20 AM.



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