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Thread: Massachusetts Judge votes assault weapons not protected by 2nd Amendment

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  1. #1
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    Massachusetts Judge votes assault weapons not protected by 2nd Amendment

    Shits gettin real folks...and its gettin closer.
    Copied from Fox News

    A judge in Massachusetts on Friday ruled against a lawsuit that questioned the state’s ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, declaring that the weapons were not protected by the Second Amendment.

    Assault weapons are considered to be military firearms, U.S. District Judge William Young said*in his ruling, therefore disqualifying them from being included in a citizen’s right to “bear arms.”

    Policy makers, rather than the courts, were better suited to decide on the regulation for the weapons, he said.

    "Other states are equally free to leave them unregulated and available to their law-abiding citizens," Young said in his ruling. "These policy matters are simply not of constitutional moment. Americans are not afraid of bumptious, raucous and robust debate about these matters. We call it democracy."

    The lawsuit was filed against state Attorney General Maura Healey last year by the Gun Owners’ Action League of Massachusetts, among other parties, who claimed that AR-15s couldn’t be considered a “military weapon” because of their inability to shoot in fully automatic mode. They also claimed the ban infringed on Second Amendment rights.

    That notion was ruled out, however, as the judge pointed out that the design of semi-automatic AR-15's is based on guns "that were first manufactured for military purposes" and that the AR-15 is "common and well-known in the military."

    "The AR-15 and its analogs, along with large capacity magazines, are simply not weapons within the original meaning of the individual constitutional right to 'bear arms,'" Young said.

    The decision was championed by Healey, who said the judge’s decision “vindicates the right of the people of Massachusetts to protect themselves from these weapons of war and my office’s efforts to enforce the law.”

    “Strong gun laws save lives,” she continued “and we will not be intimidated by the gun lobby in our efforts to end the sale of assault weapons and protect our communities and schools. Families across the country should take heart in this victory.”

    The ruling in Massachusetts follows an ongoing debate about AR-15s, due in part to their use in shootings such as the violent spree in Parkland, Florida on Valentine’s Day that left 17 people were dead. Authorities said the shooter, Nikolas Cruz,*used an AR-15 during the deadly assault.

    Young also upheld Healey's 2016 enforcement notice to gun sellers and manufacturers clarifying what constitutes a "copy" or "duplicate" weapon under the 1998 assault weapon ban, including copies of the Colt AR-15 and the Kalashnikov AK-47.

    The Massachusetts assault weapons ban mirrors the federal ban that expired in 2004. It bans the sale of specific and name-brand weapons and explicitly bans copies or duplicates of those weapons.
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  2. #2
    CC Gray Panther
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    Here's the thing about that ruling Domey.
    This judge knows exactly what will happen if people in this state comply and turn in their weapons.

    1- Other states will follow and the sheep like cream will rise to the top and hand over their God given rights and guns.
    2- He also knows that if they refuse and violence breaks out that in his mind the military and other alphabet agencies will join in lock step to take them down.

    3- Little does his severely retarded over educated mind not take into account the true meaning of the 2nd. amendment.
    When one opens their mind and doesn't put any gates in place to stop runaway stupidity they believe everyone else agrees with their belief.

    4- This my Ant brother is where that lesson in life of ( Life ; Liberty & pursuit of Happiness ) comes full circle and institutes critical thinking and true freedom again. And the cost of reset will be high but a good cleansing is always hard work with the end game as the point destination no matter the cost or hard work involved.

    Just my 2 cents

  3. #3
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    all this lower court crap will soon disappear when SCOTUS takes it on - they'll spend the time to write up a decision that'll spell out the 2A Rights for ever more ...

  4. #4
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Funny years ago a guy was convicted with a sawed off shotgun and the supreme court ruled that it was not a gun used by the military so it could be banned. Don't remember the case name.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
    Funny years ago a guy was convicted with a sawed off shotgun and the supreme court ruled that it was not a gun used by the military so it could be banned. Don't remember the case name.

    this gun control BS has been going on longer than our grandparents era - fully auto got banned in the 1930s because of the bank robbers and organized criminals using them - trouble was they stole them from the military and coppers - not purchased legally from Sears - most of the explosives banning for the same reason ....

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

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    Gun control............hit your target.

    They need to enforce the laws that are in place. If the people knew what actual gun laws were in place they'd be pissed to find out they aren't being enforced. This is how they spend our money. on making old laws new again.
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    All will pay, in the end, one way or another.

  8. #8
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    The sawed off shotgun thing was the first case using the National firearms act. Unfortunately, the defense never even appeared in court, as that was the chance to argue it's constitutionality and get it struck down.
    While there is likely some truth to the gangs of the 20s helping get the National firearms act passed, only some of the machine guns were likely stolen. Lots of military surplus guns were sold off after WWI. The Thompson was sold anywhere that sold other guns. Thompson had brought the gun to production too late for the war, and the military wasn't interested right after a war ending. Law enforcement mostly wasn't too interested either, so it was marketed to the public for defense. There was an ad for "home and ranch protection", where a cowboy is blazing away at something from the front porch of his ranch house.
    The BAR were probably stolen, many of them.
    Only after much loss did le finally decide to upgrade their weaponry.
    Funny thing is, the WWI trench gun was a military shotgun. While it wasn't specifically "sawed off", the model did have a much shorter than standard of the day length barrel.
    The 2nd is exactly about military weapons, but of course we all know this is about disarming us, to make us more controllable. They will not give up, ever, until they succeed or are defeated by force. No boundary will stop their efforts.

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