Quote Originally Posted by Fidel MD View Post
Not a thing wrong with it, and not a radio with better offerings to replace it with, except maybe smaller (FT-857D)
Never said anything about WRONG, Doc, aside from the dreadful truth that it has been out of production for six years. Why would such a stellar performer be withdrawn from production, anyway?

(chuckle) ah, for the $2500, the Mormon handcart, and the General license to have two of em to trundle up the side of one of the Spring Mountain range west of Vegas for next Field Day. A General would allow me to wring everything out of them.

So... in short, the OP answer is NO, there is no follow-on to the 706-IIG, it is the pinnacle of the Icom 700-706 family of multibands, and aside from the abovementioned Yaesu 857-D, nothing presently out there to match it.

Or so I take it. Anyone else to chime in?