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Thread: The Big, Bad, Holy, Mighty Icom 706 Mk II G

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Have my 706 Mk II G on line right now on the VFN or Virginia Fone Net. I am looking for my friend out in Tennessee to check into the net. When the net is over I am going to try to get him to QSY to the lower part of the 75 Meter band wherein it will be much quieter...and we can better converse.

    We are both running wire antennas..his a inverted V up some 90 feet in his trees.

    Ahhhh..there he is...he just identified himself.

    I am going to have to run a bit of power tonight as the noise level is up higher than usual.

    Will switch to my Yaesu FT 890 and my Ameritron 811 H amp...set at about 250 watts. Antenna is a wire loop consisting of some 500 feet of 12 gauge black insulated wire from Lowes....up in my trees some 85 feet at the highest point....suspended by pulleys in some areas.

    When first my friend left this area and moved to Tennessee..I was dubious as to how well this system would some 400 miles distance...but so far it has worked out well..on 3947 KHZ.....LSB.

    At times we switch to 160 meters but usually like to stay in the 75 meter band. 160 meters can get more noisy than 75 meters.

    Has saved us a lot of phone charges so far.

    My friend is also working on bringing back up his CW skills. We hope to keep up this skill and not let it perish.


    Adding this in edit function.

    Was able to catch up with my friend and we QSY'd down to 3630 KHZ..down on the lower end of the band wherein it tends to be a bit less crowded and talked for about 35 minutes. It was good to catch up with my friend again. No phone charges.
    Last edited by orangetom1999; 02-19-2018 at 01:08 AM.

  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Well Hello OT. fancy finding you over here on this forum. There is a great bunch of folks here, pretty much family on here. Be sure and post up an introduction post so everyone can get to know you. You'll make a fine addition here.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    Well Hello OT. fancy finding you over here on this forum. There is a great bunch of folks here, pretty much family on here. Be sure and post up an introduction post so everyone can get to know you. You'll make a fine addition here.
    Thanks Backpacker,

    I'll do just that.


  4. #14
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    As Backpacker said OT. Welcome to the colony. Also surprised to see you here.
    As stated we're a close knit family without the drama or ego laden post. I hope your stay is fruitful. We do have a strange sense of humor at times but all in jest.

    As I state to all new members the only 2 sane and normal Ants are my self and Grumpy Old Man. We have to keep an eye on these guys and ladies. I'm sure the colony will enjoy your post and views on many subjects as B.P. and I have.

    As Always :

  5. #15
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    Eagle, I resemble that comment...... wait wait..... yeah I'll stand by that

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    My thanks to all of you for the welcome,


  7. #17
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Thanks Fatty.

    When we are not busy I let the foreman know how to get ahold of me by my cell number and retire to a selected spot out back where I have a forty foot piece of wire hung and carefully hidden. I uncoil the wire and attach it to the telescoping antenna of my shortwave set....and tune in the SSB ham bands. Sometimes I copy Morse Code to keep up my skills. Other times I look for my friend out in Tennessee..and or also scan the shortwave bands for news and information not covered here by the stateside MSM.

    I listened to shortwave for years before I got my ham ticket and never quite gave up the hobby.
    I do the same from time to time on my HF rigs at home...copy the shortwave bands....and foreign stations when the transmit in English.

    I keep my Tecsun 660 shortwave set with me at work and also spare batteries. I have another right here next to the computer desk.


  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    I'm thinking down the road to getting one of those Yaesu FT 857 d rigs...

    I was quite surprised as I have the FT 100 d in my truck. I did not think they could make an HF/VHF/UHF rig smaller then the FT 100 and by golly they did just that.

    It is not a priority but am looking in this direction. Other items by which to take care of them before another HF/VHF/UHF rig.


  10. #20
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    I don't remember if I put this tidbit in on my previous posts on this topic.

    All my HF radios are modified to transmit in particular on the CB bands. I do not spend a lot of time there but occasionally stop by to speak to people I still know.

    In fact my HF radios will transmit from the AM Broadcasting bands to the 400 MHZ bands pretty much straight through.

    It was my desire to have this feature particularly in case SHTF...and not be limited.

    I am careful about where I transmit..and do not go about trying to foment chaos or become two legged wildlife as I have heard too much of this on the CB bands and sometimes on the ham bands.

    This is one of the reasons my friend out in Tennessee and I have gotten our extra class license to get away from what I sometimes call."Two legged wildlife."

    We had enough of it on the CB bands and don't care for it on any band...period.

    Extra class privileges gives us quiet room down at the end of each band.

    Nonetheless My HF rigs have been so modified.

    I have decided for the time being ...against getting a FT 857 as they do not modify in this ability to open the transmit bands as do previous models of HF radios.

    When I got my FT 100D I particularly had this mod done to it.




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