Quote Originally Posted by realist View Post
Just read and article about ATIFA “brawling” with white supremacist. Ok so ignore ignore who they are. Group A invites someone over and group B doesn’t like it. Group B makes threats and Group A requests Police assistance. When the friend arrives group B throws things at the friend and several of Group B are arrested. So what do we do??? We investigate the police conduct. We truly are living in a screwed up society.

Notice if I invite someone over you don’t like toooooo baaaaad A big FO to you. Leave me and my friends alone. Remember if you start it I WILL END IT!!!

the only ANTIFA activity I'm aware of was in Portland - and they attacked a permitted Prayer March >>>> hardly a white "supremacist" event - but - the Proud Boys aren't just laying back and allowing the Black Shirts forces to attack at will ....