It means a lot of Obama-era legislating from the High Court may end up getting overturned, and those worthies getting put on notice that theirs is INTERPRET law, not MAKE it. AND that the next wave of Justices will actually have been JUDGES before, and will be selected for their ability to stick to the Constitution, instead of EEOC quota points.

Some of the other nets I frequent make mention that the former tiebreaker, O'Connor, was conservative pragmatically... "pragmatic" being when manila envelopes were either tardy or inadequately filled. And that Chief Roberts likely has a dead-man's letter explaining his conduct under Obamacare... probably HE received a envelope... of 9x12s of his family and a nice note along the lines of "Be a shame if something happened to them. Back Obamacare."

I would not, will not, and do not feel like relaxing. When some of the friction that bho supported gets quenched to where it can't light a firestorm that would lead to the events we prep for, THEN I will relax a little. Not before. Regaining a legitimate High Court is a start. (A mandatory retirement age of 80 would be a help too; the Founders trusted THEIR Justices to know to retire. Then, too, 80 to them, then, would have been like 100 is now)