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Thread: 10 Cops shot 3 dead in Dallas protest

  1. #1
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    10 Cops shot 3 dead in Dallas protest

    What a mess. Lots of chaos after the shooting. Two snipers open fire after calling in a bomb threat. Three of the officers are in critical condition. The news showed photos of one of the suspects photographed on social media just walking through the crowd and NO ONE said shit.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  2. #2
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by realist View Post
    What a mess. Lots of chaos after the shooting. Two snipers open fire after calling in a bomb threat. Three of the officers are in critical condition. The news showed photos of one of the suspects photographed on social media just walking through the crowd and NO ONE said shit.
    The guy in the crowd was/is an open Carry protester. He has turned himself in, which is a really good idea when swat is probably on the way to your house. I mean, he did have an AR in the middle of a protest that went off the rails, so yay police for putting up the photo so fast. They probably saved that dude's life from a early morning swat execution. You can bet PD is taking the gloves off tonite. Here's something from a friend of a friend who lives down there. Sounds like an AK to me, can't tell if the second long gun is return fire or shooter #2.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  3. #3
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Terrible tragedy. In the wake of this, the gun control crowd will be going into overdrive. Their political agenda will over ride everything. They never go after the cause of these shootings. I have yet to see a weapon load itself, leave the house and determine it will shoot and kill someone on its own.
    Now 5 officers killed, one dirt bag offed himself. Prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery for the officers and their families.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  4. #4
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    Terrible tragedy. In the wake of this, the gun control crowd will be going into overdrive. Their political agenda will over ride everything. They never go after the cause of these shootings. I have yet to see a weapon load itself, leave the house and determine it will shoot and kill someone on its own.
    Now 5 officers killed, one dirt bag offed himself. Prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery for the officers and their families.
    The one that is dead was blown up by the bomb squad when they detonated his IED.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I'm about over this bullshit. It's a steady's been building and they are just getting more fuel for their agenda. "They" have been dividing this country more and more. They hit the gun laws and it will go deeper, that will invoke another situation. Those in noncompliance, those not willing to enforce it, and those not willing enforce, it will be enforced by another alphabet soup agency.
    Don't be surprised if it's not the LEOs knocking on your doors coming for your tools.....................

    This monkey won't leave "OUR WHITE HOUSE" without a major impact that we as a nation will ALL suffer. One way or another he will fulfill his agenda.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Do you have a robot?
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    BR here is what one police writer thinks about the "Commander in Chief".

    AK I am reading it differently about the IED it sounds like they killed him with a device the robot brought to him. It will be interesting to see how this part was worked out.

    i don't know about the open carry people since I have not been around them. We had it in our state up until a bunch of them wanted to make a point and then they got hammered by the press and then our elected officials changed the law. Common sense says you don't bring a rifle to a protect. The thing I thought interesting is nobody seemed to care until after the shootings. It is kinda like everyone is carrying a gun and it is just a normal event which I think is nice. The guy was smart though to turn himself in asap. Btw there was several attorneies who said it was irresponsible to put his face on social media. Well he turned himself in right away allowing the police to eliminate him as a suspect and move on to more important things.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  7. #7
    CC Gray Panther
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    I once said on here that in a tactical situation one most attack from many fronts. In this way the enemy will have to separate it's main force to cover a wider area.
    The government's tactic is much the same. Induce fear of other people because of religion ; skin color ; sexual preference ; evil guns and so on. Now I'm far from being a bright light bulb in this colony but it stands to reason in my mind that the sum total of all the different things going on is in fact diversions so as to confuse the populace.

    Once they believe that they have all their I's dotted and T's crossed they'll go for coupe de gras. This is but another link in the maneuver to tighten up the loose ends so that they can unleash their cannon fodder groups on the populace . Intending to create enough havoc ; violence ; death that even though the cannon fodder bodies pile up they will still willing call for military help ; marshal law or whatever else the government thinks is needed.
    While still pledging allegiance to their masters and slipping on their slave chains willing.

    We on the other hand know of such tactics and must now more than ever keep our heads on a swivel and trust our 6th. sense for it's the only one that shall save some of us. Granted there are many more of us out there and hopefully they see the movements being made against them . I have no dreams of being a Rambo just like I believe my fellow ants also believe. It's matter of survival and hopefully grouping up where possible in order to bring all the ants minds under one tent in different safe areas if possible.
    This will be a dangerous aspect of uniting for all who can relocate will have a very dangerous road to travel in order to reach an ant compound. For those of who can't it'll be bringing back to the fore front old lessons learned combined with any new tactics one has learned.

    If one can cause the other side to play the Rambo part then the other side can be the shadows they don't see until it's too late. A tricky game indeed but one that must be played. don't get me wrong ; they'll have their own shadows. But in the end we all must become shadows as best we can.

    For as River Rat stated and I concur. He wants his agenda fulfilled as much as possible before he leaves the white house if not completely. Clinton will try to finish his work if she's elected. If it looks like she won't win in November look for all hell to break loose even if they have to either take her or Trump out of the race in order to fulfill their mission. But then again they can use the conventions also. I'm 52 miles south of Cleveland so I consider myself at ground zero come that time. I have no one near me so I'll basically be working with a few but loyal people to keep our heads above water until there's no other choice. My only mission is to make sure my wife and daughter are in a safe place if possible and if I make it too ; fine. if not at least they'll be good.

    Just my 2 cents

  8. #8
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Start looking for:

    1) Contract operators conducting actions to enhance chaos
    2) Martial law
    3) More LEO killed in the future
    4) The venom to spread to other cities
    5) The P0TUS to be disgusted by US LEO saying its raciest

    This will create more division than unity and oddly the timing is awesome with the political climate. Weird timing? I dont think so, its all by design.

    This will help shift attention from the Hitlary debacle and almost assure her election, which is already rigged.

    So, my prediction for the future:

    1) More gun control, and massive push to ban over 10 mags and all ARs.
    2) Ammo will start to be controlled like guns
    3) The advance of the police state by martial law, were we all know that the Constitution is suspended
    4) More police will die as the chaos spreads
    5) Hitlary will become president
    6) Hitlary will never have formal charges pressed and never be found guilty of anything
    7) The economy is already in diar straights, we will end up blaming Britian's exit from the EU for our own trouble
    8) Availability of firearms with become more scarce and the prices will be prohibitive
    9) ISIS will flourish during this confusion
    10) The "ultimate goal" of NWO may start to become more clear to the enlightened
    11) White people will be assaulted in the name of $LM
    12) Flash mobs will target places where people gather, innocent people will die

    There are more in my crystal ball but its all doom & gloom. I know my taxes will skyrocket and my health insurance premiums will go up as it will slide in like a thief in the night with all this diversion is going on, which IMHO is all planned. Right now, of the money I make.. 50% is lost to taxes and health care. Wage slaves I think is what they call it, its the plan folks and it continues to form up year after year.

    Let us not forget what 9-11 brought us... NDAA and the Patriot Act plus NSA got ramped up. What will the current planned chaos bring us?

    Remember, the public's actions are greatly steered by the media's projections- Derps that cannot and will not think for them selves will stand beside whatever is said on the idiot box, not realizing that the g0v engages in theatrics the spawn a desired outcome.

    I feel like I need to check myself into a center of some kind to seek help, or be on some kind of meds. This is the ramblings and thoughts of what I previously would have aligned with some "whack job nut case" folks. If none of my predictions come true, I will volunteer my commitment to a facility. ;-)

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  9. #9
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Sadly, prediction #4 has come true:

    And will likely continue to spread across Murica.
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  10. #10
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
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    Even though it was *NOT* an AR, we will still hear the letters AR used forever forward, as it fits better into the gun control mantra.

    Arguments will arise "Well, if an old SKS can be used for this act of terror, then we need to include ALL guns of like type design including the AR in the forth coming ban"

    I typed a bunch of other stuff and realized, its fruitless. Were pretty much all thinking along the same lines, we need to focus on the threat before us and how to best prepare of the fallout/backlash.

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"



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