First casualties of the garden are the onions and carrots .DH is really disappointed in the seed tapes as very few of them sprouted.Not sure he's going to try to replant the two boxes,durn it. The other plants are really coming along, tomatoes are thriving and so are our green beans,peppers and the peas. Looking like we might have a bumper crop of them this year.We're going to trellis the squash this year. We moved them to a different box and (knock wood) what ever critter was gnawing on the root systems and the unripe squash last year won't find them.We have two boxes on the ground but everything else is in planter boxes 3ft above the ground.We do grub control but I think last year the stuff the guys used either didn't get put down in time or washed away in the rains we had.It wasn't really effective.I hope this year we will be getting apples, last year the rain washed the stuff off the trees (and ground). Unfortunately we couldn't respray as the buds were out, so most of the apples didn't make it. My across the street neighbor's daughter gave(dumped) her chickens to mom and dad when she and fam had to move down south as her hubs is in the service. Jokingly I said we'd trade them apples for eggs. He came over and we got gifted about a half dozen FRESH eggs the other day. PRAY no one rats them out, not supposed to have "farm" animals here. DH and I were talking the other day, told DH he better not rat them out. Neighbor isn't too happy but his wife wants to keep them. So here's hoping we can continue to get fresh eggs, rather than having to buy them. They are one of the few neighbors we know here and they have been wonderful.She also does a garden and NOW that I have my American pressure canner, I'm going to invite her over and these two city gals are going to learn how to pressure can properly. We both only have done water bath canning.Just hope I have enough jars and lids.