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Thread: agenda 21

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    agenda 21

    http:// http://www.thecommonsensesho...areas-ghettos/

    I ran across this today and felt it worth posting. There isn't much way to verify it, but with all the stuff going on and seemingly something new to distract us every week or two, it does set off some alarm bells in my head.

    Some other threads recently have been discussing some of the same things. What do you think?

  2. #2
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Link doesn't work.

    But, I know some about agenda 21. There are those working to make it a reality, that is certain.
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  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Link is now dead. That didn't last long.

    Agenda 21 is getting implemented in lots of places. Nothing good about it that I can see.

  4. #4
    For the Love of Cats

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    This is the first I've heard of it. Wiki didn't do much to explain it. Can someone offer a nutshell version, and thoughts on why it is so bad for developed countries?
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  5. #5
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Well, if you really want the scoop, just go to the UN website and ask, they will be more than happy to tell you. They believe their goals will be realized no matter what, and are quite arrogant. They are not afraid to tell you their plans.

    However, I will do what I can. It's hard to put in a nutshell, as it is all-encompassing. Agenda 21 is a UN plan for the running of the entire world by the UN. It dictates all aspects of how this will work. All nations have given over sovereignty to the UN, and dismantled their militaries, with the exception of a small force which is assigned to the UN as part of the worldwide "peacekeeping" force. All citizens (read subjects) of all nations are disarmed, and even arms possessed by and for LE is fully dictated. The idea is that no nation possesses the arms with which to repel the UN's peacekeeping force should it be sent in to quell any uprising or general upheaval. Rural populations are all relocated to more central urban areas for better control. The countryside is fully returned to nature, with only sufficient roadways to facilitate trade and military movement between the urban centers. No humans are allowed outside the urban centers. No travel is allowed between urban centers without express permission. Children are all taught in state run schools, and are tested when very young. Their teaching is then catered to how they test, so they are really brought up to be whatever the state has decided they will be best at. Families are fully planned and controlled. No one works for pay, all work and are given what the state deems that they need, in living quarters, food, water, electricity, etc. All people travel by foot, bicycle, or public transportation. The media is fully state controlled, as is industry. All health care is state run. It is all for the "good of the many", so "everyone is equal".

    Think Socialism taken all the way it can go, worldwide.

    Clearly, all the peoples of the world will live in abject poverty, while the elite than run it live in opulence. This is the goal, power and wealth. Nothing fancy, just plain old greed. This is why the League of Nations, the forerunner to the United Nations, was formed. The top 1% of the top 1% have been at this end goal for many decades now.

    Obviously, there are some "catches". For instance, there are too many people on the planet to sustain with this type of system. About 5 million people needed to be eliminated as of when I looked into this, which was back in the 90s. Another problem was the US, at that time the country with the richest standard of living on the planet. In order to achieve this goal, all nations need to be on equal footing in many ways, one of which is the standard of living. Therefore, either the rest of the world needed its standard of living raised to ours, or we need ours lowered to theirs. Since this is based on greed, you don't think the rest of the world will get a higher standard of living, do you? So, there is a plan to reduce the US to the status of a Third World nation.
    Now, 20yrs later, it can clearly be seen to be working. While it doesn't look like we are there, I'm sure most here know how easy it would be to topple our economy and render us there now.
    Another problem is that the US is the most heavily armed nation, civilian-wise. They are still working on that one, and while they haven't disarmed us, they have pretty much worked out how to bypass our armaments.

    Glenn Beck wrote a book entitled "Agenda 21". I turned around in a store one day a couple years ago to see my wife holding a copy, it was the first I had heard of it. Seeing it boldly printed on a book cover gave me a bit of a shiver. I told her there was indeed a real thing by that name, and read the inside covers. It looked pretty close. She bought and read it, and one evening I told her pretty much what I outlined above, and she said the book pretty well followed that. I haven't read it myself. She said it painted a pretty dismal life, it apparently is about a young girl who is about to reach the age where her husband is going to be chosen for her, as is her career in life. It is not what she wants for herself, of course.

    Sounds right.
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  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Fixer, your descripy I on was much better than any I could have given. I totally agree with your assessment, with one caveat. Instead of there being 5 million too many people, the number is actually 5 billion too many.
    Two names everyone will recognize that are pushing this heavily is prince's Charles and Phillip of England. There are many more around the world including bill Gates, Warren buffet, and George soros.
    There is nothing good for the average person.

  7. #7
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Hell guys ; We can't live forever!!
    Lets see if we can't MUCK it up for them before we check out.

  8. #8
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    Fixer, your descripy I on was much better than any I could have given. I totally agree with your assessment, with one caveat. Instead of there being 5 million too many people, the number is actually 5 billion too many.
    Two names everyone will recognize that are pushing this heavily is prince's Charles and Phillip of England. There are many more around the world including bill Gates, Warren buffet, and George soros.
    There is nothing good for the average person.
    Yeah, I always keep getting the million vs billion off, but then, it was almost 20yrs ago I was looking into this.
    Don't forget the Rockefellers, Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds comes to mind. There are others. Check out the membership roster for the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. A lot of those are deeply involved.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  9. #9
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Hell guys ; We can't live forever!!
    Lets see if we can't MUCK it up for them before we check out.
    I plan on doing my best.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  10. #10
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    agenda 21

    I always love how these intellectuals want to reorder society. They ALWAYS assume that they will not be part of the 5 billion reduction! My daughter who goes to a private University, got into it with a classmate over "social justice" and that " rich people shouldn't be greedy by saving their money." When my daughter told this kid that the kids parents were part of "those rich people" she told my daughter she was wrong. That the President wasn't talking about her family as "rich." Her Dad is an Exec at Exxon and I know roughly what he makes. All I can say is Nancy, Barrak ad company have one of the best snow blowers in the world.



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