Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
I have settled on the Honda EU3000. I did take a long look at the Yamaha. Indeed the Yamaha has slightly more power than the Honda but I can not get it at a price close enough to make it my number 1 choice.

I was actually set to pick up the Honda a few weeks ago when the wife's car took a dump with the transmission. Damn Chevy 6 speed automatic really screwed our plans on the genny. Hell, it took all my genny $$$ plus!

I hope to be able to save some more in the next month and a half and be able to pick it up by the end of October. While I have worked my rear off to pay off credit cards, I have even considered power an important enough prep to think about putting it on the card and paying it off in a few months. Trying to be strong and hoping S doesn't HTF before Nov. 2!
Give us figures, man. If I have something to send, say the word.