Funny you should ask that dome. I was at the grocery store this afternoon and got into a small quiet discussion with a couple of ladies in my line while we waited till the tech got the machine running again. According to the cashier the systems been going crazy all morning, I wonder why. The lady in front of me asked Is it my imagination but are the majority of us standing in line our age or older. I would say about 80-85% of the people in the store were my age(63) or older and most of them had water, beans, rice, canned meats and veggies in their carts. Granted the store is doing a two day sale but most of what we all had wasn't in the "special " sale The one lady says her DH says it's like two school yard bullies daring and double daring each other to prove dominance and that it will spiral out of control. I should have gone earlier today because what little dried beans, rice and water the store stocks now a days was gone. I asked the ladies if they thought something will happen and is that why they are "stocking" up. Both the ladies said yes. The one said guess it's because we're children of Depression babies and we were taught to have stuff on hand in case of emergencies as to why they were stocking up. She and her sister (the lady in front of me) laughed and said that they thought they were done canning till the fall produce comes in but they and the daughters and DILs were going to can all the meat and produce they had in their carts this week end just to be sure they had enough on hand for the family. All and all I think a lot of people our age are afraid there is going to be something happening in the next few months. The millennial's are all too busy with their electronic gadgets and I phones to worry about it. I'm praying that NOTHING happens and I continue to get the place ready as best I can.