I'm several hrs away, and didn't go anywhere near there.
But, from what I've seen, it was getting violent well before start time, and only got worse.
So, they made the unlawful assembly call, and police a guard units went in to disperse them.
After that, on a street not far off, a car plowed into protesters. I've seen several conflicting reports, the car hit them, backed up and hit them again, as many as three cars involved. But, 1 dead and as many as 9 injured, one car for sure with driver in custody.
Still plenty crowded at that point.
Pretty much as said, ran off the whites, left antifa and blm behind.
To gloat, I'm sure.
Sometime in there, a va state police helicopter which was monitoring action from overhead crashed, killing two.
Only heard of one arrest.

This really was a bad deal. Except that the liberals will likely claim a victory, and roll on even harder. While the removal of historical monuments is wrong, and being done for the wrong reasons, the extreme right, white supremacists, merely white haters, do not represent the cause any more than antifa, or blm, represent their cause.
Basically, a complete and total clusterf#*k.
With the death of two troopers, and perhaps an innocent civilian.

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