Having lived in the northern states all my life, I agree with what has been said so far. here are a few more tips. Get some pipe insulation and place it on pipes near exterior walls. It is well worth the minimal cost. If you are really worried about the pipes freezing purchase a heating cord and wrap the pipe with it. Check for drafts, cold air entering the house freeze pipes and run up heating bills. Now is the time to get your heating system serviced, change filters if using gas, and have the burner cleaned and serviced if using oil heat. If you have a fireplace, get the chimney cleaned and checked.
Most of the energy companies offer free home energy, heat and draft audits. Use the system and plan early. If you are using auxiliary heat, such as propane, or kerosene heaters, invest in a good carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide kills silently. be sure any aux heater has a tip over kill switch. If you use electric heaters, don't use extension cords, as they are prone to overheat and cause fires. Above all else use common sense. If what you are planning to do seems questionable, don't do it until you get professional advice.