NK: Not only did China tell Bad Haircut that if he fired first, they would NOT back his play, but they have slapped an embargo on NK coal, iron, and lead.That's about a fifth of NK's GDP. So not only did he fold, he lost some of his side pot, to extend the metaphor.

Iran...Not enough data... but their constant claim of peaceful nuclear energy use is way well worn out. If they have a nuke they damn sure are gonna keep it secret, 'cause Israel will not tolerate them having it. I am surprised to this day that they haven't taken the Iran facilities to the Opera.

Venezuela...Keep their plague from migrating out from there, and let it burn itself out. Sounds cold, but what else is there to do? Cuba won't touch em, China won't touch em, and last I heard the border countries have closed their frontiers.

Chief, "excitement" is all very well... if I could get ninety days of 'boredom' upcoming, I'd be one each happy camper.