Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
How many people think "Oh, that could never happen here in the USA?"

Just think about how we tend to be divided today along political lines...religious lines...racial lines...ethnic lines...other types of division. Now I am not saying we are all prejudiced or ready to kill those with whom we do not agree. There are, however, many people who do feel that way now. Yes, they are probably a small minority. Through in some sort of trigger like a major natural disaster and Uncle Sam and FEMA not getting here quickly enough and within days we could descend into that same sort of hell.

''it'll never happen here'' - almost a freaking mantra from the semi-sheeple Millennials - 9/11??? - 1968 Riots?? - Vietnam?? - 1993 Central LA Riots?? - hell, the 2008 economic drop isn't even there for them .... their idea a racial riot is the overnite burning in Ferguson or the few after school hours riot of Baltimore ..... if they accept the idea of warfare in the US at all - it's some absurd notion that Little Fat Boy will somehow attack Duluth or Phoenix .... even with the current explosion of the bad flu - a pandemic is idiotic survivalist talk ....