Folks I hope this is the correct area for this post.
I'm not sure how many of you all participate in farming/gardening type endeavors. I grew up farming with my step dad and both sets of grandparents. Some things from that has stuck with me to this day. We did almost all our own work to keep everything running/operating smoothly. This ran the range from our tractors, mowers, haybalers, building our own sheds, barns, fences, maintaining our houses, plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc. I feel like this gave me a good background on being a hands on type person. This has led to me being able to make a living as a mechanical and electonics maintenace tech/engineer.
One of the things that has stuck with me (and haunts me still) I'm a tool whore. I collect everything from auto mechanics tools to construction, to woodworking, to farm tools. Here lately I have started trying to locate hand tools of any type. This has been srprisingly difficult to do. I have found a couple different hand drills with bits, and a couple of hoes for the garden. I feel like if we are ever hit by a EMP, CME, Nuc, or just flat overlaod the electrical grid to the point we have to revert back to a late 1800's lifestyle, having hand tools on hand will make the transition much easier.
I have also carried that over into larger machinery. I have picked up a old McCormick #5 hay mowing machine that is fully functional. It has been changed over to be able to be used behind a tractor. I would like to get a set up to making it horse drawn again. I also was able to get my grandda's horse drawn hay dump hay rake. I used it with him when I was growing up.
Another thing that I am starting to look at seriously is getting back ups for my heavy use tools. After all two is one, one is none. I'm looking to get several shovels, rakes, hoes, axes, chainsaws w/spares, wedges for wood splitting, mauls, wood saws, hammers of many types, mattox, pitch forks, etc. Also to get sharpening equipment.
What is everyone else working on from this stand point.