I got the bright idea in early 2010 to start working out and get in better physical shape. I figured getting winded walking to the mailbox wouldn't cut it if I was in a bad situation.

I started by doing pushups, crunches, curls, etc. Over time I got to where I could do a fair amount but it got boring. I stuck with it a lot longer than I thought I would, however.

I also started cutting back on what I was eating. I made zero effort to eat more healthy, I just cut back on the volume. The weight came off.

Like many people I got out of the rhythm over the holidays. Combined with the hectic nature of moving I really got out of the habit. So when I got down here I joined a gym to force myself to go. For now, it seems to be working.

My routine is nothing fancy. I do 3 or 4 machines, all focused on the upper body. Then I do 30 minutes of the stationary bike, typically at level 9 or 10.

I've been doing it for three weeks and the results are clearly noticeable, both in good an bad ways. Good in that my upper body is starting to look defined and gut is starting to disappear. Bad in that I must have tweaked something in my foot because suddenly I can't put any weight on my left foot/arch. Getting older sucks.

In any event, do you have a work out plan? Are you hardcore or just tinker with it? Are you happy with your physical fitness?