First off a little background. I live in the middle of the ouachita national forest. Firewood is available in great supply here. I won't get into my thoughts on the federal government owning land outside of DC but the short of it is this. You can buy a firewood permit to cut dead and down timber off the government for something like $25 for 10 cord of wood. Far cheaper than buying natural gas or propane to heat with.

I know these restrictions have been out and discussed for several months now but I didn't see any discussion on it here. If I missed a thread touching on this feel free to delete this thread or merge it in.

Now the all powerful EPA is changing the guidelines on what wood heaters can be purchased and used in the name of "air pollution". First off, those burning wood for heat are not the ones polluting the air. But burning wood does give you a little independence from big business selling other forms of heating fuel.

If any of you are planning on buying a new wood heater it might be wise to do it fairly quickly.

How does this effect your prepping plans? I am assuming most all of us plan to use wood to heat and cook in a grid down situation.