So right after the POS has his speech I see the ticker on FOX running this thing a bout a solar flare that's supposed to hit the earth tomorrow. REALLLY? Are you kidding me? So we look it up, yeah they're talking about it, one hit today. Screwed up HF for about an hour. So you can't put anything on the internet unless it's true right? But tomorrow? Common man, they're predicting it to be pretty bad not knowing what side of the planet it's going to hit so gee what better time to do your dirty work right. So either this is propaganda dirty work or the Lord has decided to rain a little fire and brimstone. Either way I hope I'm wrong. If it goes to shit and whoever gets to read this before it happens. Hope you got your shit in one sock and we'll see you on the other side. If not, it's a dead issue, good luck.
Peace, love and no underwear..................Be safe.

I really do hope it's a nice day tomorrow.