I ran the dozer Friday afternoon....i "tore up" the road heading down to the creek. With a bit of back and forth, forward and reverse, scrape a little this way and that I soon got the hang of it. Hey, I'm no "Eagle" here ya know. I got pretty much what I needed done up on the top and then headed for the creek..........There's a big rock bar formed in the creek causing erosion towards our property so into the water I went. He, he, he....no more rock bar, creek is nice and level and we can now cross the creek with the 4-wheelers and harass the hunters! Just in time to set up the steel plates across the holler, stinga-dinga-ding! So I should have the long range/gun range set up soon to test out the AR-10 and see how it performs after all that braggin I was doing before

Overall the dozer performed great, I'm happy, I went down there this morning on the 4-wheeler and it looks like I need to do a bit more work on the road. Different perspective from that height. Oh, well, more practice........