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Thread: Vegas Massacre

  1. #11
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm back and don't really have much to say, except you guys are all right on all accounts.

    But then there's ......LadyHK was insistent on me listening to the recorded "gunfire" saying it was full auto. (had to wait till we got home, about 1830)When I first heard it in the morning I said it sounded like a binary trigger or bump fire but was leaning with the binary because of how fast it was. And that I would have to hear it again, well she heard it more times than I did and she said it was full auto, So that's how my day went all the way to the VA and all the way back........I still like my binary trigger theory after hearing it again. But the real answers will come out later when and if they give a list of his inventory. Either way the SOB's dead, no tax payer money will be wasted on courts and injustice.

    Don't forget to take time to think about the dead and wounded. These were innocents, these were Americans.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #12
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Still catching up on all of this. This man planned this out well before hand. He wanted as many dead before he followed through with taking his own life. It seems that large crowds of conservatives is now going to be target of choice. Just my 2 cents.
    Just hope that this doesn't lead to tit for tat. Seems we're on the cusp of enough is enough. Stand ready for any new twist. My senses tell me the frog is getting hot in that boiling water.
    Hey, take it easy on the "Frog" references your gettin a little personal. I like my fins just fine.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #13
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Hey, take it easy on the "Frog" references your gettin a little personal. I like my fins just fine.
    Body by Fischer, Bronzed by the Gods! Or 170lbs of raw Tiger meat wrapped around a titanium frame..........well I still got most of what that used to be anyway, he, he.

    Sorry chief. Just thought of your post above and figured your fins were good to go.

  4. #14
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Hey, take it easy on the "Frog" references your gettin a little personal. I like my fins just fine.
    I think he is referring to the "boiling a frog" metaphor.

    "If you put a frog in boiling hot water, he will jump right out. But if you put him in calm, cool water and gradually turn up the heat the frog will not realize what is happening and by the time the water is boiling, it is to late for the frog to react."

    This being the general description on how those scoundrels that presume to pronounce on us all this gibberish have been getting away with it...a little at a time, here and there.

  5. #15
    Bacon saver

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    "Wrong" the Frog does realize what is happening but because we have such high tolerances for pain we just don't give a fuck because the mission comes 1st. Concealment! ........even if it kills us. So endeth the lesson.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #16
    Bacon saver

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    Anyway I expect the bump stocks, slide-fires and shit don't mention binary they haven't got that far yet. To go off the shelves, prices raised, etc. So the gun parts manu. guys get more sales, the politicians got a new dead body to trample on for gun bills. We don't need them banning shit again they've already banned sinkers so ya can't fish in california. Enforce the laws on to books for once.

    Oh, and don't forget to buy your toys NOW cause Hanukkah and Christmas is right around the corner! And it sounds like they're gonna raid the North Pole!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #17
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    "Wrong" the Frog does realize what is happening but because we have such high tolerances for pain we just don't give a fuck because the mission comes 1st. Concealment! ........even if it kills us. So endeth the lesson.
    True Dat.
    Both the 82nd. & 101st. Airborne taught me that you hold the line until victory or death. And if we were to die holding the line that we were to go out fighting because more of my brothers were on the way. And they have a bad attitude and are about to open a unrelenting can of Whoop Ass on those who sent us to Valhalla.

    Damn!!!; Nothing like going out as a corpse covered in brass.

  8. #18
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    So many of the KIA in Vegas came from SoCal. I think it was 19 were from the LA area alone. Every time I have been in a group of people someone either has a family member or is friends with some who was wounded or killed. One close friend's daughter was at the concert and she had not contacted home for over 12 hours. Her phone got lost at the concert. I suppose the kid had never heard of borrowing a phone or a pay phone?

    Of course all the various conspiracy theories are making the rounds now. That POS had certainly planned his attack.

  9. #19
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Just talked to my SIL in Vegas, family is all okay. However, SIL told me the woman and her daughter that had been saved by the gentleman that covered them with his body is my nephew's fiancee's Aunt and Cousin. Aunt caught shrapnel in her face from the bullets but is doing well after surgery and her cousin was not hurt physically, emotions obviously are all over the place right now. The gentleman's son was on the local news and the "Today" ? show talking about his dad and what he did. One of my nieces in AK has customers that had family there at the time. Their members are still in LV being interviewed by the LEO's . I caught a snippet of a news item that the jerk tried to shoot out gas storage tanks to blow them up but haven't seen anything else yet. Has anyone heard that?

  10. #20
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    A few rounds hit the jet fuel storage tanks near the venue. It is anyone's guess whether it was intentional or not. I would posit, that if he intended to set them ablaze, he would have concentrated more fire at them. This POS planned his attack well. High ground, open field of fire, and a rudimentary alarm system to warn him of detection.
    His gf knows a lot more then she has told the FBI, but she has a good lawyer. It is what she hasn't said that holds the key to what happened. This guy is pretty much a blank sheet of paper. Eventually, someone will let something slip. There is much more here then meets the eye.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.



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