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Survival Goddess
12-20-2011, 06:50 PM
Food prices have skyrocketed since 2010 and now as we near the end of 2011 from January 2010 to December 2011 the price of eggs rose a total 24.8%, milk 12.2%, Beef 14.6%, Vegetables 14.9%, Fruits 16.9%, and grains are at 13.8% but are expected to skyrocket in 2012 due to the many droughts of 2011 and the increased consumption by foreign countries along with the demands of bio fuels.

Only 2% of the United States population produce food.

From my perspective in 2010 to now the price difference in some of the things I buy..

2010 Now

Totinos Pizza $.98 $1.59

1 gal of 2% Milk $1.29 $2.89

Bread $.99 $1.89

Eggs $.99 $1.89

Beef Roast $9.90 $14.69

I have like most of you had to make that dollar stretch farther than I ever have. I find myself shopping at the Dollar Store more, use more coupons, and really search for deals. When you factor in the price of fuel it may seem like a losing battle. Here are some of the things I am doing to help with these prices and also try to prep.

The store that I do much of my grocery shopping at offers customer rewards each week, like 1 free item (this week it was a free box of pasta) They also award points for every dollar you spend and you can use these points to trade in for free groceries. They always have the buy 1 get 1 free and lately they have been offering soups, box dinners, and meat buy 5 get 5 free (this really helps on the prepping) They have their own gas station and when you spend so many dollars on groceries you get a discount on gas. (usually between 3 and 5 cents per gallon)

Make A Grocery List

I am a compulsive list maker and I always go to the store with a list and very seldom do I buy extra. By making a list and sticking to it you will find that you can keep your spending in check. Most grocery stores send out a weekly deal flyer, you can make your list and coupons accordingly. Also if possible try not to take your children shopping with you because as you mothers know your kids are victims of the advertising world and want what they see on TV so you will tend to spend more if you have them along.

20% For Prepping

Because I am single I spend $100 every two weeks for groceries and 20% ($20.00) of that goes toward prepping. Now mind you I will make a pot of chili (or large batch of something) that will feed me all week plus freeze a few containers.

Pack A Lunch

It amazes me how many people I know that will eat fast food or run to the corner convenience store and buy their lunch? $5 to $10 a day adds up! I have always packed my lunch just to save that money and also I like my stuff better than some heart attack in a sack.

Let me know how you save on the price of food and prepping@

Survival Goddess (http://survivalgoddess.blogspot.com/)

Be prepared, not sorry

The Stig
12-20-2011, 06:53 PM
Thread moved to the correct forum.

Folks, please take a stab at putting these in the correct forum. A thread with food in the title more than likely should start life in the food sub-forum.

12-20-2011, 10:00 PM
From my perspective in 2010 to now the price difference in some of the things I buy..

I wish I had your problems... responses in red
2010 Now I Pay

Totinos Pizza $.98 $1.59 $2.79
1 gal of 2% Milk $1.29 $2.89 $4.99+
Bread $.99 $1.89 $3.29
Eggs $.99 $1.89 $3.79
Beef Roast $9.90 $14.69 I eat deer

what pisses me off the most is the healthy things like veggies an fruit, produce, and meat go up and up, rarely on sale... yet walk past the junk food aisles, and all the crap is stupid cheap.

12-20-2011, 11:14 PM
We shop sales, coupon, and try to stretch our dollars till they pop. A big thing we try to do is grow as many veggies as we can. We are also working on getting fruits out and growing. Plus thru the growing season we hit as many farmers markets and farm sales as we can looking for deals on stuff we can, dry, and freeze.
We got chickens back in the spring and are starting to get some eggs. Soon we will be putting some chicken in the freezer. I'm hoping to raise some young in the spring to increase flock size.
We also got a steer from a local farmer (thanks Izzy) for the freezer.
It's a pain to have to grow thru all this to save $ but it's worth it, plus we know pretty much what all we are eating.

12-21-2011, 02:55 PM
So much of what I usually buy has risen 50% or more. It would take me all day to list them. Orange juice and milk are up about 100% this year. I used to buy almost everything organic, and now I have cut back to just apples, grapes, and carrots. I am trying to plant the most expensive fruits and veggies, but it seems like I should just go ahead and plant everything at this point. Gardens are not really allowed in our subdivision, so I keep mine kind of small and then plant things like pansies, rose bushes, and blueberries in our front yard for "foliage". I have a few cherry saplings but I don't think they will survive the winter, which is a shame because they survived our stupid dog that has already dug up 4 apple trees and 2 cherry, and an Asian beetle infestation. We will try again this spring. I plan on finally using the dehydrator this year. It has been sitting in a box for over a year, so I hope it even works. I also plan on figuring out how to use my pressure canner this year, too.

I am already used to pinching pennies hard enough to make Lincoln scream, so figuring deals out is pretty easy for me. I have been buying a lot of food from Amazon lately because they have been having great deals on breakfast foods, and I earn Amazon gift cards from doing surveys so the food is basically free. None of the stores here double coupons or anything. I have to go shopping on an empty stomach or else I will only buy things that are on sale. Too many times I have come home with $300 worth of food, but no meat for dinner because meat wasn't on sale. I make a weekly menu now and buy everything that I need even if it isn't on sale. It still saves me money because we don't eat out as much.

I save $50 a month on gas now that my daughter takes the bus to school. I have been driving her myself because the bus doesn't have seat belts and we have to cross one of the most dangerous streets in the county to get to her school. But it turns out that they make the bus go way out of its way to avoid crossing that intersection.

Survival Goddess
12-30-2011, 01:38 PM
As discussed in the first part of this series, food prices are on the rise and we need to make our food dollars stretch. We also need to be creative. I have 1 large room that is dedicated to my preps and I have to be creative on how I use that space. Currently I am installing more shelves along the walls and once that is completed in the center of the room my indoor aquaponics garden will be constructed.

I will construct a frame that will house two large totes on top and two on bottom and I will need two dual aerators. The bottom totes, 1 will contain spices (basil, thyme, etc) and 1 container of beans (Pinto and Great Northern). The two top totes will contain 1 of tomatoes and the other will be green and red peppers.

If you go on You Tube you can find many videos to create your aquaponics but I have include these 2 basic ones to give you an idea. To watch the videos go to
Survival Goddess (http://survivalgoddess.blogspot.com/)

Be prepared, not sorry

12-31-2011, 03:52 PM
In my opinion, rice is the best food to buy on a budget and get your stores going. You can get a 50lb bag at GFS for under $20.00. Put it in some empty 2 liter bottles and it's basically good until the plastic deteriates in like 10,000 years. It may not be appetizing, but it feeds 75% of the world on a daily basis. Other than that, I grab some dried beans, peanut butter, boullion cubes (for the rice), or whatever I walk past that is cheap in the store. I also grab salt whenever I can - it has to many uses not to have a large quantity at hand.

01-02-2012, 01:20 AM
We went just a bit further on the rice. Since rice is typically cooked by the cup, we put it in vacuum seal bags in cup amounts (1, 2, etc), and seal it up. The write on the package the month and yr, and the cup amount. We don't buy the bags, but the long tubes which you cut to length and mke your own bags from.
These packages are further put into 5gal buckets, for extra protection. Then you can open a specific, usable amount to prepare, without opening any more. They are also easy to pack and carry as homemade mres.
Cat litter buckets are great for this, as they are the food grade type plastic. They are usually square, so they stack tighter in the pantry than round buckets. You can get 48 packs of Ramen Noodles into one of these buckets, if you pack it right. Also will keep Ramen indefinitely this way. Just replaced some that was 3yrs old and ate what came out of the bucket, all fine. The flimsy packets it comes in is only good for about 6 months. Rice is only good for about 6 months also is not sealed up properly, such as the bag it comes in.
We take salt and sugar, remove it from the paper containers it comes in, and pour it into the plastic jugs that fruit juices come in, like the big gallon apple juice jugs with the handle at the top. Just wash it good, let it dry very thoroughly, and it's ready. Be sure to identify it somehow. We use 1 gallon jugs for sugar, and 1/2 gallon for salt, exclusively, therefore they are identifiable even when unmarked. IIRC, a gallon jug will hold about 8lbs of sugar. So far, I've just left the pepper, as it comes in metal cans.
If you really want salt, in large amounts, find a local pork packing plant, that does the old dry cure method, which is salt packing. I got a 50 or 60lb bag of salt for 20.00. Wish I'd known that before I had stocked it. It will be slightly larger grained than table salt, but not by much.

01-03-2012, 03:32 PM
The 4 of us go through so much in groceries it's not even funny. My wife and I can eat whatever, but due to their medical issues, the twins have to eat extremely healthy. We go through at least $75 bucks worth of fresh fruit and veggies a week just for the kids. I never knew toddlers could eat so many veggies. My wife and I don't partake in the fresh stuff simply because we can't afford to. Prices are astronomical.

I've got to get a garden started. If S ever HTF, please, someone show up here that can actually grow food.

01-05-2012, 03:50 PM
Twins??? I can't imagine having twins, just wait till they become teenagers. When my son comes home from college I have to just about double my food buying. He is into nutrition so it is no longer casseroles but chicken breasts and lots of veggies. I can't remember when I had a hamburger, it is better for us. That said I went to Cash and Carry a few days ago and was amazed at the price difference from grocery store. Their meats were substantially cheaper than Costco. You have to buy in quantity but then that is what we are talking about.

Sniper I am showing my ignorance, why are your prices so much higher??

01-05-2012, 04:03 PM
Because the Canadian People are Sheeple and The Gov't wont step in and stop gouging.

Figure this out...

We cut our trees, mill them into lumber, and sell it to the USA. The USA in turn sells it to you people.

The prices down there for our wood, is cheaper than we can buy it for. Enough so, that when I am building something, I drive 4 hours down into the States to buy all my lumber, that is stamped with a Maple leaf, and "Made in Canada" on it.


01-05-2012, 04:17 PM
I say that you buy a deuce and a half then do a Costco run down here. It would pay for itself.......

01-05-2012, 05:05 PM
Anytime I am down, I bring a truckload of whatever I need/want back. But when you're talking a 'truckload' that requires some saving up, so I only do that once or twice a year

01-06-2012, 03:52 AM
The 4 of us go through so much in groceries it's not even funny. My wife and I can eat whatever, but due to their medical issues, the twins have to eat extremely healthy. We go through at least $75 bucks worth of fresh fruit and veggies a week just for the kids. I never knew toddlers could eat so many veggies. My wife and I don't partake in the fresh stuff simply because we can't afford to. Prices are astronomical.

I've got to get a garden started. If S ever HTF, please, someone show up here that can actually grow food.

I'll send seeds but bp will have to do the work, how's that for a deal? Just send some food back my way.

01-06-2012, 04:37 AM
We shop at Sam's, Costco and the local stores. We buy bulk whenever we can find what we want and buy the "buy one get one free" deals at the local stores. No one doubles coupons here. Prices go crazy here. One month 50lbs of sugar will be $35 at sams and then 2 months later it will drop to $27 so we really just watch them and I buy a lot of one thing when I see the price when I know it's low. I do admit though that I only do a vague list and then buy what I see is on sale or something that I see we could use to add to our supply. Drives my DH nuts sometimes....always wants to know where I plan on putting it. "Don't worry about it....trust me" ha! Famous last words! I get away with a lot too because we do eat out more often than not so most of what I buy gets put away and we just make quick meals at home. Seems like we are always out in town during meal time so I get off easy.

01-06-2012, 02:07 PM
I'll send seeds but bp will have to do the work, how's that for a deal? Just send some food back my way.

Since you'll be right down the road, sound like a deal.

The hail killed my garden last year, and I'm not one to have much of a green thumb to begin with.

Grumpy Old Man
01-06-2012, 05:48 PM
The 4 of us go through so much in groceries it's not even funny. My wife and I can eat whatever, but due to their medical issues, the twins have to eat extremely healthy. We go through at least $75 bucks worth of fresh fruit and veggies a week just for the kids. I never knew toddlers could eat so many veggies. My wife and I don't partake in the fresh stuff simply because we can't afford to. Prices are astronomical.

I've got to get a garden started. If S ever HTF, please, someone show up here that can actually grow food.

Sounds like you need a kindly old grandfatherly type to retire near you to assist in the gardening, animal husbandry and entertain the twins with tales of adventure and what it was like in the good old days. Let me know when the spot for my RV and horse trailer is ready.;)

01-06-2012, 08:54 PM
Sounds like you need a kindly old grandfatherly type to retire near you to assist in the gardening, animal husbandry and entertain the twins with tales of adventure and what it was like in the good old days. Let me know when the spot for my RV and horse trailer is ready.;)

I've got plenty of room. You're always welcome here.

01-07-2012, 09:51 PM
I've got plenty of room. You're always welcome here.

I say he move in between the 2 of us and we share him!!!!

01-08-2012, 03:51 PM
Grumpy, hope you dont mind two other people deciding your fate online...........

We'll start the bidding.....

01-09-2012, 12:02 AM
Have any of you gone to a Mormom Distribution center lately?

01-09-2012, 11:55 AM
Had to make an 'emergency' trip out for milk last night. The only place nearby that was open is a gas station about 10 miles away.

Paid $6.49 for a gallon that was already 1 day past the expiry date!

:mad: :mad: Talk about gouging! :mad: :mad:

01-10-2012, 03:21 AM
People like that get shot for robbery. I think that you should open a store yourself at that rate. I do not see how you can have anything with the prices you pay.

01-10-2012, 12:47 PM
Wow, didn't know the price of food was getting so high. We only buy meat occasionally, most of our meat comes from what we raise or kill. I did buy a brisket the other day to mix with deer meat for hamburgers, but it has been probably a year since we bought meat before that. Hopefully in the next few months I will have my aquaponics going so we won't have to buy any vegetables after that.

Grumpy Old Man
01-10-2012, 09:12 PM
Have any of you gone to a Mormom Distribution center lately?

Out here in Kommiefornicastan we don't have to go to the Distribution Center to get our Mormons; they are delivered directly to our doorsteps! But they always seem to want to talk.;)

The prices at the Bishop's Pantry out here have gone up and you need to have an LDS member take you as a guest. I would say the prices have increased about 50% over the last time I bought. 2 Years ago a "starter kit" (6 #10 cans; rice, beans, wheat, oats) was $19.95. Now it is $31.00.

Add to that the rumor that DHS was demanding LDS customer lists in KY or TN then people start to stay away.

01-10-2012, 11:37 PM
I live in TN and my mom is an active LDS (I'm LDS but not active so I can still go to the centers) and the rumor is false. It was checked out by people I don't know and then I had my mom go directly to her Bishop and aske him. He said no, there has been nothing said about this going on. She is also a member of the Temple (a status reserved for only chosen members) and nothing has been said in there either.
I just pulled up the current price list and the prices are still pretty good. 25# of sugar is only $15, both types of wheat for 25# is $11.45 so the prices haven't really gone up at all over the past couple of years. Maybe it's only the mail order part since non members can get the stuff where members only and a guest can go to the centers. Guess I'm going to have to make a trip up there and go shopping.

01-11-2012, 03:24 AM

I only wish we lived closer...

Dang shipping costs!


01-11-2012, 03:50 AM
Is it a lot? Are you LDS? Do you not have a center close to you? Ours is about an hour away so we make a day of it and have a blast!

Grumpy Old Man
01-11-2012, 05:33 PM
As one of your lapsed RLDS cousins (I grew up in Independence, MO), I am always getting the "come back" pitch from several of my friends.Lol. But I typically go to Honeyville Farms up in Rancho Cucamonga for my bulk items. Prices still seem pretty good up there. I've not been to the cannery in a couple of years, so the price I quoted was from the online store @ .org. They did have a really neat bag sealer for the mylar bags that I have considered ordering just because I feel kind of foolish using a curling iron to seal with.

And do you and Sniper get that vaguely uncomfortable feeling that "I don't have enough stored for a whole year to live comfortably" like I do? It's funny what we learn as children that stick with us over the years. I might point out that the .org has a message from the First Presidency reinforcing the need to prepare, that wasn't there the last time I visited about a year ago.

01-11-2012, 06:02 PM
lol... I'm not LDS, and really only know one, and although he fashions himself a prepper... he's a tool.

I'm sure there is an LDS Center around somewhere, I just don't know.

Shipping anything cross border isn't cheap, heavy stuff even less so. I do have connections with some of the local farmers, so buying wheat, etc, isn't too painful. And come Spring I'm going to contact a local Amish community (I just found out about them recently)

I'm currently re-modelling my Pantrys, and figure I've got a good solid 6 months in there. Add to the stuff that I have stashed out of wife-sight, and the full freezers; and I don't doubt we would eat well for a year. I want to add more veggies into the mix, but with the vitamins, we'll stave off scurvy. lol

And before the 'Lose electricity' crowd chimes in about the freezers, I have a generator, a goodly supply of gas, a couple smokers, and a dehydrator. All I'd have to do is run the freezers long enough to process all the meat and veggies, and run my oven long enough to eat the pizzas.


The one thing that does get me worried though, is the 'others' My wife's family is lucky to have more than a couple days of food on hand, and they know I do... So I fear that they will drop in with empty hands and bellies. This, of course, would SERIOUSLY chop into my food stores, and depending on how many show up, could drop me back down to 3 months of variety. They do have skills, so they could be beneficial, but they'd still be a drain.

And most unfortunately... They just don't have a clue!

01-11-2012, 07:08 PM
You know its sad that we all end up typing the same comment...."they don't care-have a clue-trust the govt to help" I just had someone I work with (remember this was them coming to me) and ask about what food to store and how much. Now I'm no grocery clerk so I explained it as best as I could. An hour or so later and "it" decided thats to much work. I shit you not, the rest of the night I sat there and twirled my thumbs staring off in to space.

01-12-2012, 12:59 AM
Your dead on LB. It more a rare thing that someone pays attention and actually acts on the info I give them.
My parents have grown up farming and gardening, still garden a lot. But they freeze most of their veggies and don't have a genset. They have probably 6 months food stored, but not more than 5-10 days worth of water and no filter or treatment for more. My sister and the wifes sisters don't have anywhere near that much and won't listen to anything. They all live out of state, some of them 600+ miles away so i don't see them showing up here.
Drive's me crazy.

01-12-2012, 01:12 PM
Is it a lot? Are you LDS? Do you not have a center close to you? Ours is about an hour away so we make a day of it and have a blast!

Where is this magical place? I must go there.....but I think I'll need a friend.

01-12-2012, 01:58 PM
did you use your 'phone a friend' lifeline?

01-13-2012, 05:30 AM
did you use your 'phone a friend' lifeline?

I have to be carful with that one. You have no idea how many times a day I butt-dial stig. His name is the first one in my contacts, so he is always the first person to get butt dialed. When I hear my pats talking, I normally end up striking a conversation and playing it off like I meant to call. ONe day, he may hunt me down and choke me.

01-13-2012, 05:36 AM
Where is this magical place? I must go there.....but I think I'll need a friend.

Hendersonville. It's west of you.

01-13-2012, 05:44 AM
You buy food? LOL. Ok seriously outside grains, tea/coffee and sugar I don't really buy anything at this point...and that..is where we all need to be. I will say...last time I went in to the store to get sugar I laughed my ass off at a $3 head of lettuce....lettuce...you do realize it comes in packages of 1000 seeds and basically takes nothing to grow....at all...I mean at all....I even am growing it right now at 12 degrees outside in an unheated tiny greenhouse.
These things ain't getting better folks: plant a garden, get some chickens, a trio of rabbits and a pair of small goats...

01-13-2012, 05:50 AM
^yup! I can't wait to close on our land!!!!!!!!!!! If those stupid people from the title company get their act together. Guess if we hadn't gotten a place where we had to go through everyone else's property it wouldn't be such a pain in the butt and they ARE going back to the 1920's in their search but darn it already!!!!! I want it over with and finally get planning on the bridge, roads, house, barns, all the good stuff.

01-13-2012, 12:05 PM
Raven you've already gotten to where we are headed. Last years stuff was down some due to the adverse weather, but we were able to fill in the gaps from farmers markets. Since we. Bought the beef and the chickens are laying we're in much better shape than a year ago.

Lady the time spent with the title search will be well worth it down the road. You'll get there.

01-13-2012, 01:02 PM
Hendersonville. It's west of you.

that's not too far. I'd like to go.