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View Full Version : Odd n End prep items we may forget about

03-22-2011, 02:09 PM
I was driving to work today and drove past a local dude that's apparently a rep for C'mere Deer, a deer scent attractant company. And it dawned on me, that for the entire time I've been on these SHTF related sights, I can't for the life of me recall someone saying they should stock up on deer scents, salt blocks, feeders, etc.

So, I'll throw this out there, shouldn't the hunters stock up on these hunting accessories? What else are we forgetting?

03-22-2011, 08:25 PM
If you can get just the pure salt blocks, no additives. it makes a great way to store large quantities of salt for any human comsupmtion Very valuable WSHTF for curing, cooking, etc. And it comes in a huge package, just stack em and keep em dry, last forever.
All the other things is a great idea as well. hunting will be hard enough when "everyone" is doing it, might as well stack the odds in your favor.
Something I'm starting soon is a worm farm. Not only good for bait, but if you feed your scraps, leaves, etc, they will turn it into the best dirt you can imagine. I'll get a thread going once I'm up and running.

03-23-2011, 04:32 PM
That's a good idea. Never thought of that either. I mentioned it somewhere else on here I think, but fifteen 20# bags of charcoal gives you 1 hot cooked meal a day for a year.

03-23-2011, 08:11 PM
I don't have any charcoal stocked. We use a gas grill so no real need. But for future reference it's a very good idea. I need to find me some type of small charcoal grill to go with it.

03-25-2011, 01:11 PM
I dont think it has been talked aout yet but what about a fuel transfer pump with a couple feet of hose. YOu can never have enough fuel!

03-25-2011, 03:56 PM
I dont think it has been talked aout yet but what about a fuel transfer pump with a couple feet of hose. YOu can never have enough fuel!

I've thought about getting a syphon of some sort. In fact, I have a list of tools that at first mention, you'd think there could be some nefarious reasons for having them, but in a bind or a pinch they could come in handy....such as a pair of bolt cutters, a lock pick set, the syphon, a slim jim set for getting into cars (if you lock your keys in them for example).

06-20-2020, 06:13 PM
A suggestion is that everyone learn to build a rocket stove. Where we are we have reliable water and natural gas. However, a good earthquake and the water mains break, gas lines rupture. What to do? I have a propane gas grill and always have several bottles around. In addition I have a Coleman camp stove. What if I get to the point of being out of propane without a way to resupply? I build a rocket stove. Simple, very efficient and easily powered by small bits of wood, tree branches, etc. Look at Youtube for a video tutorial on how to build one.

06-20-2020, 11:05 PM
I got 500 gallons of propane, and a few wood burning stoves.

07-02-2020, 12:34 AM
To answer your original question, I wouldn't stockpile it. If everyone is being forced to the woods all the animals are going to be hunted to the edge of extinction.

That's why my ultimate goal is to have enough to last me for 2 years. First year for everyone to die off that will and the next for the populations to come back.

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07-02-2020, 12:36 AM
My odds and ends preps are hand tools, fasteners, and I am working on making a seed bank.

This fall I hope to get a generator wired up for the house

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Illini Warrior
05-25-2021, 03:46 PM
interesting repeat of a 12/2020 article on building lumber stockpiling >>> prophetizing current situation


Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-26-2021, 07:16 PM
Great article. This thread is going back to the good ol days of the beginning when we ejected ourselves from another location. Yep, still here, still busy.

Wood: got a 100acres
Stoves: coleman gas 2EA.
Lanterns: 8
Deer: a plenty
Been at this awhile so it's more about recommendations.
We, having been on the move an build for the last 4yrs are getting down to the last of the details on the cabin. Then we'll be able to "unpack".

Keeping with topic at hand. Accumulate, inventory, organize, stash. Wash rinse repeat. Rotate stock.

You don't have to buy all at once. A bean here a bullet there, etc. Just bought two AR parts kits, and a few other spare parts the other day. AR's have tooo many little parts..........

Fidel MD
05-27-2021, 03:40 AM
Nail clippers
bandaids (small boxes)
small bars of soap (amazon sells hotel sized soap bars)
pencils and note pads
shoe laces (550 cord may not fit well)
Basically, things that are on the ends of aisles in stores...

05-27-2021, 01:15 PM
Medical is often overlooked, or at least under stocked. So many think of surgery and gunshot wounds, but ignore the splinters, nicks and scrapes we get all the time. While the big stuff is important, although most likely, people won't survive any serious home surgery, the small stuff can turn into big stuff when ignored.
Supplies to clean and care for the small things will also be important in a world where hygene has dropped down.

Illini Warrior
08-10-2021, 12:55 PM
Medical is often overlooked, or at least under stocked. So many think of surgery and gunshot wounds, but ignore the splinters, nicks and scrapes we get all the time. While the big stuff is important, although most likely, people won't survive any serious home surgery, the small stuff can turn into big stuff when ignored.
Supplies to clean and care for the small things will also be important in a world where hygene has dropped down.

the number and seriosness of those cuts & nicks will be increasing for the majority of the people - they'll be doing outdoor chores they only did on occasion on the weekends - and chores that are a lot more dirty they did in their entire life >>> like latrine duty ...

what won't be helping is the lack of running water to wash out any cuts - don't compound it by neglecting to sanitize and cover it well >> stock a few pints of betadine - finger cots along with a good supply of bandaids - the $$$ Dollar Stores have tubes of triple antibiotic ointments - rolls of med tape - 4 X 4 gauze pads for the bigger injuries or piece out for the smaller ....

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-15-2021, 04:01 PM
Also antibiotics for "Murphy" type infections that come along....abscessed tooth! Blood poisoning from those cuts, etc. Many to get into to deep but you'd need to think about those that are allergic to the penicillin family. Pills last longer than the expiration dates. Liquids do not.

Illini Warrior
08-17-2021, 01:07 PM
Nail clippers
bandaids (small boxes)
small bars of soap (amazon sells hotel sized soap bars)
pencils and note pads
shoe laces (550 cord may not fit well)
Basically, things that are on the ends of aisles in stores...

funny you should mention "nail clippers" - somebody did a special posting how their entire prepping effort would be lost without a whole load of clippers >>> couldn't see how anyone could trim nails otherwise and I guess they'd just die off ....

Fidel MD
08-17-2021, 03:44 PM
Not a lot of people can trim their nails with a knife, any more - and will suffer mightily in the attempt. As far as letting toe nails grow out, their footwear will soon not fit properly.