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01-18-2012, 06:45 PM
http://youtu.be/VWgsdexkv18 == Jump song

Hope you like it. I figure we can do a jump one day and we''ll get Izzy to go to. :D

Here's the Airborne song for you enjoyment.

Airborne Jump - YouTube (http://youtu.be/2DZPIGhL3bY)

Sniper scroll down the page and you can read the lyrics. Click where it says ( show more )

01-18-2012, 07:10 PM
can't see it from work... will try to see it from home later.

I'd love to do a jump. I took the course about a million years ago, but got cancelled out due to the wind on several subsequent attempts. Sadly, life got in the way, and I never did it. :(

I reeeeeeeeally want to free fall though! with a winged suit... and a rifle.



I'm sure Izzy would go, we can get a custom parachute for him, one with a 20' spider painted on the canopy

01-18-2012, 07:24 PM
can't see it from work... will try to see it from home later.

I'd love to do a jump. I took the course about a million years ago, but got cancelled out due to the wind on several subsequent attempts. Sadly, life got in the way, and I never did it. :(

I reeeeeeeeally want to free fall though! with a winged suit... and a rifle.



I'm sure Izzy would go, we can get a custom parachute for him, one with a 20' spider painted on the canopy

I like your way of thinking Sniper. Yea the years have taken their toll on us. We can hook Izzy up with a chute that looks like strips of bacon with a giant spider eating it. :D

One of my Nam brothers who I speak with once or more a week was a Chute - Rigger.

01-18-2012, 09:35 PM
Those are awesome Eagle. Thank you!

I listened to a bunch more from the suggested ones, and gave myself quite a blast from the past.

As you can imagine, These don't exactly get airtime in the Canadian Civy world.

When I was in Elementary school, we used to have a Rememberance day assembly in the gym. Back then it was a 1/2 day affair, They had music, pictures, war clips, and of course Vet's who would recount some experiences and answer questions. That was probably the last time I heard most of these songs. I'm going to have to find some mp3 for the ipod

Thanks again!


01-18-2012, 09:42 PM
I'm sure Izzy would go, we can get a custom parachute for him, one with a 20' spider painted on the canopy

are you two TRYING to give me a heart attack?? Why dont you just shove the bacon down my throat while I cower in fear of the 20 foot spider on my chute as I plummet toward earth..........

01-18-2012, 09:52 PM
are you two TRYING to give me a heart attack?? Why dont you just shove the bacon down my throat while I cower in fear of the 20 foot spider on my chute as I plummet toward earth..........

And he ain't gonna jump no more. ROTFL

Izzy I hope the day comes when this old boy can meet you FTF. You're a youngin' after my own heart. Besides ; You know Sniper and I are only looking out for your best interest. :p Remember the Boot Stomp Boogie and you're good to go .

01-18-2012, 10:02 PM
Those are awesome Eagle. Thank you!

I listened to a bunch more from the suggested ones, and gave myself quite a blast from the past.

As you can imagine, These don't exactly get airtime in the Canadian Civy world.

When I was in Elementary school, we used to have a Rememberance day assembly in the gym. Back then it was a 1/2 day affair, They had music, pictures, war clips, and of course Vet's who would recount some experiences and answer questions. That was probably the last time I heard most of these songs. I'm going to have to find some mp3 for the ipod

Thanks again!


My pleasure T. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Did you find the lyrics?

01-18-2012, 10:10 PM
And he ain't gonna jump no more. ROTFL

Izzy I hope the day comes when this old boy can meet you FTF. You're a youngin' after my own heart. Besides ; You know Sniper and I are only looking out for your best interest. :p Remember the Boot Stomp Boogie and you're good to go .

I can't "Boot Stomp Boogie" if I'm tangled up in my risers. There you go trying to kill me again

01-18-2012, 10:19 PM
I can't "Boot Stomp Boogie" if I'm tangled up in my risers. There you go trying to kill me again

Izzy;Izzy; Izzy ; We're not trying to kill you. This is your survival training lesson. Think outside the box Grasshopper.
You know T and I would only do that which is best for you. ;)

01-18-2012, 10:40 PM
If izzy opts out ill gladly fill his bacon eating spider chute!!

01-18-2012, 10:54 PM
Izzy;Izzy; Izzy ; We're not trying to kill you. This is your survival training lesson. Think outside the box Grasshopper.
You know T and I would only do that which is best for you. ;)

I know that.............

however, I done did the survival training thing.....its called SERE and it sucks. ANd I seem to recall being shoved out the door on my first jump. Wasn't so bad after that one.

If Sniper kills me off, he wont have anyone to make him holsters anymore....

01-18-2012, 11:54 PM
which is why I want my holsters all made now...

I havent had time to search... Maybe peeps her can post some links.

Izzy, think of that harry potter, where the spider is preying above him.... that is the 3-d chute pic that I see


01-19-2012, 12:52 PM
Sniper ; I think we should get Izzy a Spider Man outfit.

01-19-2012, 12:58 PM
you 2 are horrible.............LOL

01-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Sniper ; I think we should get Izzy a Spider Man outfit.

Trust me, me in red and blue spandex is NOT somethign you would want to see.

01-19-2012, 05:02 PM
Trust me, me in red and blue spandex is NOT somethign you would want to see.

I'd pay a dollar or two to see that, just because . . . well, just because I guess. Its the Infantry in me that says. . "heheh, watch this. . .hold my beer!"
While the USMC gave me the option to have as many jumps as i ever could want, I did the bare minimum each year to keep my jump pay up, and qualified. My mindset was simple, If I jump out of a airplane and have a equipment malfunction, I refer to my reserve chute if I cannot fix the malfunction. NOW. . . if my reserve chute malfunctions, and I cannot fix it, I go SPLAT. As an amphibious recon marine, I launch in a little rubber boat. If my engine goes out, and I cannot fix it, I paddle. Now if my paddle breaks or is lost, and it cant be fixed. I float. If my little rubber boat sinks. . . I swim. Nowhere in there is there anything about terminal velocity and impacting with terra firma. If the worst came to worst, and I got attacked by sharks, I still think thats better than watching my fate fly at me at 150 mph with nothing I can do about it. Jumping/skydiving, while it has its place in this world. . .its one thing I can live without!

01-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Sniper ; I think we should get Izzy a Spider Man outfit.

I'm not quite sure how I envision Izzy in a spidey suit...

Like this:



Like this:


If you have issues, Izzy... we can always go with the Black Spidey suit:



01-19-2012, 06:35 PM
(lol, sorry, cant resist!!!!)

um, yea. . . Can you possibly explain what you are doing with those pics of Izzy from Halloween, I thought it was agreed upon that we wouldnt share those pics?

Well, since they are out in the public. . . anyone remember when Izzy decided to dress as Batman?

Or how about that year he decided to dress as the Flash?

Or last but not least, we cant forget when he lost that dare and had to dress as Wonder Woman! (and yes, that purse did make your butt look fat!)

heheh, couldnt resist Izzy, sorry Bro!

Anyways, back on topic. . . which was what? Izzy and Spiderman Suits?

01-19-2012, 07:06 PM
It's all good....... I actually think I was the Punisher last year or the year before.

01-19-2012, 07:15 PM
You guys are killin' me. ROTFL