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View Full Version : My GIANT Farady cage

01-25-2012, 07:39 PM
Here it is. The giant ALuminum Faraday box.

I took what I learned from my foil box construction (http://www.shtfready.com/communications/my-commo-faraday-box-1221.html) and Expendable's thread on foil boxes and conductivity (http://www.shtfready.com/equipment-basic-supplies/my-faraday-cage-test-1192.html) ...... and morphed it into this. Go big or go home, right?

Let me tell you...........trying to mount a full size toolbox to a wall by yourself is not fun. I had to hold it one handed while I used the drill/ inserted bolts witht he other.

Anyway, the plan is to get some L brackets and make some wood shelves inside. It is plenty big enough to hold all my electronics gear....radios....gps....etc.

I used bolts with rubber buffers (to insulate the box) to attach it to the wall.

This was given to me a long time ago and I just used it as a junk gear locker. Now I actually get some use out of it.

I will add pics and updates as the project unfolds.



01-25-2012, 07:43 PM
That looks awesome! I feel like a total dumbass now though, when you first brought it up I was envisioning one of the boxes with hatches on each end that open toward the center. This makes a lot more sense now. lol

01-25-2012, 07:45 PM
BTW, dont laugh at my lights.....It's all I have until I get real electricity run to the barn. LOL

The Stig
01-25-2012, 09:28 PM
Very interesting project and clever use of already available items.

Nice use of the ant head in a project. That *could* be our next contest.

And yes, we will mock your lights. Make no mistake about it.

01-25-2012, 10:29 PM
Nice 'Freakin' lights!!! rofl!

Seriously, nice setup, I can't see in the pic, but do you have it grounded?

how 'tight' is the seal?

what is the seal?

would something like a standard 'behind the gas tank built for straps semi truck alumininium box' work?

BTW... did I say: NICE JOB!!

01-25-2012, 10:32 PM
Does anyone have any info about a REAL safe as a farady cage?

I have one, came out of a closing sale for a jewellery store. this thing is seriously thick steel, with a drill proof membrane, a concrete heat layer, another drill membrane, and then more seriously thick steel!


01-25-2012, 10:50 PM
I see Backpacker hasn't commented on your cage....is there an airhole in that thing? LOL.

That's a nice set up. Are you going to shelf it inside?

01-26-2012, 12:37 AM
I see Backpacker hasn't commented on your cage....is there an airhole in that thing? LOL.

That's a nice set up. Are you going to shelf it inside?

Yes, I am going to shelf it on the inside.

I'll update the thread as funds become available to buy some suppplies.

It has a gasket seal around the lid/door. seals up pretty good. I'm going to seal the original vehicle mounting holes with some caulk to make it watertight.

I haven't thought about grounding it. Maybe I will do that. It is bolted to wood...........for the most, I believe wood to have been non-conductive since the beginning of time.

01-26-2012, 12:47 AM
Izzy, run a grounding strap to either the house grounding rod or to a cold water pipe. If possible use braided copper wire.

01-26-2012, 01:01 AM
Izzy, run a grounding strap to either the house grounding rod or to a cold water pipe. If possible use braided copper wire.

I'm about 75 yards from the house or any other structure. no electricity in the barn. What else could I use?

01-26-2012, 01:01 AM
I'm here LB! He hasn't caught me yet.

Stg is right about the braided cooper. Get you a 4-8' ground rod or rebar, the longer the better. Dig you a small hole maybe a 1x1 ft. Then drive the rod down until it is below the level of the ground. Take a ground clamp and attach it to the ground rod, hook the braided wire to the other side of the clamp. Cover the hole and run the wire over to the box and drill a hole in it or use an existing one and run a bolt thru the box and tighten the wire down to the box. You can use some metal connectors for the attachments.

The box should do you well. That will hold a bunch of electronic goodies.

01-26-2012, 01:40 AM
you can make yourself a rod pounder simply by using a piece of pipe, welding a top to it, and a set of handles on it. slide it over the top of the rebar,, lift it up and slam it down.

and yes... the deeper the better!

01-27-2012, 10:35 PM
Nice xmas lights

oh, and the faraday cage is kickass too!

01-27-2012, 10:38 PM
Nice xmas lights

oh, and the faraday cage is kickass too!

Lol. Thanks, Stormy.

I'm too poor right now to buy decent shop lights. The barn doesn't have electricity, so I had to run a good amount of power cord from the house to hook them up. They do get the job done though.