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View Full Version : Is this bothering anyone else?

01-30-2012, 01:44 PM
I must apologize if this seems to be a rant but you know this shit really really pisses me off. Has anyone besides me noticed these damn TV shows that they are starting to show now. DOOMSDAY PREPPERS ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE !!! Really??? Do these people think that we are f ing stupid??? Now don't get me wrong you all, I'm not saying that I haven't turned these programs on, mostly just to laugh at how wrong the TV producers have it when it comes to preparing for whats coming, but that's as far as it goes. While some of the information these shows are giving people is accurate most of this stuff does nothing but make for some good TV. Frankly, these shows insult my intelligence and the intelligence of my friends. ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE ILMFAO Get real. They just don't have a clue, well that's ok I guess that's better for those of us that do.

I don't think that these people are quite grasping the Prepper revolution that is growing here in this country and around the world. These shows are degrading to me and part of the reason that it took me so long to start prepping in the first place. When will they understand that we are not nuts, we don't necessarily think that the end of the world and mankind is coming at the end of this year, and that we are just people that have become spiritually aware enough to see and understand the chaos that is going to result from all of the crisis's that are about to happen all at the same time and are smart enough to make damn sure that when the general population wakes up and realizes what's happening we and our love ones are safe and will have the things that we need to get through that period so that we can start over.

You know you guys most of us were raised by people that were a part of the 60s revolution, if not directly involved in some of the communes and co-ops from that time period, so this concept of prepping and specifically banding together and combining resources is nothing new. In fact the human species has been banding together and sharing resources since we were swinging from trees. ( I wasn't referring to any of you specifically there), although from what I 've heard Izzy might be still doing that from time to time. ;) :p

You know our parents, brothers, sisters, ect. who were growing up in the 60s in some of these communes had some very important things in common with us now adays. Namely living with nature and using its resources as they were intended to be used, and understanding that we are spiritual beings living in this world and that part of what makes us feel true happiness and joy is learning this fact. In many ways the social unrest of the 60s is what we are going to experience, people rioting in the streets, financial strife, war, ect. along with some natural disasters, and a whole lot of fighting over resources and things that people must have to live weather it be food, water, or oil. I would love to hear your views on this subject if you have the time. I have to go out now for awhile. Talk to you all soon.

But always remember this my friends, when the bear attacks we don't have to be faster than the bear, we only have to be faster than the slowest camper.

PM :cool:

01-30-2012, 04:54 PM
The problem I have is with the people that star in these because they let them paint us as freaking lunatics.

01-30-2012, 05:19 PM
You know I don't mind what/how these shows paint prepping. There have been a lot of people in the shown in a certain light and ridiculed....until something happened. Oh well. As for the whole zombie idea, I refer to an answer I gave a while back. Take man/woman/child and not allow them to clean up or eat much for a month or so and take a close look at them.....ZOMBIE! I would still rather watch that show more than some show about a "Housewives of ???" or who's dancing with who. Of course that's just me.

01-30-2012, 06:30 PM
Lest you forget a couple things.
First, the media and entertainment industry consists almost entirely of liberals. They have a different mindset than we do, and se the self-reliant as stupid.
Second, it is all about entertainment. The television industry has not had anything to do with education in decades.

Nonetheless, more people prepping, even if somewhat erroneously, is still better than not prepping.

01-30-2012, 06:47 PM
It bothers me to a degree in the fact that it casts many of us as loons. As for the entertainment factor, I do get some wierd pleasure in watching.

01-30-2012, 06:52 PM
I just try and use them as a learning tool, mainly what not to do. But it gives me a chance to think senarios thru and discuss them with the DW.

01-30-2012, 07:00 PM
I gotta agree with you there Lunchbox man, ILMAO. I too would rather watch these shows dancing Dancing with the stars or whats the other one people are always talking about? UUM..... The music one with the a$$hole judge. :D

Gunfixr, I can't argue with that lol the more people that are prepared the less people trying to kill us for what we put away when these things are no longer available at the local stores.

Redjohn, that's it in a nutshell. What I just can't seem to understand is why do people consider us lunatics because we are proactive. I don't know about you all but in my way of thinking people that are preparing for a crisis are people that are thinking clearly and intelligent. I don't see why we aren't being looked at with the same regard as the people that stock up and prepare for the hurricanes that frequent the state that I live in. Not that it really matters or that I care a whole lot about what people think of what I'm doing but why do they have to act as if what we are doing is so damn mysterious or strange? Anyhow I was just curious if it was bothering anyone besides me :D

PM :cool:

01-31-2012, 04:04 AM
It does not matter if you have a radical right, left, up or down. There would be no way they would consider doing show right even if they could get some regular preppers. The reason is if you are doing it right most of us just blend in with the rest of the population. I try not to wear my gas mask when I mow the lawn on Saturday mornings. I love the commercial that the lady says something to the effect that she will be the only one left that is a hundred pounds over weight. These shows seem to try to go to great lengths to paint us all like a bunch of morons. It fricking pisses me off. So that said I will be watching them to see what happens. I too would much rather watch this type of show than some guy or gal trying to pick a mate from a bunch of dumbshits. And no I don't am in interested in dancing with the starsssssssssss either.

I would hope that when the SHTF that we are pleasantly surprised that it turns out that there is a bunch of preppers in our community that we did not have a clue about. I am the perennial optimist.......we can only hope. As for the rest of the oxygen thieves that run the shows I can only hope they learn something like the last show that was on last year about preppers.

01-31-2012, 11:50 AM
Movies depicting preppers peaked with and then went down hill after Tremors!!

"Broke into the wrong God damn rec room, didn't you, you bastard!"


The Stig
01-31-2012, 12:14 PM
I don't know how I feal about this show.

I guess anything that gets people thinking about prepping is good, but in general I'm sure they will be presented as loons and act like maniacs.

If it turns someone on to prepping I guess it's a good thing. For the most part people, I think, will watch the show and then think "those folks are bozos".

Based on the comercials, which seem to run around the clock on Nat Geo, I have a feeling the people portrayed will be the worst sterotypes of preppers you can imagine. That will do a lot of spread the good word :(

Then you get the Hollywood types taking a bunch of idiots and reaaaaallllly making them look dumb.


01-31-2012, 12:54 PM
I personally dont give a crap what other people think about me. Plain and simple. The less people that know WHO I am, the safer my family will be.

The people who do not prep, and are unprepared, will be easily deceased. I will be fed, clothed, bathed, and happy. They will be the opposite, and can f*** themselves. :)

01-31-2012, 02:25 PM
I watched one show before my cable company moved NatGeo into a more expensive package. I thought it was infotainment, like that extreme couponing show. It opened my eyes to how other people view preppers, though. Some of the ladies might remember my posts somewhere else about my mother watching the show and telling me that these preppers (said as if she was about to vomit) deserve to have their kids taken away for hoarding food and looking for trouble, among other things. And yes, she knows I have extra food and supplies in the house. She just doesn't consider me a prepper, I guess. So, to answer the original question, I don't mind the shows per se, but I hate the way other people respond to them.

02-01-2012, 12:34 AM
its reality tv... meh... what do you expect? if they based a show off of what most of us did on a day to day basis and what we actualyl prepare for, it would be cancelled after the first episode because its so boring. The show is made BECAUSE they are nutcases they use...

02-01-2012, 06:32 PM
I can't wait for the FAIL, they actually have that dsarti guy from youtube on the show............lol

02-01-2012, 07:28 PM
I'm personally not too worried about it. Is it going to be ridiculed by many? Yes. Probably rightly so on some levels. Every culture and subculture and subculture within the US/ world has its fringe element. Otoh, there will also be people who watch, recognize the validity of different points as they come up, and act on them. Zombies: A Living History had a mix of off the wall and relevant information, for sources both good and bad. I also know a short segment of it caused a rash of hits on another forum related to the subject. Learning is occurring, and so is growth as exposure of the prepper culture to the general public continues.

There's an adage I think may apply here. No advertising is bad advertising. The word will get out, more people will prep, and at the end of the day nothing will have changed for the DGI's.

02-04-2012, 02:26 AM
I like watching them to see just how much I have learned since Aug. (when I started prepping) I also get a chuckle out of some of the dumb $hit they do. If it were me on there though, they sure wouldn't have my face or location on the screen.

02-04-2012, 04:38 AM
Just remember, the producers of tv shows don't want reasonable people on their shows, they only take people who are over the top on prepping, or plain batsh*t crazy. The crazy coupon people coupon for a living, they don't have outside jobs, and they never show that single mom, who works hard and even though she doesn't make a lot of $ is able to feed her children, which would be a good example for others to follow, instead, they have nutbags, that are pissed off when they get $900 in gatorade, for $.35 total and thought it would be free, ridiculous. Lots of the people who are on the show are doing some, or lots of the right things, but it almost seems like these people are trying to show off their "status" when it comes to prepping, if I had a bunker, I'd post a photo and hope that maybe someone could find an idea in my project that would benefit them, would I post a map to my house, or a geotagged photo of my home? NEVER If I ever build a bunker, I'm gonna have to figure out how to get permits for a "wine cellar" or storm shelter to prevent every bureaucrat in town from finding out what I'm doing. Only kooks want to be seen and admired on TV, Tom Cruise has made zillions doing it, need I say more? I'd be willing to bet HE has a bunker nobody knows about, and he aint talking about.

02-04-2012, 06:23 AM
I haven't seen the show yet but my mom (LDS) called me while we were on the road the other night telling me that I have to watch this show. She's freaking out...a 71 y/o woman who doesn't know what to think about these crazy people...take it seriously or not? Learn from them??What to do? But right after that she said we need to get back up to the distribution center, I think she's more scared than she was before. It's funny how LDS are preppers and not SHTF people for the most part. There is a distinction if you can believe it. I'll watch it and take the good parts and discard the rest. It does make me sad/angry that it makes those of us who are serious look like we are crazy and when we want to have a serious conversation with someone to try to explain our view and maybe bring them to the "enlightened" side we have to fight an uphill battle to overcome the stigma put out there. It makes an already hard job even harder.

02-14-2012, 05:08 PM
That I precisely why I don't tell anyone what I am doing. By the way as a former Professional hoofer(dancer)and mother of a young man working in the movie/tv industry I take exception to the blanket statement that all of them are liberal loonies. Just because a few names espouse a certain viewpoint doesn't mean everyone is like that. just as we get tarred with names like crazy, survivalist, etc. I am not a liberal kommiefornian but I do believe in certain things that may SEEM to be of a "liberal" bent Sorry I'm ranting but it makes me angry that some seem to be of the mind if it isn't their way of thinking ,we're not worth working with or helping.

02-14-2012, 06:28 PM

I think that this show will have a negative inmpact on places like our site here. Folks who may have once spoke up and joined in the conversation online or with friends, are now going to be reluctant to discussing preppeing. They don't want to be labeled as one of "those people". I think this show is going out of its way to alienate folks who would otherwise take an interest. As more and more people see the show, the more preppers in general will begin to be labeled, thus, shutting new, prospective folks out. People dont like labels, especially when they have a percieved negative connotation. SUre, the folks who were always serious will continue regardless, but new people are sometimes uncertain and wishy washy. All it takes is a seed planted to create a successful prepper, but a label and negative perception from the getgo , I think this could be harmful to new prospective preppers.

Just my $.02.

Taz Baby
02-14-2012, 06:54 PM
I do not watch this as I have no T.V. But have read what people are saying. I personally do not care or let it bother me, what people say or think of me. So if someone feels the need to label me or someone crazy, weird or loony that's fine with me. I will be me and contiue to prep and sit back and wait. But I will be prepared for anything. Look at it this way when the world does fall apart I will be the crazy weird loony chick that is
ready to shoot your sorry as and laughing at you for not taking me
serious. Will I shoot you? Maybe if you harm me and mine. Will I heelp you? Maybe if you work your sorry butt off to prove your worthy. Me a hard as and cruel? Depends on how you look at it. That's my hard core 3 cents.

Taz Baby
02-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Let me add to that last post since I was using my phone and the typo’s are terrible, lol.
People label others out of their own insecurities. If they are not secure in their self then anyone that is labeled crazy, weird or just plain stupid. Also people have been labeling others for as long as there has been a world, so it is a way of life. But people who are preppers, tree huggers, save the ozone, or any other thing that we as people have been labeled truly believe in their selves and what they are doing, then it should not matter what others think. But yes as a newcomer to prepping it would seem scary to all the labeling that goes on. But you just have to believe in what you are doing is good for you and for the better of your family to keep on doing it. Just because someone does not understand your way of thinking does not mean you are crazy. It means their human. When someone tells me that I am just plain crazy, then I agree with them, tell them yes I am different, and go on with what I am doing. When the time comes and it seems that it will be sooner than I might have expected it to be, then I will be ready. Maybe not as ready as I would like to be but as ready as I can be and have the research (That I have been doing for a few years) to help me. Those that thought I was crazy will be the ones who just might survive or will a harder time than me.

02-14-2012, 09:27 PM
Does not other me in the least. I am what I am and nobody can change that. I am comfortable with what I am.

02-16-2012, 12:20 AM
I can't wait for the FAIL, they actually have that dsarti guy from youtube on the show............lol

Humm...looks like I called it, 2 weeks ago :cool:

Freedom Fighter Radio | Doomsday Prepper Declared Mental Defective Government confiscates his Guns (http://freedomfighterradio.net/2012/02/14/doomsday-prepper-declared-mental-defective-government-confiscates-his-guns/)

Doomsday Prepper Declared Mental Defective
Government confiscates his Guns

Just days after appearing on the National Geographic TV Show Doomsday Prepper, a prepper from Tennessee has been declared Mentally Defective and his guns have been seized by the government. The Prepper, David Sarti is a character to say the least, but his story is somewhat disturbing and should be a wake up call for everyone.

Personally I think these shows are designed to make these people look crazy. Whether his appearance on the show played into Mr. Sarti’s diagnosis isn’t yet clear, but apparently the State believed he was a danger to himself after a local doctor insisted that Mr. Sarti was suicidal.

Mr. Sarti denies the charges and insists that he told the doctor he was a Christian and his belief made it impossible for him to commit suicide.

To a person of my political beliefs this might as well be a life in prison sentence. I can now no longer work with the schools or target practice with my guns (one of the few sports I could still do) Therefore Prepping for me has come to a end, as everyone knows there is no since putting up food and other things without a means to defend them. I CAN NOT AFFORD an attorney and the only person who can expunge the record wont (the Governor of Tennessee) I do not know when or if I will be able to return at this time.

For the record the doctor/ prick who raped me is Andre C. Olivier, M.D.
Saint Thomas Health - Find A Physician (http://www.sths.com/cardiac/drinfo.php?id=1904&doc=Andre-C-Olivier)

For those who wish to contribute to any legal defense fund it can


For some reason the NRA attorney has refused my case I am looking for another.

David Sarti
Lebanon TN

02-16-2012, 10:26 PM
Thats how the sheeple look at all of us.

02-19-2012, 04:10 AM
I don't get the channel but I personally wish they wouldn't do this type of show. I think it 1) either makes us look like idiots and hurts all of us or 2) gives away valuable info - secrets that should be kept within our community.
If these are "real" preppers then they should come to a site like this to share their info, not on t.v. to be viewed by zombies and gov't officials so they now know what to look for if shft. Gov't officials probably already know prepping stuff but it just makes it easy for them to arrest those on the show with any trumped up charges (even a true prepper), but the zombies may not think about looking for secret rooms, stashes of food under the stairs, ammo in the barn (not that I've seen the show...e.g.) or things like that. Just my opinion.

02-19-2012, 04:52 AM
If these are "real" preppers then they should come to a site like this to share their info, not on t.v. to be viewed by zombies and gov't officials so they now know what to look for if shft. Gov't officials probably already know prepping stuff but it just makes it easy for them to arrest those on the show with any trumped up charges (even a true prepper), but the zombies may not think about looking for secret rooms, stashes of food under the stairs, ammo in the barn (not that I've seen the show...e.g.) or things like that. Just my opinion.

most folks in Emergency Management want nothing to do with folks who are on these forums running their mouths about EOTWAWKI scenarios.
to them prepping should be simple to enough to keep folks alive until things get back to normal or recover from an event, they do not consider any event un recoverable, that is the difference......you can argue till you are blue in the face, with some people but the Gov, has no interest n round you up cause then they have to care for you, thats the idea behind getting people to prepare and take care of yourselves

02-19-2012, 05:09 AM
I don't imagine EM would be interested but Homeland Security might.

02-19-2012, 09:30 PM
last time I looked emergency management was under FEMA which was under DHS......Between worrying about illegals and terrorists please let them know to keep a real close eye on people doing what FEMA and the Red Cross are telling them to do by being prepared .....:rolleyes:

02-19-2012, 09:52 PM
Wow, what a stir.
Maybe I need to find this show online and see it.
Turned off the tv almost a year ago.

02-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Oh Gunfixr, these shows are so damn pathetic, you really should watch just one to brighten up your day my friend, LOL Laughter will do that you know? My God guys it was even worse than I originally thought it would be. Oh well let them have their fun at our expense, let them make their money too for that matter cause when the shit hits the fan in this damn country and they find out that their money is useless then we will be the ones laughing, at least I will be. You know what they say those who laugh last.........

I hope everyone is doing fine, things are ok down this way. The Berry patch is kicking ass and the rest of the garden is coming along. Too bad I'm stuck here on this little peninsula jutting out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean though since it'll all probably be underwater in a couple of years, kind of makes me nervous :p Oh well hopefully I will be long gone by then, talk to you all soon.

PM :cool:

02-25-2012, 02:49 AM
On a positive note, the show has opened a lot of opportunities to discuss prepping and find like minded people. I have to question many of the people they show as to why they would allow their plans to be put on TV. I have my stocks built up, but not many people know about them. In fact, you could come spend a weekend at my house and have no idea what I have built up (other than the overstuffed pantry!). Of course, no one where I live (in the woods with the closest town (3,000 population) is 45 minutes away questions a full pantry or gun vault in the den. In fact, people have come over and mentioned that I need to get some livestock because "it's the smart thing to do". Of course, I am trying to get Lunchbox to come up and bring me those chickens I was supposed to bring up with me!