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View Full Version : Lights or Blackout Curtains? Look Abandoned or Currently Living Inside?

03-08-2012, 05:20 PM
I stumbled upon this video: 10 Survival Tips that will Get you Killed - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db6v7YGizPk&feature=related) and was surprised to hear some of the advice this man had to offer concerning various survival topics. But what interested me the most was his opinion about whether to let your home show signs of being currently lived in (lights on) or having it looked abandoned and already looted to avoid bad guys.

I've read advice saying to keep the lights at a minimum and to put up blackout curtains so nobody will know you're home. I really couldn't quite come to terms with this for the very reasons stated in the video. If your home looks abandoned or empty, then that would appear to be an open invitation to whoever is out there that there is a house they can take shelter in and maybe find some food, so naturally they will head for it. But if they see lights, they will know somebody lives there that might shoot them if they try to break in.

What are the opinions of you guys about that?

03-09-2012, 01:39 AM
I don't plan on spending all my time hidden inside, there will be outside work to do. If you look at it both ways....empty invites squatters and occupied invites thieving. Seems to me leaving yours windows however matters little. You should be ready to protect your home either way.

03-09-2012, 02:19 AM
It would matter more depending on location. If in a city/urban area the abandon look will serve you better, out in the country side/rural area a little lighting won't hurt. I would however still want to practice light discipline at night.

03-09-2012, 04:17 AM
That one goes either way. Yes, looking empty can invite scroungers, but looking occupied also says "somebody lives here", which can mean there's supplies for the folks living there, something to take.
While blackout curtains won't let anybody see in, they won't let you see out, either.

03-09-2012, 04:50 AM
I have often wondered about that as well. Is it better to board up windows or make it look looted and squatters are already in it?

03-09-2012, 06:08 AM
well it depends on your demographic. Figgure living in a large suburb with many neighborhood houses that look the same. chances are you wont get attacked, persay. But if you live on a 100 acre farm with solar panels, etc, I hope you have a viable defense, as making the property look abandoned will surely invite unwanted guests.

03-09-2012, 12:32 PM
I had always planned on making the house look looted & burnt when I lived in California. The plan was to toss a crapload of trash, clothes, furniture, ect ect, then scorch the window & door frames and make it look like the house had been burnt on the inside. Then I would either put up some blackout curtains to block out any light, and I think it would do the trick. Granted, theres always going to be that one looter whos willing to check it out, therefore plywood covering the windows and doors could do the trick as well. food for thought I guess.

03-09-2012, 08:47 PM
Here in Phoenix I would make it look looted, abandoned, and not worth messing with.

Throw my plasma TV on the front lawn and smash with a brick, along with randon crap that I didn't need.

Make my presence known only as needed if anyone got too curious in spite of my machinations.

03-09-2012, 10:41 PM
My problem is we are the first house going into subdivision on a well traveled road. What I am hoping as it IS the first house and I make it look looted and squatters are there, we'll be left alone.

The Stig
03-09-2012, 10:49 PM
My problem is we are the first house going into subdivision on a well traveled road. What I am hoping as it IS the first house and I make it look looted and squatters are there, we'll be left alone.

We are in same boat.

Depends on scenario. If it's temporary trying to go low-pro is probably the best route.

If it's a total meltdown I don't think you'll be able to predict what people will do and make a blanket statement that if I do X the badguys will do Y. Overall, however, I'd vote for low-profile again. If that means making your house look ravaged to avoid being the only decent looking house on the street....go for it.

03-09-2012, 11:05 PM
That one goes either way. Yes, looking empty can invite scroungers, but looking occupied also says "somebody lives here", which can mean there's supplies for the folks living there, something to take.
While blackout curtains won't let anybody see in, they won't let you see out, either.

Have to agree.

03-09-2012, 11:13 PM
I am technically the last house on two roads, so it someone makes it that far, they will probably be looking for a place. I plan on playing by ear, as the deteriorating situation requires.

At first, it'll be business as usual, with the gates closed and chained. a sign essentially saying F*ck off!

If things start escalating, I'll move a couple spare vehicles a mile down each road, and burn them there, and put signs up saying "nothing but death ahead.

At this point I'll blacken some key windows.

If things truly go South, I'll block the gate, and burn the entrance vehicle. I'll have a scattering of brass around, and make sure there are serious 'blood' stains at the road. The sign will get a little more graphic in asking people to move on.

At this point I will be covering my windows with steel plates, as well as important parts of the house frame. there will be secure hardened bunkers in strategic locations, etc etc etc.

And yes, I already have the steel cut to size to cover most of my windows.

I still live in a wood house in the woods, so keeping people at a distance will be the most important thing, not maintaining firefights in my front yard!

03-10-2012, 02:28 AM
Me and the kid brother are lucky. The neighbors are pretty much on board with this set of problems.

03-10-2012, 08:11 PM
I think I'll screw in plywood sheets 2/3 to 3/4ths the way up the windows. Still have blackout curtains but not really try to hide the fact that someone lives here. Keeps the lights low and stare out at the world 24/7 (or as much as possible) over the tops of the plywood. Good thing I'm tall.

03-11-2012, 01:10 AM
What might be a good idea is to not go to the extremes ether way but make yourself look unkempt and hungry, when people are passing by beg for food or clothes and act crazy when your outside and at night keep a fire smoldering in the front yard that you burnt your own waste in. Make it appear that you have nothing and could use anything. The people that are willing to help just might end up your allies. The more the better.

03-11-2012, 06:30 AM
I plan on going low profile. Got good ideas in another area here about silencing the generator and other good advice from you all about hardening the house, etc..

03-23-2012, 08:20 AM
Here's how I block light, heat, and noise from one of my windows while enhancing security.

I made inserts from 1/2" plywood on a 2x4 frame, double sided with styrofoam sheet in the middle. These sit in the widow sill, and are held in place by small sliding bolts.

There are 2 blocking the window to keep the weight down for easier removal. I originally did this as a way of securing the window yet keeping it available as a fire exit.

Single-thickness variations would be easy to make, and you could install a peep-hole if you need to see out. Add more or bigger bolts for more security.

I haven't bothered to make it completely light-tight, but it would be easy to do.


03-23-2012, 03:22 PM
WOW!!! That's a great idea! I was just thinking we'd have to nail or screw the boards to the studs around the window frame. I really like your idea about using sliding bolts. Thanks!!!

03-23-2012, 10:59 PM
Here's how I block light, heat, and noise from one of my windows while enhancing security.

I made inserts from 1/2" plywood on a 2x4 frame, double sided with styrofoam sheet in the middle. These sit in the widow sill, and are held in place by small sliding bolts.

There are 2 blocking the window to keep the weight down for easier removal. I originally did this as a way of securing the window yet keeping it available as a fire exit.

Single-thickness variations would be easy to make, and you could install a peep-hole if you need to see out. Add more or bigger bolts for more security.

I haven't bothered to make it completely light-tight, but it would be easy to do.


:cool: I like it!!!

03-25-2012, 05:41 AM
Well, if your defenses are tested, you could always just leave the bodies out at the edge of the property.

Nothing says "Get the f--- off my lawn" like shot up corpses laying about. Having used a sword or axe is even better.

Seriously, low profile is the way to go. To anybody who has any time to watch, you'll not hide that you are living there. You want to look like you don't have anything to bother trying to take.
Just remember that in a total state of chaos, people themselves are sometimes considered something to take, especially the ladies.
In desperate times folks will do desperate things, and can be totally unpredictable. Nothing is guaranteed.

03-26-2012, 04:23 AM
Along the lines of leaving bodies toward the edge of the property, If you have any animal carcases or mice or rats that you have killed, place them away from the house but above ground along likely approach routes. While this might bring in the four legged predators such as dogs gone feral or coyotes, the smell of the decomposing carcases or remains will likely deter the two legged types.

Had a mouse infestation in a 8x12 storage building so placed D-con in it. A week later the stench was terrible and lasted a couple of weeks. Fortunately they all left the building before they died. I could smell them but could not find them in the tall grass to move further out.

03-26-2012, 02:22 PM
Great idea about leaving a rotting body or two (I'm thinking animal, not the human) out where they'll stink real bad. If someone thinks a dead body is inside they might decide it's not worth trying to enter. That's one smell that most Americans are not used too and will make them feel like heaving. I know I always do when I get a strong enough whiff of a dead animal.

And as far as stealing "ladies" goes, I keep harping about dressing up like a man. Even if you're short and have big boobs women can still pass as men if they do it right. I've already got all the boy clothes ready for my daughters to turn into sons. It's certainly not a guarantee that you won't be sexually attacked, but I think it lessens the chance. I'm a big woman (amazon-ish), so it should be quite easy for me to appear as a man. I just got to get the mannerisms down.

03-26-2012, 02:26 PM
It isn't difficult... burp, fart, and spit.

You will however, need to learn to pee standing up! and remember, as a man; the world is your urinal!


03-26-2012, 02:29 PM
It isn't difficult... burp, fart, and spit.

You will however, need to learn to pee standing up! and remember, as a man; the world is your urinal!;)

Believe it or not, I bought a gizmo off of Amazon.com that allows women to stand up and pee just like a man. It works great! I could buy one that actually looks like a penis. Maybe I should do that.

03-26-2012, 05:41 PM
Great idea about leaving a rotting body or two (I'm thinking animal, not the human) out where they'll stink real bad. If someone thinks a dead body is inside they might decide it's not worth trying to enter. That's one smell that most Americans are not used too and will make them feel like heaving. I know I always do when I get a strong enough whiff of a dead animal.

Just 2 or 3 mice or squirrels will do the job and the smell would last for 2 to 3 weeks unless something comes along and eats them, so it wouldn't take much to creat the smell.

03-27-2012, 12:11 AM
Dont kid yourselves! It all depends on the predators in your area. Ive gutted a deer, and gone back 2 hours later, and found nothing but tracks. I've butchered a deer, and dumped the bones out in the back 40, come back to the house for my traps, and gone back out to find a stain on the ground.

Birds are the biggest predator. ravens. blackbirds, seaguls, magpies... They'll clean a corpse in record time. At least around here.

Last fall, my buddy smacked a deer, it ran... we sat back for 1/2 an hour to wait, and tracked it. when we found it, it was 3/4 GONE by coyotes. AND I mean GONE!

In SHTF, do not rely on kills to last for weeks, smelling, with an abundance of death around, predators will abound!

The Stig
03-27-2012, 12:05 PM
Here's how I block light, heat, and noise from one of my windows while enhancing security.

I made inserts from 1/2" plywood on a 2x4 frame, double sided with styrofoam sheet in the middle. These sit in the widow sill, and are held in place by small sliding bolts.

There are 2 blocking the window to keep the weight down for easier removal. I originally did this as a way of securing the window yet keeping it available as a fire exit.

Single-thickness variations would be easy to make, and you could install a peep-hole if you need to see out. Add more or bigger bolts for more security.

I haven't bothered to make it completely light-tight, but it would be easy to do.


Not sure how I missed this, but I like it very much. Can see that being handy in many ways.

Taz Baby
03-28-2012, 02:47 AM
Believe it or not, I bought a gizmo off of Amazon.com that allows women to stand up and pee just like a man. It works great! I could buy one that actually looks like a penis. Maybe I should do that.

Yea you can make one too Molly. It is a funnel and a rubber hose.

03-28-2012, 11:15 AM
Believe it or not, I bought a gizmo off of Amazon.com that allows women to stand up and pee just like a man. It works great! I could buy one that actually looks like a penis. Maybe I should do that.

Hmm, Sounds like someone has a little penis-envy!!

http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e16/bochorno2/turn%20of%20the%20screw%20aka%20the%20mortar%20and %20the%20pestle/freudian_1467.jpg

But, don't worry, it isn't fatal and...


03-28-2012, 03:37 PM
I was wondering why it was taking so long for my post to be given it's due attention. Penis envy.......ewww....no, not that. I may have problems but that's definitely not one of them lol!