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04-09-2011, 03:09 AM
I came down with a severe sinus infection this week and pretty much have felt like crap every since. My questions are these;
Do you keep a good supply of decongestants, cough meds, allergy meds, etc? One thing I've found that works for us, Xicam. If you start using it within 24-36 hours of syptoms coming on, it will greatly shorten a cold and lessen to some extent it's effects. We were out of it this week and thus didn't do me worth a crap.
My other question, have you given any thought or made plans on how to deal with getting sick with bad Sh_t going on? I'd love to hear some ideas from you folks.
This is the first time I've been sick in 2-3 years and it one thing I hadn't gave a thought to it and sure didn't have all the meds I needed on hand.

04-09-2011, 11:04 AM
Well, this is a major concern for me. I am taking daily medicine for my blood pressure. I have never been able to get more than 6 months from doctors at a time. Without this medicine, there is a risk of sudden death. Antibiotics are a must too. i just got over a major tooth infection.

I find that serious medication is the toughest thing to stock.

04-09-2011, 03:31 PM
RJ, I and my wife are on maintenance meds for various ailments, Blood pressure being one of mine. Our insurance also will do the 90 day prescription and typically have 1 refill. I have found that I can re-order 2-3 weeks ahead of the 90 schedule and over time have built up close to 6 months worth of meds. It is a very slow process though. It's about the only way I know to stock it unless you could get your dr to write another script and take it to a different Pharmacy and just pay full price, no insurance, for the meds. And that will be expensive.

04-10-2011, 02:27 AM
I have a lil xicam , some tablets called airborn and some powdered vit c packets that go in water. Also have nyquil and a nose spray thing cuz me hates a clogged nose. other then that not much for "flu/cold"

The Stig
04-11-2011, 02:37 PM
This is an area where I too need to flesh out better. Most of my med supplies are trauma injury related. I have some by way of aspirins, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhea, etc but not much by the way of cough meds, xicams, flu stuff, etc.

You are right. The OTC is fairly easy to get, just a matter of remembering to do it (and actually doing it). But the prescription grade stuff is tough.

04-11-2011, 09:06 PM
I've put back the usual OTC stuff, in addition to a ton of my normal scripts, even managed to put back some epi.

04-11-2011, 09:54 PM
When I move back, I hope that I can do it by paying full price. Here with socialized medicine, it is impossible. They know if you come get it early.

04-12-2011, 12:19 PM
Just going to do it cowboy style with a few shots of whiskey lol.

04-12-2011, 08:13 PM
The other issue with trying to store up prescription meds is the shelf life. Keep in mind that Antibiotics such as penicillin will not last. Shelf life of these is generally about 3 years, depending on storage conditions. Liquid forms are only good for about two weeks, in optimal refrigerated conditions.

04-19-2011, 12:44 AM
When I move back, I hope that I can do it by paying full price. Here with socialized medicine, it is impossible. They know if you come get it early.

Better hurry or else we will be socialized also.

Grumpy Old Man
04-28-2011, 11:04 PM
We really need to look herbal remedies in this kind of situation. Things like elderberry extract, sassafras root, willow bark, chamomile, etc. Raw honey is good as an antiseptic, witch hazel is a good astringent, garlic can lower blood pressure, etc. My point is that in an extended situation modern medicines may not be available and alternatives are good to have on hand. You can also get antibiotics at the feed store. Look for the fish meds, e.g. fish mycin is erythromycin, etc.
SurvivalNurse has some good youtube vids on these subjects.