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View Full Version : SHTFReady Fund Raiser

The Stig
05-11-2012, 11:35 PM
Redjohn and I are pleased to announce the first ever shtfready.com fund raiser.

Several months back a number of people expressed interest in helping the site financially. This spurred talk amongst the staff about how best to go about this. Thanks to the hard work of Lunchbox I think we have a great chance for you to help the site but get something in return.

So here's the scoop.....

For every $20 donated to the website, you will receive your choice of one of the two following shirts....



The T-shirts are available from sizes small to 3x. At this time no other colors, pockets, types or jet pack accessories are available. There is going to be a slight change to the artwork to make the website address all one word, but otherwise this is the final design.

We were so blown away by people expressing interest in donating we wanted to do something a little special besides just begging for cash.

Here's how it works:

We'll start accepting donations on May 21st. Donations will be sent directly to member Lunchbox. The open period for donations will be from May 21st to June 4th (two full weeks to give everybody plenty of time to round up funds). Lunchbox will keep track of the donations, shirt sizes, etc.

Once the donations window closes, Lunchbox will then place the master order for the t-shirts. Once he gets them back from the printer/shirt guy he will mail them out directly too you.

Donations can be accepted by money order, check or paypal. For this one MO/check is preferred. He can accept personal checks but shirts will not ship until they clear.

If you'd like to simply make a small donation and forget the T-shirt, simply get your funds to Lunchbox.

Pretty simple really.

Why this is good for shtfready.com

This helps the website in a number of ways. Besides raising money for future projects, of which many are being considered, wearing of the T-shirt will help spread the word about our colony. Our hope is it will spark conversations or make talking about the website a little easier.

Again, Redjohn and I were blown out that people expressed a desire to donate financially with nothing in return. Our hope is that this will allow us to give you a little something special and is a small way of thanking the membership for choosing to spend time with us.

Many thanks to Lunchbox who has spearheaded the details and will be managing this for us. He's a standup guy and trust me, without him this would have not come together. He will be along shortly with further details.

Wanted to get this announcement out ahead of the 21st to give everybody time to prepare and get questions answered.

05-12-2012, 12:45 AM
im in

05-12-2012, 01:21 AM
Deleted post.

05-12-2012, 01:41 AM
I like where your going with that Evolver. Im a "yea"

Count me in either way!

05-12-2012, 04:33 AM
Ok folks, as stated above, its time to order. You can state it here the quantity, color and sizes but pm me with the same information and your shipping address.

I will pm my address and confirm your request at that time with information/cost

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

05-13-2012, 01:59 AM
Want to contribute

Taz Baby
05-13-2012, 04:07 PM
we're in

Grumpy Old Man
05-14-2012, 05:24 PM
Ol' Grump's all in!

05-14-2012, 05:24 PM
Pm sent

The Stig
05-14-2012, 11:20 PM
Just a word of clarification....

There's been some folks who are not happy with the t-shirt design. Please keep in mind that the t-shirt is meant as a "thank you gift" for contributing. It's like when you sign up for the NRA and they send you a knife or you contribute to the local public broadcasting TV station and then send you a trinket. Instead of begging for cash we wanted to give you a little something in return for your donation (and that it helps with advertising is good too).

That said, our goal was to keep the shirt design basic to keep costs down. We could have gone with a much more artistic ant head, better script, pockets, rhinestones, ballistic armor, etc but that would have raised the cost of the shirt to a point where all the funds would have gone to the shirt and none to the site.

So that's how we came up with the idea that for every $20 you donate you get a shirt. It's a nice shirt that should generate discussion and our way for thanking you for contributing.

When we go to actually sell a shirt we'll have all sorts of fantastic ideas to work with and can go "all out" on a design that will make everybody's knees tremble in anticipation.

But for now, this is a thank you gift for a donation. That's all. If you don't like the shirt but would still like to make a donation please contact Lunchbox directly for arrangements.

Hope this clears things up.

Whether you like the shirt or not, RJ remain amazed that you'd like to donate to the colony. We deeply appreciate that and your participation here.

05-25-2012, 03:13 AM
Stig ,
Shirts are great. Check has been sent Can't wait to get mine!

The Stig
05-29-2012, 11:20 AM
Ok folks.....don't forget the donations are being accepted until June 4th. I was on vacation last week and honestly forgot to remind everybody about the start of the donation period on May 21st. Sorry about that.

But there's still plenty of time, if you are so inclined, to make a donation.

Don't forget, for every $20 donated you get a choice of shirts (see details in the OP).

Thanks to all who have contributed, or are considering doing so. RJ and I are honored that you'd consider supporting our venture.