View Full Version : Garage Sale Scores 2012

06-02-2012, 01:47 AM
I stopped at a big one today, A retirement village a few miles away has a one every year. This year there was over 100 garages involved. By far the most prevalent items were golf related (go figure). clubs bags, carts, balls... blah!

I did manage a few decent scores; I'll add pictures of some of the stuff next week.

Commercial style table planer $50
100' garden hose $2
unipod folding seat $1
Brazilian Bolo Machete $2
2 oil stones $4
Lansky turnbox sharpener: $10
7 Quart canning pot with insert $3
Box full of wood stains/sealants $free
Cabbage shredder $10
8 cans of catfood $2
watering can, grass snips $1

Books: $0.25 ea
Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame
Escape from Canada
Manitoba, Birth of a Province
Women of the Red River
The Legend of Pan Phillips
The Pioneer years 1895-1914
The mad Trapper!!! (been looking for this one for YEARS!!)
Over the Prison Wall
Saddlebag Surgeon
Proven Tips for the Lazy Gardener

Also chatted with a few of the people that had hunting items visible in their garages, and out of about a dozen I have two invitations to come back and talk to them about buying all their guns.

06-02-2012, 02:23 AM
Nice T! and congrats on finding a book you've been searching for over that long!

I haven't hit any sales yet, but the community across from work is having one of their bi-annual events this weekend. I'll probably leave early for work and hit that one, if the weather cooperates.

06-02-2012, 02:35 AM
Great finds Sniper! The best may be yet to come. Still lots of good stuff at really good prices.

06-02-2012, 05:14 PM
nice finds! I am going to hit the garage sales here hard this summer (pending funding approval from the Minister of Finance!)

06-22-2012, 11:41 AM
Stopped at a couple yesterday and scored these:



food grade, waterproof, and airtight!

and for $5.00 each (I talked them down to 7 for $30.)

A couple will go into my camping gear for dryfood storage, the rest into my preps for food storage


06-22-2012, 11:50 AM
That is a righteous score....what was the previous contents?

06-22-2012, 12:01 PM

Each barrel contained 600,000 Tablets.

06-22-2012, 12:55 PM

Each barrel contained 600,000 Tablets.

store rice and relieve aches and pains....:)

That's a great find man.....congrats....I have a few of those....but they had nuts and bolts in it....:(

06-22-2012, 01:02 PM
Snipey, awesome score man!
I need to get out more often ;)

06-22-2012, 01:03 PM
Apparently the woman that gets them, can get a never ending supply of them (A multi-family sale, and she wasn't there) - but I got a contact # for her, and will see about adding to the collection.

They are pretty big to just fill, so I'll probably pack them with vaccu-bags of stuff, to make them more user friendly.

I just don't know if I will go with one item per barrel (ie 5 gallons of basmati rice) or if I'll mix and match, have rice, beans, flour, etc in each

06-22-2012, 01:27 PM
If you use mylar bags.....you could pack them as multi-meal carriers.....have all the ingredients for a meal in one bag...and a bunch of bags in one easy to handle container.

06-22-2012, 01:46 PM
I would do what Echo says Sniper, make them multiple item carriers. That's what I went with on my 5 gallon pails.
This way you could just grab one and run if you needed to.
Mine typically consists of rice, wheat flour, beans, sugar and spices. Some have jerky as well that I rotate out as needed.

Taz Baby
06-23-2012, 12:35 AM
Great find sniper. We go to yard sales every sat and the flea markets too. We are always finding things. Today found a pair of bass boots for .50. We are also collecting pallets since they are free.

06-23-2012, 07:57 PM
Went to the Hartville flea market today and picked up 2 old tools just in case Work becomes manual.

1- 65" long ;5.5 " wide 2 man cross cut saw. $20

2- A scythe $25

Hope I did okay price wise. Had to have it after talking with B.P. Just never know. ;)

06-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Eagle if you listen to me chances are pretty high you will develop some baaaaad habits. :)

Nice score and good prices to boot.

06-23-2012, 09:54 PM
Eagle if you listen to me chances are pretty high you will develop some baaaaad habits. :)

Nice score and good prices to boot.

Thanks B.P. ; Hope I didn't take too much time away from you chicken coop work. But wanted you to be 1st. to know since you opened my eyes to a tool that I could quite well use and never thought of.
As for bad habits I think I have them all covered at my age ; BUT I'm willing to learn. :D

06-23-2012, 10:09 PM

This was a good find a while back...

06-23-2012, 11:14 PM

This was a good find a while back...

Very good find . Another craft to learn if dark days come upon us.

06-23-2012, 11:27 PM
Nice score Echo. I know where to get my shoes now. :)

Eagle you call anytime! I was just putting the finishing touches on that little deal and I needed a break anyway. From what I have looked at those saws are going for upwards of §100 around here and are hard to find. I rarely see a scythe and they are normally broken and un-useable when i do. Seems like nice find to me.

06-23-2012, 11:52 PM
Nice score Echo. I know where to get my shoes now. :)

Eagle you call anytime! I was just putting the finishing touches on that little deal and I needed a break anyway. Fromwhat I have looked at those saws are going for upwards of §100 around here and are hard to fins. I rarely see a scythe and they are narmally broken and unuseable when i do. Seems like a nice find to me.

Thanks B.P. Was raised not to keep a man or woman from their work. You're truly a good man.
The saw needs a little polishing up and stiffening of the handles. Other than that I think we're good to go. That is my 2 boys on the working ends of the saw. :D

Yea the scythe threw me for a loop. Was walking by and came to a dead stop and wife said what did you see. I explained our conversation and she said ; So are you gonna buy it ? I said after I handle it . It was solid and when she wouldn't come down to $20 I bought that puppy. Like to keep my options open as to tools. Growing up it was mostly manual tools so I try to keep or acquire that which I don't have.
And you expanded my tool learning to a new level. :cool:

06-27-2012, 06:04 AM
Great finds, Wish the yuppie puppies and dinks around here would have better stuff. Did score two Coleman lanterns last week end . One from 1963 and one practically brand new. Guy selling it said his father had bought it in DEC 2011 and used it once to test it out . Unfortunately he passed early JAN this year. Guy didn't want ANY of the camping equipment his dad bought. I wish I had taken the Friday off, he supposedly had a ton of stuff, mostly brand spanking new his dad had bought, in the sale on Friday.