View Full Version : Happy Fathers Day

06-17-2012, 05:08 PM
I would like to wish a happy fathers day to all the dad's out there. I hope each of you have a fantastic day.

06-17-2012, 05:50 PM

Taz Baby
06-17-2012, 06:54 PM
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers and fathers to be. Have a great day

06-17-2012, 11:03 PM
I would like to wish a happy fathers day to all the dad's out there. I hope each of you have a fantastic day.

B.P. ; Thanks for you wish.

My wish is I would wish your father was here so you could tell him F.T.F. with a big hug as my children did for me today. All 4 0f them. We celebrated my wife's 60th. B-day today but my 4 made sure I was told how they felt about me.
It saddens me knowing what you posted of your father and I really wish you the best on this day.

06-17-2012, 11:26 PM
It's all good Eagle. I thought of my dad as I often do. However, I was raised by my mom and Step dad since I was 3. He has always made sure I knew who I was, where I came from, and the sacrifice my dad made for our country. He has always treated me like I was his own and does to this day. I couldn't ask for a better one
Today I spent the day with them, my sister and her family celebrating Fathers day. It's all good.

06-18-2012, 12:05 AM
It's all good Eagle. I thought of my dad as I often do. However, I was raised by my mom and Step dad since I was 3. He has always made sure I knew who I was, where I came from, and the sacrifice my dad made for our country. He has always treated me like I was his own and does to this day. I couldn't ask for a better one
Today I spent the day with them, my sister and her family celebrating Fathers day. It's all good.

BRAVO ; BRAVO my friend . When I came back from Vietnam in 71 I met my future wife and her 6month old son. We got to know each other and when the proposal was made I told her I would only marry her if he was my son by adoption and took my last name.
Kind of shocked her but to this day he says I'm his dad because I loved him as he was and wanted him for my own as if I had made him in the first place.

It's not the blood in the son but the love in the son and the father. Your reply has made my day in more ways than you can ever imagine. :D

06-18-2012, 01:08 AM
It's not the blood in the son but the love in the son and the father. Your reply has made my day in more ways than you can ever imagine. :D

I couldn't have said it better Eagle! Nice to know we have even more in common.

He taught me, as I'm sure you did, how to do many things including how to work to take care of my family and how more importantly how to be a man.

Step Fathers, whether adopted or not are certainly included in the well wishes.

06-18-2012, 07:38 PM
thank you