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View Full Version : Clothing and how much to have in one life

06-28-2012, 09:58 AM
Ok guys and gals take this one as diff point of view on what i call the trapping of modern life .A young lady i know found this stange because of the fact i can fit everything i own in the world in a large sized laundry basket .I see this young lady every week when i do laundry at this place where i wash my cloths and the othe day we got to talking as i helped her in with her four oversized and overflowing laundry basket and i asked how many kids does she have and she told me none .

She thinks i'm a odd duck because of the simple fact i do not have a closet full of clothing in my place .I do keep sets of vacum packed bags full of diff clothing i need for the long haul after the Shtf but now it a basic Az clothing list for the me .

There was once in my life i wore a suit and tie every day for work and had all the clothing that would fill in a good sized walk in closet with suits and ties and dress shoes along with bdu pants and other type of military and police clothing in my former life and job .But once i left that life i clean out the closet and give things to my friends and love ones to have them because they needed them more than me .

So here is my basic list of clothing

-2-sets of levi jeans i wear for winter time
-2-sets of multi pocket cargo shorts i wear for summer time
-4-sets of no pocket diff color cotton t-shirts for summer and winter time wear
-2-sets of diff color cotton.s.s. casal dress shirts for winter time wear
-4-sets of ankle and crew socks
-4-sets of boxer style briefs
-4-sets of sleeping t-shirts and shorts
-1-pair of hiking boots for winter wear
-1-pair of gym shoes for wearing around in the summer
-1-wilderness shop belt


Carhatt's pullover sweatshirt jacket
Carhatt's zipfront front with lining winter jacket with gloves and watch cap for winter time wear in northern Az where i live we do get snow and ice storms up there .

work cloths

-4-sets of dickie work jeans
-4-sets of dark blue color cotton -t-shirts
-4-sets of white colo cotton undershirts for wear during the winter time
-4-sets of diff color cotton underwear
-4-sets of white color ankle socks for work shoes
-1-heavy duty leather belt
-1-pair of black color low cut heavy duty police style gym shoes for wearing because of beening on my feet fo the eight hours i'm thee

plus the extras i have in the basket when i come to the laundry mat i use to wash the clothing

-1-hand towel
-1-kitchen towel
-1-oversized bath towel
-1- smaller bathtowel for the floor
-1-set of bed sheets with pillow cases and blanket .

I change out on laundry day all the bed linens and blanket on my bed with fresh ones along with changeing ot the towels in the bathroom and kitchen towels for fresh clean ones and the dirty one goes into the basket to be washed

She watchs me fold up everything the other day and asked me why i had so little clothing in my life i told here i could not wear everything and need only a few things to make it now in my life.She and i have diff views of what is need in one life to get buy and what some people think they need in one life

06-28-2012, 12:56 PM
That is a nice list, and rather complete. You are missing underwear/boxers though. It is a good list for about a year's worth, then things start to wear out.

But, do you like, use, or need camouflage clothing? Blue jeans do not blend into the woods, desert, or rather anything other than rock.

06-28-2012, 01:51 PM
I do have those types of clothing at the cabin stored in a vacumed packed plastic bags then they are stored in a rubbermaid tote with lid for keeping them togerther in one place .

My whole thing is that as a basic prepper type person i belive in the whole thing of un tactical cool look when i'm in town or at a some place where i might have a problem with the socalled local people .That does not happen much but it has happen when my company has sent down into central Phx area to work and it seams that we draw a crowd of the local no to do types now that summer has gotten here .

Plus given the fact that most of the places i work are opened 24 hours i do try and keep the look down to the barest levels when working in those places because of the threat of dealing with someone who is anti law enforcement and think you are one of them and will shoot you for just beening in the way of them getting out of the place

06-29-2012, 12:06 AM
Wow, I could never live with that little amount of clothing. Maybe it's a girl thing. Would go through less clothes in the winter of course because there are less clothing changes a day but for a girl if we went out to work all day in the garden or whatever and got all dirty we would come in and shower and change clothes. We would not usually put on jammies because you never know who is going to knock on the door and come in the house. We would usually put on another set of clothes and wear them the rest of the day into the night until bedtime and put on jammies (for those who wear them). Also if I go into town I very often wear different clothes than I would wear at home so once again, that would be 2 sets in one day. Granted, the 2nd set can be worn more than once since they aren't getting dirty unless you start baking and get ingredients all over ya or have young children that you have to feed and bathe which very likely will get you all messy. There are tons of reasons girls change clothes in a day. Plus I think women would need more bras and panties then men need their boxers. Many men go without underware in the summer especially if wearing shorts where many women wouldn't go without panties or a bra so they just don't last as long.

06-29-2012, 02:09 AM
My wife has clothes that have been in the closet for at least a year that still have tags. She's in retail, so she shops on her lunch hour. HELP ME!!! Lol. I don't mind the clothes, she has to dress for work being the manager, so no worries. I however, since losing some weight, now have way too many clothes. I am working on getting down to a pretty simple wardrobe, but refuse to throw out good clothes that I may need. I wear company logo golf shirts most days, and only have a few t shirts that arent undershirts. I'd love to reduce what I have, but once again, not willing to throw most of it out or donate it.

06-29-2012, 03:23 AM
^I don't blame you. And also they could be used to bargin with at some point. It all else fails they can be taken in to fit you later or deconstructed to remake other clothes or even quilts.

06-29-2012, 05:47 PM
All the clothes I wear can fit in one suitcase. I will not buy clothes until I lose all of the weight I have gained and a lot of what I have is wearing out. I better be able to fit in my old clothes soon because no one wants to see me walk around in my undies.

06-29-2012, 10:32 PM

06-30-2012, 05:07 AM

- - - Updated - - -

ak, if the clothes are still serviceable can you get them altered to fit you now?

06-30-2012, 05:39 AM

- - - Updated - - -

ak, if the clothes are still serviceable can you get them altered to fit you now?

I could, if I didn't wear cargo shorts and golf shirts for work.... I have over 100 dress shirts (ah the good ole days when I was rich and in new home sales lol) I don't really have the occasion to wear them much, but I'm almost afraid I'll get another dress up job, and go bankrupt buying work clothes. I am however, going to store most of them in the coming few days, it's out of hand at this point. I filled 2 huge bags with stuff to donate today, and there's more left to go away.

06-30-2012, 12:04 PM
My wife has clothes that have been in the closet for at least a year that still have tags.

just wait till its out of style and she toss it in the donate bin and you'll cry twice ....lol

to the OP

jeans are not meant to be washed weekly, just like any other item of clothing and nothing replaces good socks, you get like 10 pair for $ 6, in a pinch when its cold you could use them as mittens, get some more clothes just in case.

Hell I carry a complete change of clothes in my truck at all times including a crappy t-shirt in case I have to change a flat or something, can't tell you how many times I got soaked in a rainstorm and what a life changer to put on a dry t-shirt to complete the rest of your day, now thats what I called being prepared

07-04-2012, 02:27 AM
[QUOTE=rentprop1;35180]just wait till its out of style and she toss it in the donate bin and you'll cry twice ....lol

Just give it 20 years and it's back in style again...I still have clothes that are probably that old! I just wish I hadn't gotten rid of all my bell bottoms and hip huggers from high school. Sure would save me some money now.

07-04-2012, 10:25 AM
The only time I throw clothes away are when they are completely DONE!

I don't buy much, but do get some new stuff coming in. at that stage, it is a 'good' whatever, to be worn out, to work, etc. Once it starts getting a little ratty, then it becomes a 'work' whatever, for working around the house/garden/garage. Although these are known to make it into town once in a while. The next stage is hunting/fishing/camping clothes. Where they are fine for out in the bush, or out on the lake, but other than traversing from home to there, and back; they aren't for the public to see. beyond this they become 'last use' items, which may last for quite some time - lol. I might throw on a tee of this description to crawl around under the truck, or go quading through the muck and loon shit. If they are unusually nasty when I get home, they might get one final wash, and then get stuffed into the 'rag-box' in the garage.

So in a nutshell, I have t-shirts/sweatshirts/etc dating back to the 80's, pants become shorts, and then just disintigrate.

Socks are my weekness. I can't stand wearing socks 2 days in a row. so I have dozens of pairs of everything from anklers, to cotton, to dress, to mild winter, to heavy wool.

Given the extent of our winters, I do have a goodly collection of warm clothing, that essentially follow the same rules as outlined above. I have woolen sweaters dating back to the 80's too. Are they still 'Fashionable'? huh, what? Are they still crazy-warm? You betcha!

In total, I have 3 drawers under the bed, 1/2 a regular sized closet, and a tote for off season. add to that, another 1/2 a closet of weather appropriate wear. snowmobile suits, rain gear, etc, mixed with HD work wear: carhardts, tough ducks.

I also have enough leather, and leather working tools to make anything I need, and have worked enough hides to know I can clothe myself and my gang from any critter bigger than a cat.

If SHTF, clothing is really one thing that I'm not worried about, as I can make my stuff last forever! Just don't expect me to dress for a fancy dinner 3 years into an event.

07-05-2012, 01:18 AM
The only time I throw clothes away are when they are completely DONE!

I don't buy much, but do get some new stuff coming in. at that stage, it is a 'good' whatever, to be worn out, to work, etc. Once it starts getting a little ratty, then it becomes a 'work' whatever, for working around the house/garden/garage. Although these are known to make it into town once in a while. The next stage is hunting/fishing/camping clothes. Where they are fine for out in the bush, or out on the lake, but other than traversing from home to there, and back; they aren't for the public to see. beyond this they become 'last use' items, which may last for quite some time - lol. I might throw on a tee of this description to crawl around under the truck, or go quading through the muck and loon shit. If they are unusually nasty when I get home, they might get one final wash, and then get stuffed into the 'rag-box' in the garage.

So in a nutshell, I have t-shirts/sweatshirts/etc dating back to the 80's, pants become shorts, and then just disintigrate.

Socks are my weekness. I can't stand wearing socks 2 days in a row. so I have dozens of pairs of everything from anklers, to cotton, to dress, to mild winter, to heavy wool.

Given the extent of our winters, I do have a goodly collection of warm clothing, that essentially follow the same rules as outlined above. I have woolen sweaters dating back to the 80's too. Are they still 'Fashionable'? huh, what? Are they still crazy-warm? You betcha!

In total, I have 3 drawers under the bed, 1/2 a regular sized closet, and a tote for off season. add to that, another 1/2 a closet of weather appropriate wear. snowmobile suits, rain gear, etc, mixed with HD work wear: carhardts, tough ducks.

I also have enough leather, and leather working tools to make anything I need, and have worked enough hides to know I can clothe myself and my gang from any critter bigger than a cat.

If SHTF, clothing is really one thing that I'm not worried about, as I can make my stuff last forever! Just don't expect me to dress for a fancy dinner 3 years into an event.

Post SHTF, you'll be able to actually make your own mad max leather outfits! Thats cool.