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View Full Version : The world around us: Supreme Court Rulings

The Stig
06-30-2012, 05:51 PM
Brother Izzy and I were discussing the recent Supreme Court rulings and our, shall we say, bitter disappointment with them, last night. Our discussions involved a myriad of political aspects of the rulings which we will clearly not be delving into here.

But we also both felt there were a bunch of different angles related to prepping that might encourage interesting discussion here at the colony.

For example, the health care ruling....

Holistic medicine/home remedies: How comfortable are you with these? Do you have stocks on hand to treat minor ailments? Can you take care of yourself in the event going to your GP is too expensive/too long of wait?

First aid/emergency trauma medicine: How comfortable are you with treating emergency trauma like accidents? Do you have supplies on hand? Do you know how to use them? Have you ever treated someone else's wounds in a stressful situation? If the impact on the health care system is what is likely to happen the chances of needing to care for yourself will greatly increase. Are you ready?

Are you planning now for the possible (read: highly likely) sky rocketing costs of medical care in the future? Are you reviewing your budgets and possibly saving money for future medical costs? If your current coverage suddenly went away would you be able to afford your own non-employer provided coverage?

In Izzy and my opinion, the healthcare debate is likely to become the next "social issue" ala civil rights for Blacks in the '60s or immigrants melting into American society in the 1800's. Like those situations we're both confident protest marches, violence, and general upheaval are possible. What are you doing to plan for this? Does this change any of your current plans? How does this impact your situational awareness should a "health care march" be going on in your hometown?

These are just a few aspects of the ruling that had a direct impact on prepping and we felt could generate some great discussion.

We are both confident the colony can stay on topic and focused on the prep related aspects of the recent Supreme Court rulings and not stray into political discussions.

What say you? How have these rulings impacted your prepping plans, if at all?

06-30-2012, 06:05 PM
For right now it has no impact. I'm awaiting the November poll results before I start worrying. If the results are dismall, I worry then. the main parts of the ACA don't kick in until 2014, so we all have a little breathing room.

06-30-2012, 06:34 PM
It will effect everyone in more ways than we can possibly begin to fathom.

There are so many things in this bill that have nothing to do with healthcare....

Not to mention this will cost us a fortune....like the country can afford it.

This may be a way to "tax" us in to oblivion.....but it's not a tax.....but it is a tax....but not....????

It's like the Fast and Furious.....how can you use executive privilege....if you claim to have never knew anything about it from the get go.

This is going to be the largest kick in the nuts this country has been exposed to in it's life time.

Because the same folks are in charge of dispersing our healthcare that run the DMV.

Oh joyous occasion.

06-30-2012, 06:51 PM
It's going to be interesting 129 days.
Sure looks like judicial activism.
The Health-Care Law's Mandate: A Tax on Young Americans? (http://www.youngentrepreneur.com/blog/the-health-care-laws-mandate-a-tax-on-young-americans/)

"As Chief Justice Roberts put it, “the mandate can be regarded as establishing a condition — not owning health insurance — that triggers a tax — the required payment to IRS."

The big but, it didn't include it under the commerce act.

06-30-2012, 07:30 PM
every union is asking for exceptions to this.....wonder why?

06-30-2012, 10:15 PM
I for one am woefully lacking the major parts for medical. With that said ; my wife went to our doctor the day the ruling came down and asked the wife where I was as I'm usually with her. He said he needed to talk to me badly about this. :D

He took care of the wife and she delivered the message. Now him and I've talked ; He is a staunch conservative in the old ways as am I. I made no bones or secret of where I stand on issues. We've talked in office on many subjects and he's asked for advice and I give it to him . I told him the day may come if it passed that I may have to barter chickens ; eggs or meat for payment just to see where he was in time. He said he'd be willing to work something out if it comes to that. Most of his office people that are close also want in on it including the nurse practioners whom I had long conversations with.

They have talents I don't and I have talents they don't. I've been working at getting them on board which wasn't hard as they know my past history. Since the SCOTUS let Obamacare survive I'm going to take it to the next stage and feel him out on stockpiling medical supplies. He's hinted at it and now is the time to draw him out. If I can work this it may hopefully benefit not just myself but the colony also as they know people in other areas. I'm going to see if I can get a list of things he thinks important for me to get that I can pick up. He looks to me for weapon information ; stockpiling and ways to secure things.
So hopefully we can work something out and any info. given that can be used by us all will be delivered to this site.

As for other remedies I'm open to them. My grandma had old natural remedies she used on us as kids and many worked just fine.
Never tried holistic but I'm game. The mind is a great weapon when it comes to most common illnesses. As a side note ; People were living just as long as some of us today. Sometimes the old ways are better. All forms of remedies and healing should be considered.

06-30-2012, 10:39 PM
While I dont want to delve into the political aspects of this, you guys may want to check this out. I found it a very good read. We can discuss it somewhere else.

Articles: The Chief Justice Done Good (http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/06/m-the_chief_justice_done_good.html)

07-01-2012, 03:04 AM
While I dont want to delve into the political aspects of this, you guys may want to check this out. I found it a very good read. We can discuss it somewhere else.

Articles: The Chief Justice Done Good (http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/06/m-the_chief_justice_done_good.html)

interesting read....I wonder if it is a ticking time bomb for other legislation?

07-01-2012, 09:08 AM
Great article, and well written. Sadly, the comments section is full of people blowwing off steam who obviously don't understand the article, or our nation's constitution. I know they don't go real in-depth in school, folks, but read a fricken book!

07-01-2012, 12:28 PM
This "tax" affects us in many more ways than most people realize. I'm planning accordingly. Unfortunately, while I think this would be a great discussion, I'm going to try to steer away from the political aspects here on the forum. I know it's hard to separate the two sometimes, but bear with me

Since the decision was handed down, this is how it affects my prepping:

1.) More ammo.

I see full potential for civil unrest/violence under a wide array of scenarios. PM me for a list. I'm not getting into it here.

2.) More medications.

I'm going to have to find an alternate source/ natural alternative to many of the critical meds in the household. I see costs going up......

3.) More food.

Lots of food. Why? Prices on everything else are going to go up...why not the food?

07-01-2012, 04:28 PM
Izzy, don't forget the drought. It's been worsening. Gov walker has asked for fed assistance with how chitty our crops are here in Wisconsin. Not to mention the chit storm that blew everything over from chicago eastward on friday. Plus all the cattle that were carved because the loss was cheaper than feeding them last year, which are starting to affect beef prices this year already. Food is #1 on my list. The obamacare will take a minimum of 2 years to melt over if it doesn't get dealt with after this election. And ammo is always good to have on hand:) Hopefully we see more rain july and august.

Keep prepping.

07-01-2012, 05:05 PM
OK, me being as blunt as I am. I don't mess with political situations. Sadly I only see things as black or white / it will or it wont. There is no possibly, maybe or could thoughts in my mind. That being said the resulting statement issued from the Supreme Court is over 100 pages. I don't have it in front of me or want it for that matter.

What we have here is a failure to communicate... sorry where was I?

The statement has to many ways of becoming an action or not. So since I don't have a primary placement in the decisions that are going on. ((Obama re elect/ Romney Elect)( Romney does what we understand him to say / He meant something else)) There is no way that I can do anything other than further my plans that I have made. I will vote according to my standards, I will voice my opinion, but I will remain resilient for the future.

07-01-2012, 07:22 PM
It is really hard for me not to go political on all the SC decisions this week. I will do my best.

The immigration ruling just baffles me. How could 9 people who are supposedly higher educated and intelligent totally disregard the fact that the Az law falls pretty much in line with the US law. If folks are here illegally, they are illegal! If your not going to enforce a law to protect your borders why would you even have laws at all. Two things come to mind with this ruling. This folks are mostly of voting age. They are also prime miliary age. Coincedeince???

The health care ruling was a shock for me as i did not expect Roberts to zide with the libs. However after talking with Eagle the other day, he mentioned a point I had not thought of. He ruled that the cost was a tax. Due to that it can be shut down by congress, if they will.

I am not really hopeful of that, so along the lines of Izzy, food, ammo, meds, and most anything I can think of is some of the things I will stock as quickly as possible. This on top of anything we have already been doong. I have also downloaded a herbal book/ course that Taz posted a week or so back. I figure any advantage we can get in advance of all this taking place will only benifit us long term.

07-01-2012, 07:33 PM
I concur with you Backpacker. The voters must give us both houses. Like you we're keeping enough to keep us going but no too much in case we have to leave. This area is good but I don't know how sustainable it is yet. Still working on plans in case we have to head for my buddies 40 acres in Maryland.

07-01-2012, 08:14 PM
You guys seem to think there is a separation of the two parties.......I will look a little harder ....

If you can let me know what the difference is....I would appreciate it.

07-01-2012, 08:24 PM
No Echo, I have no such illusion that there are major differences between the two parties. They both get the bulk of their money from the same people/unions/corporations. The monstorus bill that get passed would never happen if that was true. They just talk about things differently.

My saying about dems/repubs, they are nothing more than different sides of the same coin. Neither are worth a shit IMHO.

07-01-2012, 08:42 PM
This points out how little of a difference there is....

2011 Federal Budget "Deal"

Federal Budget: $ 3,820,000,000,000 (3.82 Trillion)
Income: $ 2,170,000,000,000 (2.17 Trillion)
New Debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 (1.65 Trillion)
Amount Cut: $ 38,500,000,000 (38.5 Billion) – about 1% of the total budget.

National Debt Total: $ 14,271,000,000,000 before this years budget.

Harry Reid is calling this a “historic amount“. The President said it is a “historic deal”. John Boehner simply said, “We’ve come to an agreement”.

Let’s Put This In Perspective. It helps me to think about these numbers in terms that we can relate to.

Let’s remove eight zeroes from those numbers and pretend this is a household budget for the fictitious Jones family.

Amount of money the “Jones’s family spent this Year: $ 38,200

Total income for the “Jones’s family this Year: $ 21,700

Amount of new debt added to the credit card this Year: $ 16,500

Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710

New outstanding balance on credit card: $159,210

So last week, the “Jones’s” sat down at the kitchen table and agreed to cut $385 from their yearly budget. A historic amount!

They almost shut down over a pack of gum by comparison....:(

Grumpy Old Man
07-01-2012, 09:00 PM
This is my thought

That out of the way, I accelerated my plans when it was first passed. The ruling has not affected my plans one way or the other, except to accelerate them a little more. That the Chief Justice abruptly reversed his position is very troubling, but not entirely out of keeping in the long line of Chief Justices. And the alleged threats from the Administration is also troubling, I see this as WROL. See below!

07-01-2012, 09:05 PM
You guys seem to think there is a separation of the two parties.......I will look a little harder ....

If you can let me know what the difference is....I would appreciate it.

I along with B.P. know that there's no real difference in either party. My point to B.P. was we need to get both houses to have any chance to kill this monster. With that being said I'm old enough to know where the D. party is taking me as I'm sure you do. Now if the other party gains control and does nothing to make a difference them all of us who watch will know what we've feared for a long time has come to be.

This to my way of thinking is our last venture into turning this country around in the voting booth and D.C. finally hearing the masses. But being as they are Politicians and not Statesmen I find myself looking at a storm brewing that we haven't seen since our birth.

I truly hope and pray I am wrong but I have the gut instinct that I won't live to grow old peacefully. But have to go back to that person no one wants to be.

07-01-2012, 09:09 PM
I really don't see it being killed.....not without a bunch of us going with it.

This gives them more control and power.....let alone the money end of things....and we know how much they like giving that back to the people once it is taken.

07-01-2012, 09:14 PM

07-01-2012, 09:38 PM
Here is how I think of this. This is my own saying.

You may burden a free man with many chains and shackles
Until you take his ability to live free and provide for his family
Then the constraints of the burden shall cause his uprising
Freedom is not free and we all must shed blood to infuse it's livelihood.

07-01-2012, 09:48 PM
Well said Eagle, Well said.

The Stig
07-01-2012, 10:30 PM
I for one am woefully lacking the major parts for medical. With that said ; my wife went to our doctor the day the ruling came down and asked the wife where I was as I'm usually with her. He said he needed to talk to me badly about this. :D

He took care of the wife and she delivered the message. Now him and I've talked ; He is a staunch conservative in the old ways as am I. I made no bones or secret of where I stand on issues. We've talked in office on many subjects and he's asked for advice and I give it to him . I told him the day may come if it passed that I may have to barter chickens ; eggs or meat for payment just to see where he was in time. He said he'd be willing to work something out if it comes to that. Most of his office people that are close also want in on it including the nurse practioners whom I had long conversations with.

They have talents I don't and I have talents they don't. I've been working at getting them on board which wasn't hard as they know my past history. Since the SCOTUS let Obamacare survive I'm going to take it to the next stage and feel him out on stockpiling medical supplies. He's hinted at it and now is the time to draw him out. If I can work this it may hopefully benefit not just myself but the colony also as they know people in other areas. I'm going to see if I can get a list of things he thinks important for me to get that I can pick up. He looks to me for weapon information ; stockpiling and ways to secure things.
So hopefully we can work something out and any info. given that can be used by us all will be delivered to this site.

As for other remedies I'm open to them. My grandma had old natural remedies she used on us as kids and many worked just fine.
Never tried holistic but I'm game. The mind is a great weapon when it comes to most common illnesses. As a side note ; People were living just as long as some of us today. Sometimes the old ways are better. All forms of remedies and healing should be considered.

Eagle...thanks for reply to the thread. This is exactly what I had in mind when I started it. No politics and a discussion about prepping.

Others....please focus on how the retardation emanating out of DC and the USSC has changed or not changed your prepping behaviors and skip the political talk.

07-01-2012, 10:40 PM
Thanks Stig; Was just trying to show where I'm at and hopefully headed.
If I got off message in my later post I was just trying to clarify. Will watch post here after.

07-01-2012, 10:51 PM
As far as changing my prepping methods....it hasn't...I already plan on going without "walk in health care".

However....I've been asking my health care givers if they are willing to barter....some show interest....some don't.

07-02-2012, 04:25 AM
Doesn't change anything here.
For some time now I have been of the belief that no matter what anyone else says or does, the "elites" at the top are going to run this country straight into the ground.
They think they will end up in charge with all the money.
That money will be worthless.
They also forget that when you take away peoples' choices and their dignity, and leave them with nothing, the people get rather creative at getting "payback", or at least getting by.
This will bite the "elites" in the ass, hard.
Meanwhile the "thugs" and general idiots will have a free-for-all.
Times will be rough for awhile, maybe a long while.
If you use it, you either need to stock it, or be finding a way to replenish it yourself, by making your own, or finding a suitable substitute.
And if a hurricane or other such thing comes along in the mean time, you'll be ready.

07-02-2012, 03:29 PM
The Stig

"These are just a few aspects of the ruling that had a direct impact on prepping and we felt could generate some great discussion.

We are both confident the colony can stay on topic and focused on the prep related aspects of the recent Supreme Court rulings and not stray into political discussions.

What say you? How have these rulings impacted your prepping plans, if at all?"

I backed away from the politics and stated our current objective is something we can cause an effect with. (my wife, dogs and I) I don't believe I misread the question.

Grumpy Old Man
07-02-2012, 09:47 PM
As I said, in only accelerates my plans a little more. I already practice herbal medicine in my life, and I am a better diagnostician than my doctor when it comes to me. But I will be adding to my trauma kit, and I am considering enrolling in some EMT courses at the local JuCo. I will say this, I'm glad I bit the bullet so to speak and started on my remedial dental work 2 years ago, because I'm a heck of a lot closer to having it done before all this stuff goes into effect, than I would be if I waited.

07-02-2012, 10:28 PM
My preps already lean heavily towards medical.
Other than that I just keep on truckin.