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View Full Version : powder milk and powder jello pudding

08-07-2012, 04:59 PM
Ok help me out here i made a batch of Jello pudding with powder milk and i notice it was not as good as it would have been with regular milk

i stirred it like i was told to and it come out ok but it took longer to set up in the fridge than the one with normal milk .i let the powder milk get cold overnight and used the milk as it was need in the mixing directions as on the box .

So anyhelp here on the way it turned out the way it did

08-07-2012, 05:22 PM
Not as good as in flavor....or not as good as setting up as thick as it should be?

Taz Baby
08-07-2012, 05:25 PM
I use powder milk all the time but the trick is not to go by the directions. Mix your milk with more powder than it calls for. Or for somethink like pudding add 1 part powder cream. Hope that helps

08-07-2012, 05:54 PM
Generally to make the milk taste better.....I add a spoonful of vanilla pudding mix to it to give it the right viscosity.

Taz is correct...I generally bump up the powder by 5 to 10 percent when using for cooking.

08-07-2012, 06:34 PM
thanks for the info about using a little more powder in the mix next time .The basic problem was it was not setting up in the socalled 5.min time frame and it took about 40 mins for it to complete set and firm up in the bowels i was using

08-07-2012, 06:46 PM
Set up time usually take a bit longer in my experience.....I've not noticed a determinable difference in flavor.

We use powdered milk quite often for cooking, on cereal, and chocolate milk.....but still use fresh milk for drinking plain.

08-07-2012, 07:56 PM
I really like the idea of adding some vanilla pudding mix to the milk. I bet that is awesome over cereal!

08-07-2012, 10:19 PM
This is good to know. Thanks all for this thread.
We used some powdered milk recently when we needed some milk, and were going to be broke for several more days.
It was less than stellar, but we had followed the directions.

08-07-2012, 11:49 PM
My kids wont drink it w/o the vanilla pudding mixed in.....1 heaping spoonful to a half gallon.

08-08-2012, 05:18 AM
You can also add a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring to the milk or Provident has vanilla powder as well as artificial vanilla powder for sale in a small can, about the size of a can of veggies. I think I read on their website a client added the vanilla powder to the powdered milk and it was pretty good.
At least they said their kids drank it and thought it was "regular" milk. They also said get the milk good and cold.

08-08-2012, 10:43 AM
You can also add a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring to the milk or Provident has vanilla powder as well as artificial vanilla powder for sale in a small can, about the size of a can of veggies. I think I read on their website a client added the vanilla powder to the powdered milk and it was pretty good.
At least they said their kids drank it and thought it was "regular" milk. They also said get the milk good and cold.

The gel promoter in the pudding mix gives it the right feel.....and yes.....very cold is best for drinking.

08-14-2012, 10:04 PM
The basic problem was it was not setting up in the socalled 5.min time frame and it took about 40 mins for it to complete set and firm up in the bowels i was using

If ya'll can excuse the toilet humor

The only time I ever get a 5 minute set in the bowels is if I eat McDonald's, and it isn't firm then either. 40 minutes is more like right.

But it is good to know using powdered ingredients can affect set times in "bowls"

"I don't always pick on spelling, but when I do..." ;)