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12-15-2012, 07:50 PM
Metro: guineas are famous for early warning systems in my part of the country, the'll make noise at any thing that comes around the homestead, anything from coyotes to zombies...

12-15-2012, 08:16 PM
Ty Greg
Ill remember that for when we find and purchase a bol. Can they sustain themselves when we are not there? Or will they sustain the local predators lol.

We live in a big city just a few blocks away from a mall with 500 or so stores, Starbucks, bestbuy, about 6 banks 15 or so restaurants etc.

I do have a 6'+ fenced Perimeter that has been breached by pos scavengers stealing my returnable recyclables. I was planning to run some fishing net across the top of the fence to visually and physically deter anyone from climbing over and Im thinking to run a single strand of cat5e wire as a detection loop braided throughout the netting. Will be hooking the loop into a monitored alarm system that will notify me if the loop is violated.

I did this in my drywall downstairs as well to monitor my tenants.

Sry i went off topic.

12-15-2012, 08:24 PM
they are pretty hardy, they roost in trees, the dogs and cats can't reach them, they are kinda like a turkey when flying, more like a sail for a ways. some Muscovy Ducks might work, they'll chase and pinch the crap outta a person...

12-15-2012, 11:25 PM
Very little this week. Other than work, mostly been thinking thru how to deal with any situation with the wife laid up. Steps and vehicles are big obstacles to crutches.

On the plus side, the chickens are laying eggs up a storm.

12-16-2012, 12:47 AM
On the plus side, the chickens are laying eggs up a storm.

You're lucky....our layers are slacking....were down to 100 per month +/-.......That's from 250+ this past fall.

12-16-2012, 01:36 AM
I talked to another prep buddy of mine today. His have quit recently. They are less than 2 years old. I feel very lucky, mine are doing better than they ever have.

12-16-2012, 01:36 AM
You're lucky....our layers are slacking....were down to 100 per month +/-.......That's from 250+ this past fall.

Echo in fall when it starts getting dark sooner up here we put a red heat lamp in the coop and leave it on all winter till spring. It tricks the chickens into laying all thru the year with very little drop off in egg laying.

12-16-2012, 01:45 AM
Echo in fall when it starts getting dark sooner up here we put a red heat lamp in the coop and leave it on all winter till spring. It tricks the chickens into laying all thru the year with very little drop off in egg laying.

I've read that.....have just been trying to avoid running a cord out there.....I'll let the wife make the call to do so.....it's her project.

But we were selling enough eggs to pay for all the feed....I do miss that.

12-16-2012, 02:30 AM
How much do you charge for a dozen? I'm getting to the point of being ready to start selling some myself. I was thinking $3.00/dozen. Our eggs are mostly large to extra large.

12-16-2012, 03:09 AM
I'm not sure what she's charging...I'll ask and report back.

White Tiger
12-16-2012, 06:26 AM
Four new Muscle Rack shelves (7' tall x 6' wide) are helping us slowly clear/clean the garage...organizing is definitely prepping!

12-17-2012, 04:02 PM
went to dollar store and hit the 10 for 10$ aisle. this time was fruits, i rotate between fruits, vegetable and meats. got a couple rifles cleaned, fought thru a battle of depression after the football game, went out and plinked with a couple 22s, made the day go better...

12-19-2012, 01:31 AM
FINALLY got my 1st and 2nd line gear setup. I got my wifes 1st line gear setup (battlebelt with suspenders, with revolver. Mags are loaded, First aid kit checked. My new rig shipped today. I ordered a Magpul stock from SKD tactical that was $30 off normal price. Made 2 fishing kits, got the buttpacks and big first aid kit loaded. Made some vasaline covered cotton balls and tested it in the rain (success, it burned for 4 minutes!!!) Getting the shopping list together to plus the holes in my BOB. Busy busy busy

12-19-2012, 02:16 AM
Midlength dissipator upper, charging handle, black dog machine .22 mags for my Cmmg conversion kit, firing pin, 10 30 rnd PMags, and 2-20rnd pmags

12-19-2012, 02:16 AM
HO HO HO.....


My boys at the gun shop just sold the last ARs in stock.

12-19-2012, 03:34 AM
Got some HSGI taco mag pouches in...........put them on y scout belt.............almost hand an aneurysm getting them on. Those things are rough. Once on, great pouch.

Was given a Mossberg 930SPX as a gift........more accessory shopping to do now.

12-22-2012, 03:49 AM
cleaned out my entire town of 9mm ammo. all 550 rounds of it...........

400 rounds of 7.62x39
440 rounds 7.62x54R

12-22-2012, 06:05 AM
Bought another 100 rds of .223

12-27-2012, 02:33 AM
Took daughter to Walmart today to work ; She's a Pharmacy Tech.
The wife asked me to pick up some Iodized salt.

Great value brand -- 48 cents for 26 oz. So I picked up 10 & will go back and get 20 or 30 more.

12-27-2012, 03:21 AM
This week I have single handedly managed to clean my entire town out of 9mm and 12ga buck and slug..........it wasn't very hard to do:rolleyes:

12-29-2012, 10:06 PM
Received the first half of my food tabs this week, and once the internet at work cooperates again I'll get the 2nd bottle ordered to meet my one month goal with them. Pics to come, waiting on the same lack of signal

Taz Baby
12-29-2012, 11:17 PM
Unpacking, unpacking n more unpacking. We are all in an apt. until all of our houses get built, which means 6 adults, 4 dogs and the poor cats have to fend for their self in the BOL. so do the chickens but we do go back n forth to feed them. 1 more trip to get the rest of the families stuff and they will all be permanently here. Boy am I glad to be home.

12-30-2012, 12:59 AM
Ok, all the pieces are in play for my version of the hunger games. As stated, I have my first container of food tabs. The next one is now ordered, and I ordered 3 books:

"Tom Brown's Guide to Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants", "Tom Brown's Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking", and "Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival"

I'm also busy eating tic tacs so I can honestly claim spices are part of my BOB food ;)

12-30-2012, 02:30 AM
Those Tom Brown books are excellent. i don't have them but read a few of his several years. They are very informative.

12-30-2012, 02:47 AM
I have a buddy who swears by the wilderness guide, and he's out woods walking more than anyone else I know. I pretty much expect I'll learn a lot as I go through them. Hopefully enough to keep my from starving ;)

01-01-2013, 12:30 AM
NADA!!! been in bed for 3-4 days.

01-01-2013, 02:38 PM
I've been just waiting to use the dislike tab so Grumpy wouldn't feel alone and what a better place than this. :)

Hope that you start feeling better soon Rob. :)

01-01-2013, 07:10 PM
I've been just waiting to use the dislike tab so Grumpy wouldn't feel alone and what a better place than this. :)

Hope that you start feeling better soon Rob. :)

wow, really??? don't make the M&G, sick and no preps this week and i get my first 'dislike' ? wonder what else could go south. boy, Evo, your tough. :p

yeah, i am feeling better. several days in bed, has worked for the most part. i read and slept most of the time. nothing else to do. Doctor says 'sex could kill me' i say 'any better way to go?':) i guess i am just not ready to go yet.

01-01-2013, 07:25 PM
wow, really??? don't make the M&G, sick and no preps this week and i get my first 'dislike' ? wonder what else could go south. boy, Evo, your tough. :p

yeah, i am feeling better. several days in bed, has worked for the most part. i read and slept most of the time. nothing else to do. Doctor says 'sex could kill me' i say 'any better way to go?':) i guess i am just not ready to go yet.

LOL I disliked because you've had to be in bed for days! :p And any who... who could dislike you!:)

01-01-2013, 10:49 PM
LOL I disliked because you've had to be in bed for days! :p And any who... who could dislike you!:)

nobody!!! i am a helluva nice guy.:) getting my spunk back, well kinda...

01-02-2013, 02:52 AM
NADA!!! been in bed for 3-4 days.

I tagged you too. Had to join Evolver. ;) You need a twinkee and a hug!!! Get well soon bud.

01-04-2013, 07:40 PM
Yay! Look what came in today!

Grumpy Old Man
01-04-2013, 08:17 PM
wow, really??? don't make the M&G, sick and no preps this week and i get my first 'dislike' ? wonder what else could go south. boy, Evo, your tough. :p

yeah, i am feeling better. several days in bed, has worked for the most part. i read and slept most of the time. nothing else to do. Doctor says 'sex could kill me' i say 'any better way to go?':) i guess i am just not ready to go yet.

LOL I disliked because you've had to be in bed for days! :p And any who... who could dislike you!:)

I just followed suite so Evo and Willie wouldn't feel alone! I hope you get to feeling better soon. As for sex killing you, well that's a fact of life the older you get, but I've always wanted to die in the saddle,lol.

My preps for this week consisted of home hunting and starting the packing process for my move. 23 days til I start work!

01-04-2013, 10:22 PM
I just followed suite so Evo and Willie wouldn't feel alone! I hope you get to feeling better soon. As for sex killing you, well that's a fact of life the older you get, but I've always wanted to die in the saddle,lol.

My preps for this week consisted of home hunting and starting the packing process for my move. 23 days til I start work!

Good luck to you man! What Justa and I are doing is we're looking for a place to rent for a year then when we're there we'll hunt for THE place. :)

01-04-2013, 11:24 PM
Yay! Look what came in today!


Grumpy Old Man
01-05-2013, 03:35 AM
[QUOTE=Evolver;54514]Good luck to you man! Let's get the Hell outa Dodge!

- - - Updated - - -

What happened? Oh well, you know what I mean Evo and Justa!

01-05-2013, 05:31 AM
Didn't do too much this week Got me a booklet on "How to build an underground root cellar".
Now I just have to figure out where to put it LOL Did find out I'm not the only "nut" in the family, Brother and SIL in Nevada have been prepping for about a year or so. Invited her to check the ants out. I hope they do join, they are great people. I respect him (and her) a lot.

01-05-2013, 03:32 PM
With the assistance of Brownwater Riverrat, I was able to put 2 deer into the freezer this week. That should give me a pretty good start on the meat budget this year.

As a secondary to that, I was able to learn a few new things.

Thanks Again, Brother!

01-05-2013, 05:50 PM
^^^ That BWRR is a good guy. His wife is nice too, just good kinda folks.

Well, today we are celebrating my husband having a Saturday off (9mo out of the year he works 6 days a week) by him going and getting some lumber. Free lumber, which is the very best kind. A guy he works with finished up a building project, and I guess his wife lost her patience on the cleanup. She told him yesterday that the stuff had to be gone TODAY! So, hubby and the boy were there before 8am with the truck and trailer, to get 25+ untreated 2x4's, 8 treated 6x6 posts, a couple treated 4x4 posts, some 2x6's, all 12ft long, and a bunch of other odds and ends pieces, short of 12ft, still very useable. He also said there were a few "sheets", I'm assuming OSB not plywood, but whatever, free is free, and we can use it for something. I feel like we hit the lottery!!! Free lumber? Hells yes!

Also this week we got the horses pole barn started. Hubby dug all the post holes, bless his heart, and his blistered hands. We have the right side mostly framed up, and if the weather cooperates, we should have the sheet metal up this week, they picked up that this morning too, we have a pile of it at his parents house, we never got it moved out here. No rest for the wicked.

So, all in all, not bad, not bad at all!

01-06-2013, 12:16 AM
This is sort of a cross between this week and Christmas, but here goes.

The wife surprised me today with a anvil. Total shock for me. Can;t wait to get it cleaned up and see where it came from, then put it to use. She also got me most of the bits and pieces I need to finish my AR build. My nephew got me a new Petzel 70 lumen headlamp, nice locking carabiner, and a Coleman dual fuel lantern and carry case.

I also found some lithium grease tubes on sale at tractor supply for $1.29 each, got 20 of those. We are off tomorrow to Krogers for some of their 10 for $10 canned goods sale and a bunch of burger to package and freeze.

01-06-2013, 03:30 AM
We went to SAMs club and signed up, and purchased about $50 of can goods for the upstairs root cellar.

01-06-2013, 05:50 PM
Enhanced comms with a pair of Midland AVPH3 headsets for two of my handhelds.

01-06-2013, 07:14 PM
Jeeper please do a review for those when you test them out. I have been considering a set of those for ours as well.

01-06-2013, 07:42 PM
Jeeper please do a review for those when you test them out. I have been considering a set of those for ours as well.

Copy. Out. ;)

01-06-2013, 07:55 PM
Just got a delivery of 6 #10 cans of Freeze dried Chicken Breast. Healthyharvest.com was having a 40% off sale!
A case of butane (yes, butane) for one of the indoor stoves.

Got some NY legal Bear Spray

01-06-2013, 11:26 PM
Did another dutch oven dinner cook on the patio. Roast, tators and ccarrots with salt, pepper and creole seasonings. Delicious, even if it did take over 2 and a half hours.


- - - Updated - - -

Bought some metal matches and a peanut lighter off ebay, will test and post on youtube when time allows.


01-07-2013, 04:30 PM
while watching my beloved Colts take a butt whuppin yesterday, i sharpened a few combat blades with my hi-speed sharpener, cleaned a couple rifles, went to the dollar store and hit the 10$ for 10 aisle. got in the mail saturday my latest weapon, 3 cans of grizzly bear deterrent, i plan on carrying them in my vehicles and my wife has been instructed on usage, if i go to a no fire arms zone, i'm carrying grizzly deterrent, it's supposed to shoot 30% further and be 30% stronger than regular zombie pepper spray...

01-07-2013, 05:00 PM
it's supposed to shoot 30% further and be 30% stronger than regular zombie pepper spray...
Where can i get some of this zombie pepper spray,'giggle' my wife sleepwalks.

01-07-2013, 08:24 PM
i am going back to Biglots ASAP to get some of the tea lights...

- - - Updated - - -

Where can i get some of this zombie pepper spray,'giggle' my wife sleepwalks.

"honestly honey i thought you were a grizzly walking around in the dark..." heehee...

01-08-2013, 10:28 PM
Snapped up the last Ruger 10/22 carbine from Shooters of Jax today. WOW, glad I beat the lunch rush... CRAZY busy there.

01-09-2013, 12:50 AM
Where can i get some of this zombie pepper spray,'giggle' my wife sleepwalks.

Reminds me of this. . . .


01-10-2013, 12:44 AM
2 more 5 gallon buckets of rice.
Looking at a 3 gallon refux still..

01-10-2013, 02:11 AM
Ten 5 gallon Mylar bags & O2 absorbers. Buckets should arrive tomorrow.

Sawyer filtered water bottle for the go bag.

01-11-2013, 03:47 PM
don't know where this actually goes so i'll put it here. SPORTSMANS GUIDE has "wag bags" [ disposable toilet bags] on sale/clearance, 10@14.99. Seems an item most "prepping activities" would need.

01-11-2013, 06:43 PM
Local grocer had a sale on canned goods, $.50 a can, so we went a little tiny bit crazy yesterday, bought a couple dozen cans.

It stopped raining for a bit, so this morning we worked on the pole barn some more. Hopefully we have it completed by the end of this month. I was hoping sooner, but this rain is messing with us. Grr.

01-11-2013, 10:50 PM
don't know where this actually goes so i'll put it here. SPORTSMANS GUIDE has "wag bags" [ disposable toilet bags] on sale/clearance, 10@14.99. Seems an item most "prepping activities" would need.

Agree!!! Defiantly good to have in your stash.

01-12-2013, 07:18 AM
I rearranged the garage dome to be better able to store things better, which gave me a little more room for my gun cleaning bench, and then finished out the day be reloading 75 rounds of 9mm.

01-12-2013, 04:39 PM
One big thing for me that I have been telling myself to do for some time was go through my tools and toolbox (large three section rolling unit) and get it better organized. I use my tools a number of times during the week and while things do end up back in the correct drawer its not always neat (i"m a bit ocd when it comes to neatness, the Felix Unger disorder lol) so I took care of that. I went drawer by drawer and cleaned it up and reorganized. I am much happier with it now. KNOWING where items are versus "I think its in that drawer" is much better. Also did my monthly food inventory.

01-16-2013, 11:51 PM
Buckets, bags & O2 absorbers came in so I promptly put back 80 lbs of rice & pinto's.

Oh & 20 more gallons of water while I was at it. :)

01-17-2013, 11:12 AM
Snapped up the last Ruger 10/22 carbine from Shooters of Jax today. WOW, glad I beat the lunch rush... CRAZY busy there.

good buy there, i have looked but can't find one.

i met a girl that's into the 'woodsy' thing. hoping after i get to know her a little better she's a prepper. more corn and bird seed for my 'future meals' LOL and a few canned goods, just because.

zombie spray for the wife???

01-17-2013, 01:20 PM
Got 450 rounds of .45acp and 100 rounds of 12ga birdshot. Bought a 50 gallon rain/water barrel to put under a downspout and picked up a marlin model 60 for $25 from a guy at work, needs cleaned but it looks to be in good shape.

01-17-2013, 01:34 PM
Got 450 rounds of .45acp and 100 rounds of 12ga birdshot.

where the hell did you find that?

01-17-2013, 03:17 PM
Yeah what he said ^ !

01-17-2013, 04:19 PM
40, 9, 45 and shotgun shells are a plenty at all the wally worlds around here. Along with 3006 and the like.

Only 22 LR and 223 are not to be found.


01-18-2013, 05:30 PM
Just ordered "Preparedness: The Basics & Beyond" and "A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game" from Amazon. :)

01-18-2013, 09:11 PM
I got bumped to a "crappier" schedule that was actually a blessing in disguise. Thanks to a little time with a monthly planner I found I'll have more and better opportunities to hunt, fish, exercise, shoot, self-educate, and take classes. All I've got to do is sleep 6 daylight hours of the morning, and I'll have afternoons and overnights available as my schedule rotates. I was dumbfounded to find how well that fits my goals.

Plus, I'll get more $ each week, somewhere between $6 and $10 depending on that weeks rotation... That didn't sound like much, but I realized its enough for one more case of beer or bottle of liquor each month, so I won't complain. I'll be feeling too good to want to ;)

01-20-2013, 05:58 PM
So far this month has been very productive for me. I really haven't been able to do much of anything since hitting my head, but the migraines are finally letting up a little.


Also paid off a good chunk of the person loans, and the balance should be paid off with our tax refund or sooner. Booked and paid for a much needed small vacation for us, which will probably be the last one for a while. Traded old golf clubs for a chain saw. Need to learn how to use a chain saw now. Traded some unwanted fine china for a Mosin and some ammo. Sold several things. Not much money but it left some room in the basement, which was promptly filled with a ping pong table. I think we still need more non-powered activities, though. I was able to add a little to our emergency fund. Figured out how to fix a few more things on the motorcycle and moped. Set money aside to fix our chimney, which was quite a learning experience in itself.

01-20-2013, 06:06 PM
MS that is most impressive. Congrats on all the progress, that is serious work.

01-21-2013, 01:27 PM
So my weekend was pretty full, even for me. Thursday night went over to Oklahoma City to help with a presentation for a large group I consult with over there.

On Friday did an interview for a national radio show then I went over to NW Arkansas to look a retreat property a group had put together and I must say I was pretty impressed overall. I now know what 1.5 million dollars will buy in regards to preps, yikes, numerous wells, a home built water tower, multiple bunkhouses with furnished rooms, years of stored food and much, much more. As a prep consultant I have to say that is the most complete location I've ever seen.

On Saturday I had a meeting with the other members of the regional team (three state area) I am currently Team Leader of. We have the first of our two annual campouts coming up and so we were discussing that. Talked about dues, recruiting etc.

On Sunday it was the meeting of the local prepper group (different from the regional team) and it was I feel the most productive meeting overall we've ever had. Got a great deal of admin work done, discussed recruiting, training and more.

So overall this weekend got a great many things accomplished but boy howdy I'm tired lol.
And I have eight weeks to get my second book finished so we have time to get it properly edited and formatted and to the printers to have it ready to go in time for the big Self Reliance Expo in Arlington TX the 26/27 of April soooo no pressure LOL. Must type faster, must type faster...

01-22-2013, 03:15 AM
Purchased two shemagh for 18 bucks shipped.

01-22-2013, 04:15 PM
Hubby and I worked on the pole barn this weekend. Progress has been frustratingly slow, simply due to days on end of rain. But finally this weekend it was sunny, and we made a lot of progress. However, I have determined that my cold tolerance has all but evaporated. Or perhaps, since I now live in the South, I should say it has melted. I was freezing my butt off out there, and that sheet metal doesn't do much for warmth. It was in the 40's here. And -37 at my parents farm. Good grief, I would never make it through another winter up North again! I am such a wuss.....

01-24-2013, 11:30 PM
Just made some good use of overtime I've worked to order and (I think) finish gathering the tooling I need for reloading. I'll get a post up on the setup once I have everything together.

I also - finally, lol - got 'hawk and bfk trainers. I'm thinking to get a training DVD after next pay day.

01-25-2013, 12:38 AM
We finished one side of the pole barn today, and put the horses back in that pasture section. We are expecting some freezing rain here tonight and tomorrow, so hopefully they enjoy the shelter :).

If you haven't noticed, I count generally any and all improvements done to the farm as "prepping".

01-25-2013, 01:02 AM
Local grocery store has Red Gold canned tomato products on sale. Normally each can is .75 but if you buy ten they are .25 apiece! Bought twenty cans of various tomato products and spent less than $6 ! Woo hoo. Also picked up some TP, canned veggies and another pair of 1 lb. propane bottles. Also been working on the book and a down and back one day trip to Ft. Worth with a client so getting plenty done but always more to do (groan LOL).

01-25-2013, 04:41 AM
Vac-packed the packages variety of pasta noodles I got on sale (cheap). Received my order of FD veggies, fruit for LTS.

01-25-2013, 01:45 PM
Sunday: Managed to locate two NIB 10 round rotary mags for the 10/22.

Tuesday: Received my King Kooker single burner stove. :D (now the gf has no excuse to bust out that fancy pressure cooker I got her for xmas. Hope to be cooking up some fruit preserves this weekend!)

Wednesday: Bought a used, in good condition, Ruger MKII Target. It came with two mags & a soft case. I wont say what i paid for it, but gunbroker had several of em listed for twice (or more) than what i paid. After reading multiple reviews about owners putting 100's of thousands of rounds through theirs without failure, I'm super stoked. It's making a trip to my gunsmith today to be thoroughly checked out then its off to the range to kill some paper!

Thursday: Secured a 20lb propane tank to run the King Kooker.

01-25-2013, 02:39 PM
Sent a .223 Bolt Gun out to have barrel threaded.

Installed new flood lights (1000w each) at three corners of house.....have them on wireless remote fobs.

Received call from friend....will meet him in February to get 6 half sheets of bullet proof composite panels.....about 1/4 retail.

Tested true life span on COMMs two-way hand helds.....through 3 charging cycles. With 1/4 hourly chatter for 1 minute.....5.5 days. was hoping for a week...but that will work.

Found out the AR Drone (RC camera, 4 prop aircraft) Works well within 200+/-ft of controller....and resolution is about a 6 out of 10.....would be a OK recon device....until shot...:)

Got 6 more 6v deep cycle batts and another smart charger.

Looking for another 3k pure-sine inverter.....if anyone has one to get rid of.

- - - Updated - - -

Sunday: Managed to locate two NIB 10 round rotary mags for the 10/22.

Tuesday: Received my King Kooker single burner stove. :D (now the gf has no excuse to bust out that fancy pressure cooker I got her for xmas. Hope to be cooking up some fruit preserves this weekend!)

Wednesday: Bought a used, in good condition, Ruger MKII Target. It came with two mags & a soft case. I wont say what i paid for it, but gunbroker had several of em listed for twice (or more) than what i paid. After reading multiple reviews about owners putting 100's of thousands of rounds through theirs without failure, I'm super stoked. It's making a trip to my gunsmith today to be thoroughly checked out then its off to the range to kill some paper!

Thursday: Secured a 20lb propane tank to run the King Kooker.

You will not be disappointed with the MKII...awesome ppistol.

When buying 20lb propane tanks.....goto scrapyard....a lot of the time they will give them to you.....then swap for a full new one.

01-25-2013, 04:06 PM
Just put in an order for another 10 mags for my Tokarev's. $15 ea!


(glad I didn't have to buy them from stormy! - lol)

01-26-2013, 09:53 AM
i guess this is kinda prepper related.

got the OK, for a 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage house. can 'we' say room to prep? : ) there is plenty of room for a nice garden. mature fruit trees. backyard is 6ft. privacy fence. the neighborhood is good, country type setting and the house is on a cul de sac, means no real traffic. the best part....... no one can build behind me, and the woods are fairly close.

i take possession on the 14-Feb and moved in on 1-Mar.

looking forward to having the room to do things.

01-26-2013, 10:16 AM
That totally counts. Congrats!

Taz Baby
01-26-2013, 10:37 AM
i guess this is kinda prepper related.

got the OK, for a 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage house. can 'we' say room to prep? : ) there is plenty of room for a nice garden. mature fruit trees. backyard is 6ft. privacy fence. the neighborhood is good, country type setting and the house is on a cul de sac, means no real traffic. the best part....... no one can build behind me, and the woods are fairly close.

i take possession on the 14-Feb and moved in on 1-Mar. looking forward to having the room to do things.

What a great Valentines present for you. Oh the fun you are going to have planning what to do first after all the stuff is moved in. Is it farm land? Can you have animals? Woods means hunting too. Don't forget the pictures so we can see too :)

01-26-2013, 01:46 PM
What a great Valentines present for you. Oh the fun you are going to have planning what to do first after all the stuff is moved in. Is it farm land? Can you have animals? Woods means hunting too. Don't forget the pictures so we can see too :)

not really having to plan. already know whats' going on. LOL garden!!!! no farm land. no animals. but the woods are real close out back. maybe 75yds. pics are a must... it is having carpet going in in the next week or so. the garage means i no longer have to do 'messy' projects on the porch. there is going to be plenty of room for 'prepping' storage.

cul de sac means when it comes time, i can cut a MOAT across and won't be bothered. LMAO!!!!

Taz Baby
01-27-2013, 12:17 PM
As far as prepping goes the plans you make are always changing, or at least ours does. The weather has been bad here and has caused some issues on our BOL. Snow fell heavy last week and the rain along with it has cause our road to have to have immediate attention. We now are thinking of having to put culverts in some places to reroute the streams overflow so it doesn't wash out the road. The ice causes us to have to creep along a bad curve with a very steep decline that is scary to drive on because of mountain on one side and nothing on the other. The other day we were sliding down hill and around a curve. I thought we were going over the edge for sure but thank GOD my DH knows how to drive in those conditions. we made it safely around and I told him I will not be going back until the ice is gone. My heart can't take it anymore. We have a excavator coming to take out part of the mountainside so SIL & BIL can build their house. As far as our house goes, well let me just say, "Contractors just suck." They advertise their work but just DON'T want to do the job.

01-27-2013, 09:23 PM
As far as prepping goes the plans you make are always changing, or at least ours does. The weather has been bad here and has caused some issues on our BOL. Snow fell heavy last week and the rain along with it has cause our road to have to have immediate attention. We now are thinking of having to put culverts in some places to reroute the streams overflow so it doesn't wash out the road. The ice causes us to have to creep along a bad curve with a very steep decline that is scary to drive on because of mountain on one side and nothing on the other. The other day we were sliding down hill and around a curve. I thought we were going over the edge for sure but thank GOD my DH knows how to drive in those conditions. we made it safely around and I told him I will not be going back until the ice is gone. My heart can't take it anymore. We have a excavator coming to take out part of the mountainside so SIL & BIL can build their house. As far as our house goes, well let me just say, "Contractors just suck." They advertise their work but just DON'T want to do the job.

i know things change. most of mine are just adding,rotating and SOON gardening!!! only thing i am really looking at is a genset for the new house. where i am, weather is not that big of a factor. cold weather is just cool weather, rain is rain and no snow. hurricanes aren't even that big of a deal here. i am 35+/- miles from the coast and i high, well draining ground.

i grew up in the snow, sometimes i miss it and want to move back. but i won't. when i was working, i worked in NC in the mountains. it was pretty and the drive was beautiful. couldn't live there. if i went up the mountain and stayed, i would be fine. i suffer from 'mountain sickness'. it's like being hungover after a LONG night of drinking. it got old quick!

i know about contractors. LOL think they are millionaires and only take the jobs they want. sorry asses, they take the easy jobs. seems most people today are afraid of hard work, like it's a disease or something. if you need and old worn out Electrician to come kick it for a few days, let me know. i always did love a road trip.

01-27-2013, 09:59 PM
Did a winter hike today, cold as shit, about 28 deg with steady breeze. Tested out some gear, and myself... My gear held up better than I did, legs got tired so I indexed the mission early. But had a good time... Video in in production, it's own thread to follow.


01-28-2013, 02:55 PM
I applied for a 2nd job this morning, deeming it as wise to accelerate my program.

Taz Baby
01-28-2013, 03:17 PM
We got a 2006 low milage, cheap Pathfinder and got rid of a car. Still getting the toys for it too, like a TomTom GPS, Rugged Ridge All Terrain Floor Mats. Tested it out on an icy frozen hill and it never slide once. It has all the whistles and bells on it and my 2 favorite are the heated seats ( which I call my BUTT warmer) and that you can push a button and the pedals move up and back so I can reach them and don't have to shove the seat up into the steering wheel.
Like this one


01-28-2013, 03:19 PM
I applied for a 2nd job this morning, deeming it as wise to accelerate my program.

Say it with me now...
"would you like fries with that?"


01-28-2013, 04:33 PM
We got a 2006 low milage, cheap Pathfinder and got rid of a car. Still getting the toys for it too, like a TomTom GPS, Rugged Ridge All Terrain Floor Mats. Tested it out on an icy frozen hill and it never slide once. It has all the whistles and bells on it and my 2 favorite are the heated seats ( which I call my BUTT warmer) and that you can push a button and the pedals move up and back so I can reach them and don't have to shove the seat up into the steering wheel.
Like this one

i like it. :cool:

01-28-2013, 04:59 PM
Say it with me now...
"would you like fries with that?"


LOL! Close... Deli counter at the local market. I heard a rumor you get an employee discount on groceries too! ;)

- - - Updated - - -

BUTT warmer

One of the best features ever developed for a car, imo.

01-28-2013, 05:01 PM
Nice!!! Get to know the produce manager as well. They throw out tons of stuff like tomatoes/peppers, that aren't perfect enough for the shelf, but mighty fine for canning. Before a friend got transfered, I got a couple 1/2 truckloads of expired produce for composting.

01-28-2013, 11:22 PM
I got a dozen of these....


In lieu of stitches....

01-29-2013, 11:05 AM
you got a dozen staples? or you snagged a dozen staple guns?

01-29-2013, 02:42 PM
you got a dozen staples? or you snagged a dozen staple guns?

Staple guns....they are pre-loaded and disposable.

01-29-2013, 02:47 PM

wonder how they would work on my MIL's lips...


01-29-2013, 03:10 PM

wonder how they would work on my MIL's lips...


Enough Thorazine to keep her still while you do it.....I don't see an issue....:)

01-29-2013, 03:12 PM
got an abundance of red wine for that. although it does make them looser!


01-31-2013, 07:38 PM
Picked up some free shotshells and brass cartridges - literally. As a bonus, I got to spend some time out in the woods to do it.

As a further bonus, it presented a chance to use my most obscure EDC item - a blunted fishing spear. It made a great ice chipper to free some of the casings. My knife thanked me for having it.

02-02-2013, 05:45 PM
Did my quarterly top to bottom inventory and was happy with the results. Always have more to obtain but making progress and that is a good thing. Hope we have time to get more done, seems like events are spinning out of control faster and faster. Stay safe folks

02-02-2013, 08:29 PM
$300 worth of food for $140. I'd call it about 3 months worth of food if it were being rationed, mostly shelf stable, and some refrigerated. 2 full baskets at the Kroger with coupons and the sale. 10 gallons of ozarka for $5 ain't bad either.

02-03-2013, 07:43 PM
I love being well networked !!! One of the members of my local prep group stopped in at Wal Mart just as they were putting out several heaping carts of canned sweet potatoes, canned pumpkin and cranberry sauce. All at just .25 a can !!! The expiration date is 2015 so no issues there. I hurried over while calling several others members of the group to let them know about it also. Scored 8 cans of Libby's pumpkin (29 oz) which are normally $2.68 a can for two bucks! Normally that would be over $21 !!

Some of the others wanted stuff too so I took their orders and put the stuff in my cart until they could get there so everyone could take advantage. Obviously the stuff was going fast. Love it when people work together.

02-04-2013, 12:27 AM
Took delivery of 10 boxes of Aguila 12 Ga Mini Shotshells. Now my 870 compacity is upped to 14 rounds versus 8.... Nothing like cheating in a gunfight!

02-04-2013, 01:13 AM
300rds of cci quiet 22lr

02-04-2013, 01:50 AM
Took delivery of 10 boxes of Aguila 12 Ga Mini Shotshells. Now my 870 compacity is upped to 14 rounds versus 8.... Nothing like cheating in a gunfight!

My 870 express doesn't reliably feed them, my 1300 defender shoots them like a champ.

02-04-2013, 11:39 AM
Never seen them before... how well do they pattern? decent force behind them? are they actually useful for anything? chickens, rabbits, cats?

02-04-2013, 03:48 PM
Took delivery of 10 boxes of Aguila 12 Ga Mini Shotshells. Now my 870 compacity is upped to 14 rounds versus 8.... Nothing like cheating in a gunfight!

New one on me. :confused: Thanks sir for that info. You mind sharing where to order?

02-04-2013, 03:56 PM
Spent the entire afternoon yesterday pulling midrange foods out of storage closet to re-inventory and list items to restock. Bought metal commercial shelving on wheels from Sams and installed in storage room and reorganized food items. Songbird is very happy. :D

02-04-2013, 06:34 PM
New one on me. :confused: Thanks sir for that info. You mind sharing where to order?

I used to get mine from aguilaammo.com. They are located about 1 mile from a friend's house in San Antonio, TX and the few times I bought, I picked them up.

02-05-2013, 12:43 AM
My 870 express doesn't reliably feed them, my 1300 defender shoots them like a champ.

Mine feeds them fine, Ive got a Remington Mdl 11 I want to try them out on next.

Never seen them before... how well do they pattern? decent force behind them? are they actually useful for anything? chickens, rabbits, cats?

I found they work with small game, squirrels, chickens, rabbits, ect ect.

02-05-2013, 01:32 AM
I had my son in law over, and together we found a way to shoot about 100 rounds of 9mm...looks like I have to reload some more now.

02-05-2013, 01:44 AM
My 870 express doesn't reliably feed them, my 1300 defender shoots them like a champ.

Did some research and here's what I found.


So that answers that about the feeding in different shottys.

Taz Baby
02-05-2013, 02:42 AM
Well we are still trying to find a big enough house to rent so all six adults and 4 small dogs can live in until we get our 3 houses built. Boy is that a job. We are not apartment people and will never fit in well sitting on the stoops chatting. plus we really do need Mom n Dad living in the same house instead of an apt. down from us. They do need tending to and it is harder than I thought trying to be in 2 places at the same time. That is about all I have been Prepping for the last 6 weeks.

02-07-2013, 05:00 AM
Won an Amazon gift card from work. so I got more 1/2 gallon mason jars on the way and the books I ordered are here. Local grocery store's e coupon for Saturday is 5% off grocery, health & beauty items purchased at one time so with the rest of my coupons going to get more can goods, pasta and rice. Oh, yeah getting a dehydrator this week end.

02-07-2013, 10:32 AM
Went and had some dental work and a major cleaning done. Feel much better than before. Don't forget about your dental health folks.

02-07-2013, 09:20 PM
got laid off from my job yesterday which sucks A LOT. But... I got a decent package that will pay my bills for 2 months in addition to the next paycheck, so I'm back on the job hunt. I figure I'll have something pretty quick. As of right now, I'm a full-time holster maker/Mr. Mom so I'll be doing some projects for myself, and others in kydex, and I'll be developing that side business, which is the only reason I'm not freaking out right about now.

02-07-2013, 10:12 PM
Sorry to hear about that AK. Sucks at it's best. Good luck with the search.

02-07-2013, 10:28 PM
got laid off from my job yesterday which sucks A LOT. But... I got a decent package that will pay my bills for 2 months in addition to the next paycheck, so I'm back on the job hunt. I figure I'll have something pretty quick. As of right now, I'm a full-time holster maker/Mr. Mom so I'll be doing some projects for myself, and others in kydex, and I'll be developing that side business, which is the only reason I'm not freaking out right about now.

Sorry to hear it....Any prospects?...or are you planning on just hanging for awhile?

02-07-2013, 11:28 PM
AK, sorry to hear about your job loss bud. Glad you have something to fall back on and hope you find full time work real soon. They say Texas is the place to be for jobs.

02-08-2013, 12:22 AM
Sorry to hear it....Any prospects?...or are you planning on just hanging for awhile?

I'm hoping to find a job pretty quick, my severance would be a nice addition to my down payment on a house, so hoping to find something and bank the severance.

02-08-2013, 11:56 PM
Prayers sent your way AK. Hope something comes up right away so your life can be stress free.

I bought a metal storage unit, lights, seeding mix and paper cups to start my seeds. Now I have to decide on what I want to start in them. I have a whole bunch of seeds that I bought last year and the year before that I might try this year. It's kind of an experiment to see how long seeds will last when unopened and stored properly.

02-09-2013, 12:38 AM
I'm hoping to find a job pretty quick, my severance would be a nice addition to my down payment on a house, so hoping to find something and bank the severance.

I wish you luck!

02-09-2013, 01:10 AM
Ordered the bulk of my seeds for the garden this season. Plan on finishing my orders this weekend. Then get started on planning planting dates for various stuff.

Tomorrow will be spent doing PM's on my tractors and equipment getting them ready for the upcoming season. Also plan on dropping a few more dead trees.

02-11-2013, 02:49 PM
Finally bought a Condor QPC. Looking for a set of BALCs/CIRAS panels now.

02-11-2013, 03:06 PM
spent some time on my sled (snowmobile) on the weekend. May not seem like prepping, but it sure comes in handy for hauling wood, breaking trails, hauling animals, and just plain getting around in the 3-4 feet of snow that we currently have.

02-12-2013, 12:54 AM
Finished my PM's on my small tractor and mower. Made out a list of additional spares I want to stock for it.

Tore apart our GHB's and started reworking them. Found I needed to add some extra food. Also cut out a few things to reduce weight and add some space for some warmer clothing.

02-15-2013, 03:07 AM
We finally got the back pasture bush hogged today. Took the easy route and paid a neighbor :). It's amazing what a difference that makes! I am tall, and in many places the grass and brush were over my head. Now it looks so empty.....and ready to have the fence finished, so we can put the horses back there, and hopefully by the end of the year *fingers crossed* a bred cow, maybe a young steer or two. Fencing will be next, no doubt, after we get the darn poll shed finished.

AK, sorry to hear about your job. Don't rule out TN in your job hunt! Here in the Nashville/Clarksville area, we have a pretty good economy, and jobs all over. My husbands employer is hiring every single day, they employ over 3,000 workers. He has been promoted 4x in just over 1.5 yrs, simply by showing up on time and not not being overly stupid. There are a lot of companies moving to TN (or recently moved here) for all kinds of reasons. So, something to consider :) I hope something works out for you, and soon!

02-15-2013, 05:16 PM
I got a pair of gloves today, and I thought of a song, as well as a new line for it

"We are tactical - we have gloves with hard knuckles"

They're brown, btw.

02-15-2013, 11:56 PM
This week has all been gardening related. Repurchased tomato, pepper, cabbage plants to replace the damaged stuff. Hope to replant this weekend.
Hoe'd and dusted what's left of the taters and harvested some onion's.
Picked up 2 cases of 1/2 gallon mason jars. A 15 gallon metal washtub, and a 12 gallon metal bucket with lid for chicken feed.
Gonna build a bigger box to keep the chicks in until they go into the chicken tractor.

:eek: 1/2 gallon Jars??? You got my attention!!! Why 1/2 Gallon? :)

02-16-2013, 01:07 AM
Back then because I had never seen them before and thought it would be a great idea. We have never "canned" in them, but they are great for storing stuff in. Dried beans, flour, sugar, whatever you can think of. Makes a great sugar jar.
We don't have anything large enough to can in them, but they would be excellent for spaghetti sauce for a large group, really most anything in large quantities.

02-16-2013, 02:09 AM
I was looking back at the oldies but goodies and that one caught my eye. Noodles of any shape and size, an opened bucket of stored grains that your working out of would also be good to use these for. :)

Grumpy Old Man
02-16-2013, 02:33 AM
AK, PM me! There is lots of work down here and in the patch

02-16-2013, 02:45 AM
Pasta would be perfect. Good one.

02-16-2013, 03:26 AM
Spaghetti, lasagna noodles fit in the jars so you could store them without having to break the noodles up or having to use the sealer bags and having the bags get holes in them. I put my dry beans in them and used the "sucky" machine to seal them with the canning lids

02-17-2013, 01:27 PM
My mom always used some of the 2 quart jars too. for anything that she was already canning. beets, dills, been pickles, etc. except she would only do 2 jars of each thing in the big jars. So say, for xmas dinner, when a large group was coming over, she'd open a large jar of each, and there would be enough for the group. I'm not sure why she didn't just open 2 1-quart jars, but that was the way she rolled! lol

My dad always used two for his 3 day dills. he'd start one batch, then in 3 days when they were ready, he'd start another. The first batch would be done in 3 days, so repeat until end of cucumber season.

I like the 2 litre ones for making/flavouring booze. add some sugar/water to the jar, then pack full of fresh raspberries, or strawberrie,s or blue berries, or saskatoons, or... (you get the idea). Shake em around good, and then top off with vodka or everclear. shake it around daily for about a month. It will fill 2 750ml bottles, have enough left over to make a couple pitchers of daquires, and the strained berries are awesome on icecream!

Taz Baby
02-17-2013, 04:12 PM
Bought a 5x10 trailer to haul lumber on. BIL bought a garret metal detector to find treasures on our land.

02-18-2013, 12:32 AM
Finished up the last of the quarterly vehicle inspections, two of them needed oil changes so got that done. Also today was the monthly meeting of the local prep group. It was good to see everyone, we had a productive meeting and some nice social time as well. Outlined some training for upcoming months, voted on what portable radios to purchase, had a class on how to build a raised garden bed by building one and had some good food too.

Overall a productive weekend.

02-18-2013, 04:13 AM
I started my indoor seeds this week. Doing lots of varieties of hot peppers, tomatos (5 types), artichoke (which have already started to grow after only 6 days!) and cauliflower.

Taz Baby
02-18-2013, 08:41 PM
tried my hand at apartment gardening and I killed my first plant, mint. Guess it was not MINT" to be. ;)

02-19-2013, 01:34 AM
Found a Katadyn Pocket Microfilter for under $220 so I finally bought one.

For anyone in the market, the website was Vitacost.

02-19-2013, 03:11 AM
just moving into the new house. eyeing the garden spot. looking forward to getting started.

02-19-2013, 04:43 AM
just moving into the new house. eyeing the garden spot. looking forward to getting started.

Congrats brother, best wishes on the new place! :)

02-19-2013, 06:10 AM
Still stuck in the twin cities in a hotel room staring at the walls. . . . No prepping for me except reading up.

02-19-2013, 09:38 PM
prepping I have done this week so far....dehydrated 40 pounds of potatoes, made some homemade apple pie moonshine (shhhhh) planned out my raised garden and planted some seeds to get started!

02-20-2013, 12:47 PM
picked up a funky handgun hanger at Cabelas down South. should help organize the safe a little bit.

02-20-2013, 11:23 PM
What type of funky handgun hanger? Need more info :p

02-20-2013, 11:33 PM
What type of funky handgun hanger? Need more info :p

This kind of funky hanger:


02-20-2013, 11:44 PM
I like!!! What sparked my interest is I've been thinking about a funky bed holster thingy. :) I'll be posting what I'm looking for. Maybe one of the guys here thats set up can make me one. :)

02-21-2013, 01:34 AM
This kind of funky hanger:
I bought some of those last year. They work quite well
I found that the ones that hang in the back top of the shelf were best for me.
Least useful (to me) were the ones that went in the bottom back

02-21-2013, 02:46 AM
Still stuck in the twin cities in a hotel room staring at the walls. . . . No prepping for me except reading up.

Poor baby!

02-21-2013, 04:01 AM
why you stuck in Mini?

02-23-2013, 02:18 AM
finally a real prep related response.....

i got the garden spot tilled. my neighbor here (old house) went and rented the tiller and did it for me and only charged me 1/2 the rental. $20... can't beat that with a stick... Wilbur is a good neighbor, too bad i can't take him with me. the spot turned out like 20x30. lots o veggies coming.

02-25-2013, 07:25 PM
Haven't reported in for a while....

Newer hospital bed....5 changes of linens for it....IV rack....wheelchair with IV rack.....2 leg splints....pulse/oxy meter.....Free to the first guy to move it.....yay

2 cases alcohol wipes.....5 bottles of surgical hand soap with dispenser....9 16oz bottles of Betadine.....5 boxes of gloves....and a big ass box of misc med supplies.

Split a group purchase of food from local vendor....equated to just over 1/2 pallet of various canned meats with and with out sauces.

Ammo....we'll just leave it at that.

couple new knives.

couple new bags.

Portable torch outfit.

32 sq ft kydex....woo hoo.

picked up another Glock 17....for SBR purposes....if all goes well....will be suppressed late this year.

got ultra-sonic cleaner.....should have invested in it years ago.

Will post pics later of various items.

02-26-2013, 03:40 AM
got ultra-sonic cleaner.....should have invested in it years ago.

can I come over and bring some toys??:rolleyes:

02-26-2013, 11:15 AM
can I come over and bring some toys??:rolleyes:

i split the gas with you, if we are invited. :p

i am going Saturday to pick up a rifle. Marlin 917V .17HMR. never owned or shot one. the reviews are good and the price was right. never hurts to have just one more. LOL picked up some seeds for the new garden spot.

02-26-2013, 08:29 PM
Come on....Shop is generally called the "club house" on the weekends...:)

02-26-2013, 09:42 PM
I sent this out to a few members and realized afterwards, that its kind of selfish to keep it within a small group, so posting out there for everyone just in case someone has a need/want/desire to own one. The Pm is as follows. . .

Surefire Hellfire on EBAY right now, $415 ENDING SOON!! 2 hrs!

Hey guys sending you a link here, If my memory serves me correct, we was talking in one of the threads about the Surefire HellFighter/Hellfire Weapons light and you guys expressed interest. Anyways, one is on ebay right now, in the low $400's and ending in a few hours, if you want it, you may be able to get one dirt cheap, and it has the cigarette plug cable with it! So heres a link, if you like it and are bidding, let me know, so this way I dont crossbid against ya. I havent bid on it yet, but may do so as it nears the end if it goes cheap enough. I cant tell you how badass these lights are, and how much area they cover when you fire them up, but if it goes for less than $600, you are getting a monster deal! heres the link, let me know if you are bidding, and I wont bid on it since I already have one.


02-26-2013, 11:41 PM
I sent this out to a few members and realized afterwards, that its kind of selfish to keep it within a small group, so posting out there for everyone just in case someone has a need/want/desire to own one. The Pm is as follows. . .

Surefire Hellfire on EBAY right now, $415 ENDING SOON!! 2 hrs!

Hey guys sending you a link here, If my memory serves me correct, we was talking in one of the threads about the Surefire HellFighter/Hellfire Weapons light and you guys expressed interest. Anyways, one is on ebay right now, in the low $400's and ending in a few hours, if you want it, you may be able to get one dirt cheap, and it has the cigarette plug cable with it! So heres a link, if you like it and are bidding, let me know, so this way I dont crossbid against ya. I havent bid on it yet, but may do so as it nears the end if it goes cheap enough. I cant tell you how badass these lights are, and how much area they cover when you fire them up, but if it goes for less than $600, you are getting a monster deal! heres the link, let me know if you are bidding, and I wont bid on it since I already have one.


You're killing me....:)

02-27-2013, 09:41 AM
Can't sleep, so I guess I'll pull an all nighter while Domegal sleeps. So far I've fixed the chainsaw, done the dishes, folded the laundry, swept, mopped and waxed the bottom floor of the dome great room (500 sq ft), started a fire in the wood stove, made and eaten a pizza, played with the cats, and its only 4:30. What else is there to do? Haven't prepped much for a couple of days since the rope broke on the starter on the chainsaw...fixed after only 3 days...been fighting with the main spring...I won!

02-27-2013, 07:13 PM
I sent this out to a few members and realized afterwards, that its kind of selfish to keep it within a small group, so posting out there for everyone just in case someone has a need/want/desire to own one. The Pm is as follows. . .

Surefire Hellfire on EBAY right now, $415 ENDING SOON!! 2 hrs!

Hey guys sending you a link here, If my memory serves me correct, we was talking in one of the threads about the Surefire HellFighter/Hellfire Weapons light and you guys expressed interest. Anyways, one is on ebay right now, in the low $400's and ending in a few hours, if you want it, you may be able to get one dirt cheap, and it has the cigarette plug cable with it! So heres a link, if you like it and are bidding, let me know, so this way I dont crossbid against ya. I havent bid on it yet, but may do so as it nears the end if it goes cheap enough. I cant tell you how badass these lights are, and how much area they cover when you fire them up, but if it goes for less than $600, you are getting a monster deal! heres the link, let me know if you are bidding, and I wont bid on it since I already have one.


Missed it by that much.....Didn't have the "one click bid" on.....was going to snipe for $500.....it went for $480.

Didn't need the damn thing any way....that lumen count is a phallic symbol anyway....:).....I didn't need to blow that much on a flashlight any way...wife would have killed me.

Damn.....would have been very cool though.

02-27-2013, 09:53 PM
Missed it by that much.....Didn't have the "one click bid" on.....was going to snipe for $500.....it went for $480.
Didn't need the damn thing any way....that lumen count is a phallic symbol anyway....:).....I didn't need to blow that much on a flashlight any way...wife would have killed me.
Damn.....would have been very cool though.

Yea, I mean, after all. . . who needs 3000 lumens of light anyways? :rolleyes: I almost bid it out but decided not to in the end, got too many other projects I want to spend money on this year! Anyways, what would I do with two of them? One in each hand and be my own spotlight system? Replace the headlights on the Jeep with them? (not a bad idea actually!)

03-02-2013, 06:49 PM
IR laser for my Pistol....


Grumpy Old Man
03-03-2013, 12:41 AM
^ Karma?

- - - Updated - - -

JK, Stormy. I am inventorying preps on a Saturday night. Kinda what grumpy old men do! Maybe that's what makes them grumpy!

Taz Baby
03-03-2013, 12:35 PM
Buying up the railroad ties. We found a place that sells railroad ties for $5 a piece.

03-03-2013, 01:05 PM
Buying up the railroad ties. We found a place that sells railroad ties for $5 a piece.

New or used?....Around here I've got old ties for free.

Taz Baby
03-03-2013, 02:58 PM
They are used.

03-04-2013, 12:23 AM
Networking paid off a bit today. I took possession of 3 free text books today that I'll be going through for different things:

Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, Principles of Environmental Science, and Integrated Science

03-04-2013, 12:50 AM
I spent all day yesterday and about half of today putting up a 6x6x2' rack for organizing my storage in the basement. I still have lots to do down there, but this was an excellent first step. I also sorted out some plastic nims with electronics, plumbing, electrical, and small metal parts and stored in a repurposed cabinet. Also got a good inventory count on our canning jars.

03-04-2013, 03:06 AM
We got a window replaced in the shed. Makes a big difference. This week we need to finish the trim around the edge. Also did some general sorting/organizing.

I wont lie, cabin fever is setting in. This time of year I am just about to the end of my rope. Its been cold here, unseasonably so. I am ready for winter to be over.

Not a whole lot of big prepping going on. Looking at doing some gravel work on the driveway this coming week. Good times! ;)

03-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Since we recently moved during the holidays and many of our preps were still packed up, Songbird and I spent the weekend re-inventorying our short and midterm food storage and setting up a new supply room. We boxed up all near "out of date" items to go to local food bank and started restocking with fresher items. This was a very productive project, as we found items we had forgotten about and were heavy in some areas..... "out of sight, out of mind" got us. Next I'll start on other supplies and redo GHBs and BOBs.

03-08-2013, 12:28 AM
My wife has started taking a bee keeping class. The hives and foundations have arrived. We are just waiting for april to get the bees.

03-08-2013, 12:29 AM
We also made another batch of laundry soap.

Taz Baby
03-08-2013, 12:50 AM
Printing things that I have collected and putting it in a notebook for easy access. Mostly DIY and How to.

03-08-2013, 12:57 AM
Added the following to the med-kit:

2 disposable skin staplers & removal tools
Small surgical tool kit
Suture kit
Emergency dental kit

Also put back another week or two of dehydrated food and a few thousand heirloom seeds in mylar.

03-08-2013, 02:06 PM
Ordered another set of "Foxfire books".....BTW....if you shop it....you can get them off Amazon used for just over $100 for all 13 books.

03-08-2013, 02:09 PM
A friend of ours gave us 60 4h broilers (chickens) and is giving us 30 more soon. So I have to kill, slaughter, pressure cook and can hundreds of pounds of chicken. But it is all free, didn't even have to feed them.

03-08-2013, 02:25 PM
got moved in to the new house. garden is tilled. added a new rifle and bullets. just need to finish the garden and PLANT.

03-13-2013, 04:10 AM
What I've found out this week was how critical and unforgiving Youtube preppers are.

Don't take this the wrong way. The people I've met on this forum have been extremely nice and helpful!

Now YouTube is another story. I make lots of gun modifications videos and do political stuff. I have just over 128,000 views and overall people are pretty nice. I get the occasional anti-Semite troll but for the most part people are nice.
I posted my very first bug-out-bag video this week and got torn apart by know it all preppers! Even after I was nice thanked them for their impute and agreed with them they still trolled my channel looking for a fight. I had to block two commenter's in the first 100 views.

That blows my mind. Out of the 128,000 views on my channel I've only had to block 3 anti-Semitic trolls.
Overall I was pretty shocked that the preppers where way more brutal than the political people. Is this typical?

03-13-2013, 05:08 AM
How many preppers does it take to pack a BOB? TEN! One to actually do it and nine to sit around saying how they can do it better. I wouldn't say it is typical prepper mentality, Richardbeck, but it is human nature.

So this entire month, I have done a boat load of nothing! I scratched my cornea playing with my dog and then got the flu. I did learn that even though I took precautions such as washing the bed sheets every morning and wearing surgical gloves 90% of the day, my husband still got sick. We didn't even kiss or talk directly to each other. So I will have to step up efforts the next time one of us gets sick. I guess someone will be banished to the guest bedroom, as much as I hate to sleep there. I have also come to realize that I have nothing but contact solution and some Visine for eye problems. I'm looking for an eye wash thingy, but can't think of the name or where to buy. Not that it would help with a scratch, but I have a nasty habit of spraying hairspray in my eyes, too.

I did manage to start exercising again. I lost 6 pounds so far just from being sick and thought now is as good a time as any.

03-14-2013, 05:01 AM
Try an egg cup. The thing that one would put a soft boiled egg in to eat the egg. That's what my grandmother would use.

Taz Baby
03-14-2013, 08:08 PM
We are building another chicken tractor( the men folk are) out of a 4 wheeler crate (Got for free). I am gathering my supplies to start making my Herbal Medicines and things again. (tins,plastic containers, beeswax, herbs, amber jars, ect. I am going this weekend to bag up the potting soil that I used last year for my container garden and get it ready to reuse this year. I got a personal trainer today to start my strength training program, I start my Zumba class this Sat. I bought 100 rounds of ammo. Now that they have caught on to the people who have been buying the cheap ammo at Wal-Mart and reselling it for a higher price. You can no longer buy all of it at one time. Yesterday when I went to buy it, they told me that they have limited it to 1 box per person per day. There were 2 people working the counter and I bought 1 box of 22's and told them I would be back in about 10min. to get another box. They told me that they could not sell me anymore and I told them yes you can and walked away. Well I went back after 10 min. And the same person that sold me the box told me he could not sell me anymore. I told him maybe not but the other guy can because tectonically he has not sold me any today. So I left there with 2 boxes.


03-17-2013, 05:14 AM
DH started the veggies this week in one of the covered grow boxes, sits in the bay window now. He says we should be ready to put them in the ground come May but I'm thinking with the weather we're having it'll be more like beginning of June.
We went to the home and garden show today, picked up a couple of ideas for said garden. DH has been researching raised garden beds. He's always just planted in the ground but with the last garden, he was having trouble due to arthritis , bending and moving.

03-17-2013, 01:13 PM
Bought about $700 worth canned goods...mostly meats and soups.

This Cyprus thing has me worried.

03-18-2013, 12:08 PM
Spent the better part of a week in the woods with a few dozen other preppers. Its an annual thing we do to go camping together. We had a terrific time, great food and a variety of workshops including a hands on suturing course. Its a ton of work getting that many together and from as many different places (11 states represented) but it was sure worth it. I feel refreshed and recharged and now ready to really dive into getting my upcoming (August) Preparedness Expo going. A very good week for me. Hope everyone here had a good week.

03-18-2013, 06:07 PM
same ol'.same ol'... played in the garden, put some canned goods away. went shooting with a buddy. kinda expensive, i could see dollar bills flash every time i squeezed the trigger. :p but the cost was out weighed by good fellowship and knowing i still have what it takes.

Taz Baby
03-18-2013, 10:47 PM
Went to Northern tool and got me a new toy for my gadget belt.
It has all kinds of gadgets and only $10
and mine looks like this to match all my knives


03-18-2013, 11:17 PM
More canned goods and rice.

tractor supply had winter clearance going on. Picked up 12 pairs of wool socks for $2.99 each

picked up a kershaw camp 10 knife. Neat blade

03-19-2013, 12:19 AM
Busy weekend. I got the garden started finally. Planted Leeks, Brussel Sprouts, cauliflour, cabbage, white and yellow onions, & lettuce.
I also did a repair to a section of the fence around the chicken run. Two sides of the run had a gap under it that had me worried something could work their way under it. I took a 2' wide piece of hardware cloth and bent it into an L shape and wired it to the fence on the upright and used landscape pins to stake the bottom section to the ground.
Finally picked up a large cannister of stove fuel.

03-19-2013, 02:05 AM
picked up a kershaw camp 10 knife. Neat blade

Iz, i read the write up on the knife, the thing that threw me was the talk of 'zombies'. they get close enough to cut, somebody isn't doing their JOB!!! :)

Taz Baby
03-19-2013, 02:14 AM
Well we finally lost all 4 of our chickens that we got last year. With us being gone for so long and the neighbors trying their best to look our for them they didn't make it. But we have a new chicken tractor and Tractor Supply is having their animal swap the 30th so we are aiming to get more and now that we are here WE can take care of them. We even put up the game cam on the chickens and it didn't even catch the chicken eater. But we set the trap with the dead chicken in it and caught a huge possum. Weasels have been seen a mile or so away too.

03-19-2013, 02:25 AM
chicken stealing bastards. LOL sorry about the others,though. got a dog? well, i am sure you do. but look into a Blue Heeler or a Catahoula Cur Dog. mean bastards, they will keep any and everything out of the yard. or you could adopt a robsdak for a month or so. :) it is told he is a crackshot and has a new .17HMR.

Taz Baby
03-19-2013, 12:25 PM
Rob thanks for the offer but yes we have dogs, they are 3 schnauzers and they chase anything that moves. But right now the problem is that we are not living there at this time. We are looking for a Anatolian Shepherd for our livestock Guardian but we have to wait until we are back to living on the property.

03-19-2013, 02:15 PM
Rob thanks for the offer but yes we have dogs, they are 3 schnauzers and they chase anything that moves. But right now the problem is that we are not living there at this time. We are looking for a Anatolian Shepherd for our livestock Guardian but we have to wait until we are back to living on the property.

Anatolians are good, I have had 4 of them. But they are very head strong. I don't know you personally so don't take this the wrong way. If you are a alpha personality a anatolian is for you. If you are not a strong leader, and willing to make the dog submit than you might want to pick a different breed. They will keep all animals (you can teach them to accept other animals if you work at it) away, and will kill them if they get to close. Ours loves our cat, and our monkeys, but any other critter just comes in the yard without being introduced by me or my wife will get killed. We have dead armadillos, opossums and so on scattered all over the place.

03-19-2013, 11:35 PM
Iz, i read the write up on the knife, the thing that threw me was the talk of 'zombies'. they get close enough to cut, somebody isn't doing their JOB!!! :)

Agreed on the zombies.

i think it will turn out to be a heck of a camp knife. If i get a chance to get out and pit it through its paces, ill write up a review. So far, i love it.

Taz Baby
03-20-2013, 12:49 AM
No offense taken Helo. I am a take charge kinda girl if need be if that helps and I have read that about them. I raised and attack trained Dobie's and Rottie's and unless they are more head strong then them I am in good shape. But then again That was when i was younger to. But we are getting a pup so I should be able to get it trained before it gets bigger than me. Thanks for the info tho since I have never had one before I can use all the help on them I can get.

03-20-2013, 12:57 AM
No offense taken Helo. I am a take charge kinda girl if need be if that helps and I have read that about them. I raised and attack trained Dobie's and Rottie's and unless they are more head strong then them I am in good shape. But then again That was when i was younger to. But we are getting a pup so I should be able to get it trained before it gets bigger than me. Thanks for the info tho since I have never had one before I can use all the help on them I can get.

Just be consistent, and make sure the dog always submits to you. When my anatolian does something I don't like I chase her around until she lays down and submits. If she doesn't, I make her by force. They really are good dogs, just have to stay on top of them.

03-21-2013, 03:03 PM
Bought some medical supplies, parts for AR, a Lightsaber, TP, a case of 10W30 Mobile1, a FD Okra sample to see if its good for storage, more water.

Taz Baby
03-21-2013, 03:28 PM
We had to pull up some of our willow trees as the were in the way of progress, as the guys were pulling them up i was saying a prayer for the trees to the great spirit. I then harvested some of the bark to make aspirin. I had a headache since morning and I made a 2 tsps. of the bark when I got home for my headache. I also chewed on some of the bark as I was stripping it from the tree. No more headache. I picked some of the shoots off the Pussy willow as they were starting to come out and put them in a vase for a side table. I harvest some wild onion and used it in our supper, I made the willow bark tincture and a orange oil tincture. I cleaned my last years soil and bagged it for this year.

03-21-2013, 07:17 PM
Bought some medical supplies, parts for AR, a Lightsaber, TP, a case of 10W30 Mobile1, a FD Okra sample to see if its good for storage, more water.

A Lightsaber......pics or GTFO.....:)



03-22-2013, 09:46 AM
Well over the winter I let my weight and girth get the best of me, so instead of loosening the web belt and straps on the backpack I joins the gym again.

Also went to the army navy store and bought some more new ammo cans and trioxane...

cheers X

03-24-2013, 12:14 AM
A Lightsaber......pics or GTFO.....:)

Need to take some pics I guess.
Bought a Graflex CE in Guardian Blue
Already had a Manticore in Blazing Red, and a cheapo Luke Skywalker Green (WM special)
Not much prepping value except for those times when you are bored to death in the bunker

Yes, I am also a flashaholic

Taz Baby
03-25-2013, 01:28 PM
Here is the new chicken tractor, we did put the wheels on it and they fold under the tractor when you move it. hen you have it in place you just unfold the wheels and it sits off the ground. Now just waiting on the chickens. The tin is just sitting there it will be attached on top


03-26-2013, 12:21 PM
got the garden planted. finally. the weather hasn't been cooperating. working on the beds in the front, thinking about putting peppers out there. another 100 rds. of 17HMR. i know, not a real prepper cartridge, but hella fun too shoot. found an older used (maybe twice) version, Camelbak Mule for $15. the pack is still stiff and the bladder smells new. it will do until i can replace it with the Ambush.

03-28-2013, 03:11 AM
Added more can goods added to the pantry. Looking over my yard and drawing up battle plans for a garden in a few weeks. Financially, looking over the household treasury funds and seeing where I can save money and cut other costs.

03-28-2013, 07:47 AM
Ordered this: A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guides) (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/039592622X/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
and this:A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs: Of Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guides) [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0395988144/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
and this: Healing Herbal Wines, Vinegars & Syrups: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-228 [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1580172776/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

I got that last one because I only needed $2 and change to qualify for free shipping, and it got good reviews. Depending on how well I like it I may chase some more of their bulletins down, but for now at least I got the field guides I wanted at a decent price.

03-28-2013, 02:08 PM
Still waiting for snow to melt. . .so much for a early garden!

Taz Baby
03-28-2013, 02:21 PM
Ordered this: A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guides) (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/039592622X/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
and this:A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs: Of Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guides) [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0395988144/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
and this: Healing Herbal Wines, Vinegars & Syrups: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-228 [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1580172776/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

I got that last one because I only needed $2 and change to qualify for free shipping, and it got good reviews. Depending on how well I like it I may chase some more of their bulletins down, but for now at least I got the field guides I wanted at a decent price.

Those are all very good books and I have them to. Glad to see someone else is interested in this sort of thing.

03-29-2013, 01:33 AM
I have that Peterson's book as well. Most all their stuff is top notch.

03-29-2013, 01:57 AM
I've never heard anything but good about them, and I'm looking forward to them showing up.

Stormy - what about starting seedlings inside? I was just thinking its time to start looking into that myself.

03-29-2013, 03:19 AM
Those are all very good books and I have them to. Glad to see someone else is interested in this sort of thing.

Getting more interested as I go along. Thank you, by the way, my printer is going to be working OT when I remember to buy ink again. Those charts in bushcrafting... Lol. I may have to buy two refills!

03-29-2013, 04:35 AM
Let go of my Taurus Tactical PT24/7 9mm and picked up a Sig P250 .40 (full size) Now its time to flip the 9mm ammo for 40.

Also starting to look at the garden prospects.

Taz Baby
03-30-2013, 10:00 PM
got 2 culverts to put in for repairing on our bridges and road. I am making my herbal meds still.

04-01-2013, 12:28 AM
I've never heard anything but good about them, and I'm looking forward to them showing up.

Stormy - what about starting seedlings inside? I was just thinking its time to start looking into that myself.

Thats what Ive been doing, starting seedlings, im just worried that its going to be much later in the season before I am able to transplant them.

04-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Its much the same here I think. We're supposed to get some more snow tomorrow.

On a happier note, my books are here!

Taz Baby
04-02-2013, 01:41 AM
On a happier note, my books are here!

Whoo Hoo glad to see you got them in. Now have fun learning. I love all my herb books.

04-02-2013, 01:46 AM
I have a feeling I will. I've been leafing through them all afternoon and can't wait to get outside with them! I'll be heading out on Wednesday.

Taz Baby
04-02-2013, 02:06 AM
Be careful MTR of the snow headed your way. I have to wait another week before i can head out in the woods to forage.

I started my workout program at the gym today. The guys finished putting in the first culvert today in the rain.

04-02-2013, 02:32 AM
You know, I didn't check the weather :D I know its supposed to snow some here tomorrow, but it'd have to be really heavy to deter me. We get so much here...

I'm looking over my topo map for the area I want to explore now. Its got a few different habitats available so I'm hoping to find a good mix of plants.

Taz Baby
04-02-2013, 12:56 PM
I always take my guide books with me when exploring the woods. But keep in mind that the guide books you take with you, you will need 2 of them, 1 for the house (where it stays dry) and 1 for the field. I learned that the hard way. My tree book that I keep in the 4 wheeler got wet. which was in a ziplock bag. How I have no idea.

04-02-2013, 05:21 PM
I'm now in the chicken raising game. Picked up some chicks today.

Time will tell whether I have eggs or chicken nuggets.......

04-02-2013, 05:38 PM
Izzy the birdman! Good deal, if all goes well you should start getting an egg here and there by fall. At least that's the pattern mine took.

04-02-2013, 05:43 PM
awesome! They are all inside right now, so I've got a little time to finish my coop

04-02-2013, 08:40 PM
awesome! They are all inside right now, so I've got a little time to finish my coop

Pity the poor critters who try to sneak into Izzy's booby trapped chicken compound. He shall lay waste to all who try and breech his A.O.
Many years from now tales of the mighty Chicken Guardian Sir Izzy Scout shall ring thru out the land of his mighty and stealthy deeds done by this deadly warrior to protect his flock. He shall stand as a symbol to all who have flocks to aspire to be as him.
Many shall try ; but only a few brave shall achieve.

Raise a glass in toast to Sir Izzy Scout !!! ; Protector of the flock and Scourge to all who test him. ;)

04-02-2013, 10:20 PM

I'll put $5.00 on the raccoons, cats and foxes!

Just kidding bud! That's awesome. Post some pics!

04-02-2013, 11:20 PM
Pity the poor critters who try to sneak into Izzy's booby trapped chicken compound. He shall lay waste to all who try and breech his A.O.
Many years from now tales of the mighty Chicken Guardian Sir Izzy Scout shall ring thru out the land of his mighty and stealthy deeds done by this deadly warrior to protect his flock. He shall stand as a symbol to all who have flocks to aspire to be as him.
Many shall try ; but only a few brave shall achieve.

Raise a glass in toast to Sir Izzy Scout ; Protector of the flock and Scourge to all who test him. ;)

I do think we just had an EPIC post!

04-03-2013, 12:07 AM
And so the legend was born. In the year of our Lord the spring of 2013 came a ghostly figure as if gliding upon the mist that covered the land. Now even the mighty owl could not pick up his movements as he approached the site where he would build his fortress for his flock. Silently in the pre- dawn morning his mind already working thru the mission ahead.
Many a man wondered where he learned the tools of the trade ; but none ever dared to question.Silently he peered at the landscape before him deciding where to build his compound. It came to be such a place where he could see far and wide as if he were on heaven high looking down upon his domain.

And so ; moving forth with the quietness of death itself he laid down his marker and laid claim to the future home of his flocks abode.

04-03-2013, 12:25 AM

04-03-2013, 12:39 AM
And the Legend was born.

Damn Eagle, you got talent.

04-03-2013, 01:13 AM
And so it was. The forest looked down upon this honest and noble warrior and said unto him ; We shall give forth unto you the material you need for your safe haven and thou shall erect a safe and comfortable realm in which your flock shall thrive. Being the humble servant that he was ; He could not take without giving back to those who had hence gave unto him.
And so the pact was born. As they would provide material for shelter. Sir Izzy would protect and nurture the growth of them who provided for him. For he knew that with- in their realm they could give him the power to become invisible to those of the outside world.
Hence forth ; with the pact sealed Izzy set forth to begin laying the foundation of his chicken nation.

04-03-2013, 02:24 PM
I'm going to have to inscribe that onto stone tablets and put them outside the coop. LOL

04-03-2013, 04:19 PM
acquired a threaded barrel for my G26

04-03-2013, 07:10 PM
And the Legend was born.

Damn Eagle, you got talent.

Don't know about that B.P. Just trying to lighten up the day.

04-03-2013, 07:19 PM
Got 16 new chicks in basement about 3 weeks old. Going to take the 10 hens I have ; almost 3 yrs. old and do them up for canning .
Do some addition work on coop and get it ready for youngsters.
Almost time to take down plastic sheeting panels surrounding coop yard and remove base tarps.

Taz Baby
04-03-2013, 07:34 PM
got 2 cases of 12ga. today and the guys are putting in the last of the culverts. Bought this book at Bam


I checked out the other books I said that I would and here are the ones with excellent pictures and good books all the way around.



This book is a excellent book to have for doing field work. Lots of pictures but not much on info. It just has Description, ID. Habitat, and Range. But the pictures make up for that.

04-03-2013, 08:16 PM
Scored 3 boxes of .223 ammo to add to my stash. :)

04-04-2013, 12:30 AM
200 lbs of chicken feed. That should cover me well until my own feed crop comes in. Also went on a camping trip over the long weekend to unwind and do some planning.

04-04-2013, 01:38 AM
acquired a threaded barrel for my G26

What are you getting to put on it?

04-04-2013, 04:14 PM
Just got Tomahawk holsters in for myself and Bacpacker. I had these made by one of the Mennonite guys down the road. I'm REALLY happy with the quality of work.

They have beltloops and metal rings on the back so I can wear it or lash it to a pack. I like that the blade is fully protected.




04-05-2013, 12:13 AM
Izzy is the man

04-05-2013, 03:44 AM
Izzy those are cool!

04-05-2013, 03:50 AM
Finally unpacked our new dehydrator. Now gotta figure out how to use it. :confused:

04-05-2013, 04:33 AM
SIL says they are easy to use Cn't wait till I get mine up and running;)

04-05-2013, 05:29 AM
Step 1- plug them in. . .

04-06-2013, 05:36 PM
Did my quarterly top to bottom inventory. Earliest in the quarter I've ever done it but in light of all the craziness going on around the globe seemed liked a good time to do it. Edited my spread sheet to reflect the current totals and updated my buying list as well based on what I have now. Overall in good shape but as always there are some things that I wouldn't mind having more of.

04-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Those tomahawk sheaths are the shiz.

Today I installed a heavy duty shelving unit in the spare bedroom closet for better organizing preps, an extra shelf in the existing pantry for more canned goods, did a full inventory & put back another 5 gallons of H20.

04-08-2013, 02:10 AM
Helped Kodiak build a chicken coop....and gave him his first 2 chickens.

Taz Baby
04-08-2013, 11:57 AM
Spent the weekend with a contractor about building our house and putting up our metal building. He starts tomorrow on the metal building. we needed to use the pressure washer to wash off our concrete slab and found out that it would not work from our water tank because there was not enough pressure. So we went to crank the genny and nothing, it wouldn't crank. The guys worked on it for about 2 hrs, then said %$#@#$ and got the old one that never failed, well it did fail this time. So today both genny's go to the repair shop. We got our 4 wheeler serviced last week and have it back. started putting in drain lines in around where needed to drain water run off. Saw our first snake of this year,, a black snake sitting on a tree branch that SIL almost grabbed. (that's why we saw it) found a old fence line that we didn't know existed and maybe a spring too. Have to check that out. And to top off the weekend, throwing out the deer corn we now have a Tom and Hen wild turkey coming in everyday waiting on the corn.

04-08-2013, 02:30 PM
I spent the weekend hiking with a bunch of out of state friends and family to Mt LeConte. Great weather this year and only some patches of ice on the trail. One of them was a bitch, bought 100 yards long with a rock wall up one side and a 2-300' drop on the other. That made for an interesting few minutes.

Another plus, Found out one of my BIL is much more of a prepper than I realized. Had a good talk with him and discussed issues and supplies. His son, who has moved to Georgia and I have already been working on plans should crap go south. Good to know the dad is working it although 600+ miles away. Makes me feel a little better for next time we go up that way.

04-09-2013, 12:29 PM
Dressed out and froze 9 chickens Monday ; they were almost 3 yrs. old so they'll get cooked slow and canned.

04-09-2013, 12:37 PM
I got 11 roosters to kill and can today, and also canned 10 lbs of hamburger meat. Going to be canning a lot more hamburger meat in the future.

04-09-2013, 07:54 PM
I did a little canning this past weekend also. total of 14 jars (not qt size) of grd beef and then beef tips. took almost all day, but the pantry is stocking up really well! my next load will be chicken.