View Full Version : Those who have large boxes will rule the world!

08-31-2012, 07:32 AM
I have been cleaning out my basement. I have also been putting my extra things on craigslist without much luck. Then I posted an ad for free packing material, and added the dimensions of one of the boxes as a reference point to show much packing crap I had. Needless to say, I got ten offers for the big box and only one for the packing material as long as it included the big box. Mind you, this was posted in the free section. It was an emergency that everyone needed to know if the deal went through or not! What deal? It was free! And I actually needed the box. I store Christmas crap in there. No one got the box but me and several people were pissed.

So I have learned that if all goes to Hell and we need to barter, some people will want large boxes instead of food. It is that important. I have also learned that people think that your crap is nothing but crap, and totally worthless even if they post that they are in need of what you have and are specifically looking for that item. Pictures of their golden crap, and whatever written offers on their ad is just crap, unless somehow, your crap is a lot better than their crap, which is broken and useless. Crap=paper, better crap = scissors, large box = rock and rock clobbers the crap out of paper in this instance. It also still smashes scissors. Box on top!

Regardless of the height and volume of your largest box, it is all for naught if you are a woman. Women ruin boxes. Everyone knows that. Women don't know boxes. Even women who want large boxes know that women ruin large boxes. They want to speak to your husband after you tell them that you need your large box to store things in.

In all seriousness, I thought this would be a great way to practice my bartering skills. I am so wrong. I thought I would be cunning and use common sense against my foes, but common sense has failed me. How do I trade with people who want my things but do not want to give up anything in return? I am really not kidding when I say that I saw an add for a mangy 6 ft wood steps tool and they were asking to trade for gold, silver, or motorized vehicles. I paid $40 for my 6 footer at Menards. I didn't even get a band aid when I got a nice splinter while in the checkout line. How on EARTH am I supposed to trade?

It will only get worse when people are hungry.

08-31-2012, 08:24 AM
boxes huh. . . *hmmmm*. . . . I may be able to barter here now!

08-31-2012, 10:18 AM
Around here, the liquor stores are a constant source for free boxes. Every piece of their inventory comes in a box, but 90+% sells without one. If you want boxes, go there.

And don't automatically think that 'bigger is better' (a common problem amongst the ladies - ;) ) The last time I moved, Mrs Sniper went out and got a pile of boxes from a friend of hers, and packed up a pile of stuff while I was away.

That's great, right??? Not necessarily. The boxes were great, heavy duty things that were incredibly strong. And they had to be. These things were 18" X 18" x 30", and she decided that they would be great for all the books. :eek:

So I get home, there are boxes scatterered all over the place, all taped up and nicely labeled, and a note asking me to stack them in the spare room. Well, fuck! those boxes were 150 -200 pounds of awkwardness. I had to go out and buy a hand cart to move them around, load them, and move them into the house.

Ironically enough, all the small boxes that she had, she filled with bedding and linen!

So, yes, MsO. I would agree with your assessment, women don't know boxes! lol

And further to your theory that people will want them... there is probably a good percentage of sheeple that do not have sturdy backpacks etc, so yeah, they'll be wandering around carrying their perceived necessities in their hands/pockets, plastic shopping bags, etc. Boxes could be a good barter item. If you break them down, they'll store decently, just make sure you have some packing tape (preferably a tape gun) to put them back together.

Start the bidding at one silver Eagle per box!

09-01-2012, 04:57 AM
believe it or not wal-mart shoe dept is an excellent source for tougher that average cardboard boxes, the ones they put 5-6 pair of shoes in individually boxed or even the boxes that boots come in ( 4 pairs ) are tough as hell.

the problem usually with liquor store boxes is they slice off the top with a razor knife for display

09-01-2012, 05:32 AM
I'm selling all my silver and buying huge boxes, I had no idea there was an underground economy dealing in large boxes.

Sniper, most women do make the mistake of thinking bigger is better, unless you buy them clothes that are even .000001% bigger than their size, then you need aforementioned large boxes to move out.

The Stig
09-01-2012, 11:53 AM
Craigslist and common sense? Lulz.....wat?

I hear you Ms O. I run into this on exchange sections for firearms parts. People have a beat up model of an XYZ and want $500 for it while there's a much more current model available on the market for brand new for $300. Can you say "pass"?

Lord help you if you are trying to sell something. "For sale is a brand new Ginp Ganop machine. Asking $100. Price includes shipping to the lower 48 and paypal fees" is sure to generate the following responses:

1) How much are shipping fees?
2) Can you ship to Italy?
3) Will you take $25 shipped?
4) I have a broken cat de-worming machine. Trade even up?

You are right. People's sense of entitlement will lead to bad things should bad times befall a region.

I had no idea that a big box was a positive thing, however.

09-01-2012, 12:53 PM
I order all my parts for my fab shop....the boxes are double layer HD cardboard.

I break them down and set them back.....and then offer them up when friends move.

Some have survived 3 moves.

SHTF...I'll use them to pack some of my stuff if there is time.

09-01-2012, 02:08 PM
HHmmm, I wouldn't have guessed boxes would be such a hot item! Now those packing bubbles, they provide endless hours of popping fun, I would have thought someone would want them.

Years ago I started phasing out the cardboard boxes for plastic totes, simply because as a former Army wife, I knew we would move a LOT (and I did, like 8x in 12 yrs) so I figured that lifestyle would be too hard on cardboard.

But, ya'll have posted some good ideas on where to get free boxes, wouldn't be a bad idea to have a pile of them upstairs in the shed.

09-03-2012, 12:13 AM
I try to think about who is going to have to carry the stuff when we move or if dh has to put it in the attic when I pack boxes or plastic tubs. Heavy stuff goes in smaller boxes and light stuff goes in larger boxes. But some of those tubs have wheels on them so if it doesn't have to be lifted, just moved from one room to another they can be packed heavily and just rolled.
I save all kinds of boxes, they seem hard to get and the free ones are crappy. Banana boxes are stiff too.

09-03-2012, 02:50 AM
Banana boxes are stiff too.

Thats what she said...:P

09-03-2012, 03:02 AM
Thats what she said...:P

Can I tell ya how hard it's been to not "go there" ??? Stiff banana boxes, big boxes, stig's big box comment. This one has been on the edge for 2 days, thank you! Lol

09-03-2012, 11:35 AM
I have enough plastic totes and metal cabinets to move our important stuff to the BOL in the truck

09-05-2012, 02:17 AM
He he he. I still can't believe I posted this. I meant to post an insightful yet provocative post recalling my travails while learning negotiating skills at the hands of craigslisters. Instead, I accidentally got drunk and bitched about boxes. Box on top? Really, wtf??

Honestly, I didn't know there was vodka in the drink mix and I only drank it to make room in the fridge. I didn't see it because it was in teeny tiny letters and I didn't have my glasses on. And I didn't taste it because I was adding ginger ale (also to make room in the fridge). I woke up the next day to 6 bags of assorted snacks and all the folding knives I own sitting on my family room table.

Sorry everyone!

09-05-2012, 02:31 AM
As the sayin goes, Shit happens. At least you got the fridge cleared out. :)

09-05-2012, 04:55 AM
We could have fun at her house if that's how she cleans out her fridge!!!!

09-05-2012, 05:15 AM
We could have fun at her house if that's how she cleans out her fridge!!!!

Might have been more fun helping clean out the fridge...

09-05-2012, 05:36 AM
Might have been more fun helping clean out the fridge...

Yeah, kind of what I was implying :)

09-06-2012, 12:21 AM
That is a great excuse. Awesome!

09-06-2012, 11:48 AM
Well, seeing I work for a corrugated box manufacturer, I have a little insight on this.
We sell "stock boxes" which are the most commonly used sizes. They come in bundles of 10 to 25 depending on sizes.
You want to have sizes that are manageable when full. It's great to have huge boxes to pack a lot of crap into but once it's full, you'll need a fork lift to move it. Best sizes are those that one person can carry when full. I'd recommend something around an 18" x 12" x 12" to start. You can store a few smaller and larger sizes but don't get crazy on going big. Our minimum order is $100 for pick up and you'll get a few bundles of boxes for this amount. This is the best way to store them at home, knocked down & unassembled. You'll need a few rolls of good pressure sensitive sealing tape as well.
A world of caution, silverfish love paper so they'll find your stored bundles.
You can order from places like Uline over the web and have them shipped to you but a better option would be to contact a local box company and see if #1 they sell stock boxes or #2 if they have any "misprints or overruns" that they want to get rid of. The second option is better cost wise as they just want to get rid of them.
Hope this helps ya'll.

09-06-2012, 03:04 PM
[QUOTE=Onestep;42721 A world of caution, silverfish love paper so they'll find your stored bundles.[/QUOTE]

^ So do roaches. Roaches and silver fish love the glue and cellulose. So, be careful, if you didn't have bug problem before, you might after storing corrugated boxes. That's why we use plastic. Sorry to spoil the party. :(

09-07-2012, 04:43 AM
Had no idea about silverfish/roaches and boxes. The only time I ever had silverfish was when I first moved out. I kept finding silverfish in my bathtub for some reason. I had no boxes because I didn't own anything. I moved in with just some clothes on hangers in the back of my Corolla and had to buy everything. And then the roaches invaded when new people moved in across the hall. I really hated living in a condo.

09-07-2012, 04:53 AM
We don't seem to have a problem with bugs in TN...only spiders!!! I think I would rather have the roaches, at least you can kill them. What's a silverfish?

09-07-2012, 05:05 AM

Ours don't look like those pictures, though. They are pretty much silver and not brown. And gross looking.

09-07-2012, 05:07 AM
Eeeewwww... do they have pinchers on their butts?

09-07-2012, 05:11 AM
Would you like them to?

I think it looks more like an antenna than a pair of pinchers, but something is coming out of their butts.

09-07-2012, 05:13 AM
MsO you are too darn funny! BUT, don't quit your day job girlfriend.

09-07-2012, 05:16 AM
I haven't cleaned the house in days, so I think I have quit my day job! This craisglist stuff is so time consuming! I keep getting drunk emails and these chatty "You r kewl. Let's be friends" emails. Quit clogging my inbox, ladyhk!

09-07-2012, 05:16 AM
Would you like them to?

I think it looks more like an antenna than a pair of pinchers, but something is coming out of their butts.

Really, first the boxes thing and now this.

09-07-2012, 05:19 AM
And you might be thinking about earwigs. They have pincher butts.

- - - Updated - - -

Really, first the boxes thing and now this.

Yes, but I'm not drinking now. I'm just overtired. Blue raspberry lemonade with ninja vodka can only fool me once!

09-07-2012, 05:22 AM
Clogging your inbox MsO? And here I thought we were friends lol! Can't you do like a NO SPAM thing on CraigsList?

09-07-2012, 05:37 AM
Spammers are pretty much going to do whatever, regardless of what box you click or dont click. And one of my guys really thinks he is trying to conduct business here and I still don't know what he wants from me. We are on our 6th email exchange, by the way. I actually haven't had a problem with spammers. It is just drunk people trying to buy my stuff at night, and then truly crazy people during the day.

09-07-2012, 06:04 AM
You just gotta be hard on them...get tough gal.

09-07-2012, 06:08 AM
You know, I actually did get tough a few times. A few idiots really thought that I won't look up their junk.

09-07-2012, 06:10 AM
Ya gotta show them that you aren't a pushover just because you are a girl.

09-07-2012, 09:46 AM
.... Blue raspberry lemonade with ninja vodka can only fool me once!


I love it! What a Great line!!

09-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Queen of Raspberry Vodka...sitting in large boxes.
No memory the next day....priceless.
Who loves ya girl?
We do.
I'm just waiting for Taz to jump in here! Lucky for you she's on the road!!! HaHa!

09-09-2012, 02:43 AM
Queen of Raspberry Vodka...sitting in large boxes.
No memory the next day....priceless.
Who loves ya girl?
We do.
I'm just waiting for Taz to jump in here! Lucky for you she's on the road!!! HaHa!

Thanks for putting the thought in my mind. Its a great visual. I am going to have to try that some time. And I have decided to save all my boxes for my Halloween costume. I want to be a Box Monster when I grow up! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6421081701614991372 I'll gives ya big boxes!!!

Taz Baby
09-09-2012, 03:42 AM
MSO. I have read this entire post 3 times and for the life of me I am still confused? What is it about again? Boxes?, Craigslist?, Drunk idiots on Craigslist?, Ninja vodka? Blue cool-aid?, silver fish with pincher butts? stiff banana boxes?, getting drunk by cleaning out the fridge? Someone not wanting to go there? The only thing I got out of this post is that I want to come to your house and get drunk on Ninja blue raspberry cool-aid vodka while sitting in a box and email drunk idiots on Craigslist about the sliverfish with pincher butts. I have never done that in my life and i would hate to die without doing that. Can I huh? Can I?

09-09-2012, 03:44 AM
Everyone can come, but it is BYOB. And yeah, I mean bring your own box. And booze.

This looks like a typical thread in the Ladies section, doesn't it?

09-09-2012, 05:40 AM
See MsO I told ya Taz would have fun with this one!!!

Taz Baby
09-09-2012, 04:15 PM
Now on a serious note. Last week my BIL was moving some stuff from the back porch that had been leaking. He found some wet cardboard which use to be good boxes. When he picked them up they were full of termites, which had gotten into some lumber we had stored there. Not knowing that it was getting wet for who knows how long , he started removing all the wet stuff and thank goodness the termites didn't make it to the cabin. Moral to this story is that termites really like wet cardboard and other bugs do to not just pincher butt- silverfish.

09-10-2012, 03:18 AM
If you wanna see how bad Craigslist has gotten, and then see a guy who makes a living harassing people who post there, go to www.dontevenreply.com. Absolutely EPIC!

09-10-2012, 09:38 AM
I must be a little twisted (yeah, go figure), but I've been following that site for a long time now. Sometimes he goes a little too far, but for the most part... he's hilarious!

I love that site!

Taz Baby
09-10-2012, 07:40 PM
Sniper yeah you are a little twisted, in a funny, sometimes sick kinda way. But I still like ya despite all that.

09-10-2012, 10:39 PM
That is frightening, I almost posted a link to that "emails from an a$$hole" site the other day. I have been following it for a few years to, talk about funny!

09-11-2012, 10:38 AM
Aha!!! So it isn't me that's twisted... I'm completely Normal, just like 4such!




Oh look, a squirrel...

09-12-2012, 02:02 AM
If you wanna see how bad Craigslist has gotten, and then see a guy who makes a living harassing people who post there, go to www.dontevenreply.com. Absolutely EPIC!

AK, I just saw this and the website and that's one of the funniest things I've ever read. Still laughing so hard my head hurts.

09-12-2012, 02:15 AM
Aha!!! So it isn't me that's twisted... I'm completely Normal, just like 4such!

Hey, the voices in my head said I am perfectly sane!

09-12-2012, 02:42 AM
AK, I just saw this and the website and that's one of the funniest things I've ever read. Still laughing so hard my head hurts.

The apartment for rent is THE BEST troll I've ever seen on there.

The Stig
09-13-2012, 11:59 AM
While everybody is yucking it up, have y'all voted in the Thread of the Month contest? So far out of 500+ members we have 15 votes.

09-13-2012, 01:49 PM
email me everyones log ins Stig... I'll vote for everyone