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09-12-2012, 11:12 PM
Folks I am gonna post this in the hopes it will stay a discussion of current events and ways we can keep an eye out and prepare for what may come from these topics. As much as I want to go down the tin-foil route on this, I am going to do my best to refrain and ask that each of you do the same.

First of all, we have stories like the one below. Even with all the issues surrounding Iran finally building a nuclear weapon, our leader has apparently determined that campaining for re-election is more important that meeting with the leader of our closest ally in the Middle east. I can't recall anytime in my life of our president refusing to meet with the leader of Israel. On top of that in nearly 4 years he has not once made a trip to Israel. That to is something i don't recall.


US: No time for Obama-Netanyahu meeting
LAST UPDATED: 09/11/2012 23:40

Announcement follows Netanyahu declaration that those who don't place "red lines" on Iran, have no right to give Israel a "red light."
Netanyahu and Obama. Photo: Jim Young/ Reuters

For the first time since taking office, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is slated to visit the United States without meeting US President Barack Obama. The lack of a meeting later this month comes in the midst of roiling tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over setting red lines for Iran’s nuclear program.

Some have seen the absence of a face-to-face conversation as a further sign of strain in the relationship.

A White House official said he did not have a final schedule for the president for that week. His response left open the possibility that a last minute meeting could be added to the agenda.

A request from Netanyahu’s office to meet with Obama in Washington as part of the prime minister’s trip to the United Nations in New York later this month was rejected for scheduling reasons, an Israeli official said Tuesday.

Netanyahu, however, is expected to meet with other senior US officials in New York, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

When asked about the White House’s refusal to schedule a meeting between Netanyahu and Obama, an official there noted that the two leaders would be visiting New York at different times.

News that the two might not meet came after tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over Iran burst into the open on Tuesday when Netanyahu attacked the US’s policy on Tehran at a joint press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Metodiev Borisov.

Netanyahu said that those who do not place “red lines” in front of Iran have no moral right to put a “red light” in front of Israel when it comes to military action.

Netanyahu’s words came in the wake of statements by Clinton on Sunday, and State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on Monday, that the US had no intention of putting either red lines or deadlines in front of the Iranians.

Secondly, we have many stories about this. After we spent billions of dollars and most of last summer/fall helping these idiots over throw the leaders of their country, how do they repay us? Attack our embassies and kill some of our diplomats. This on 9/11 no less. After watching and reading some info on this, I learned today that the facility in Libya was unguarded by Marines. I thought the standard procedure was for all state embassies be guarded by Marines. Has that changed recently?
Apparently there had been chatter on impending attacks at facilities in various countries that went unheeded.


State Department officer killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, following Egyptian protest at US embassy

Published September 12, 2012

Associated Press

URGENT: A Untied States envoy and three others were reportedly killed in an attack on the American embassy in Libya, unconfirmed reports say.

Protesters angered over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad fired gunshots and burned down the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing one American diplomat, witnesses and the State Department said. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner.

It was the first such assaults on U.S. diplomatic facilities in either country, at a time when both Libya and Egypt are struggling to overcome the turmoil following the ouster of their longtime leaders, Muammar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak in uprisings last year.

The protests in both countries were sparked by outrage over a film ridiculing Muhammad produced by an American in California and being promoted by an extreme anti-Muslim Egyptian Christian campaigner in the United States. Excerpts from the film dubbed into Arabic were posted on YouTube.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed that one State Department officer had been killed in the protest at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. She strongly condemned the attack and said she had called Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif "to coordinate additional support to protect Americans in Libya."

Clinton expressed concern that the protests might spread to other countries. She said the U.S. is working with "partner countries around the world to protect our personnel, our missions, and American citizens worldwide."

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said in a statement released by the State Department. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind. "

In Benghazi, a large mob stormed the U.S. consulate, with gunmen firing their weapons, said Wanis al-Sharef, an Interior Ministry official in Benghazi. A witness said attackers fired automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades at the consulate as they clashed with Libyans hired to guard the facility.

Again folks, please keep your eye on the ball.

- - - Updated - - -

Here is one additional story.


U.S. Embassy Protests: Embassies In 7 Countries Warn Of Possible Attacks

By MATTHEW LEE 09/12/12 01:41 PM ET AP

WASHINGTON — U.S. embassies in at least seven countries in the Middle East, Africa and the Caucasus are warning of possible anti-American protests following the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

The embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia, along with the embassy in Egypt, which was hit by a protest on Tuesday, all issued warnings on Wednesday advising Americans to be particularly vigilant.

The warnings, posted on the embassies' websites, do not report any specific threat to Americans but note that demonstrations can become violent.

The protest in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi appear to have been responses to an inflammatory anti-Muslim video posted on the Internet.

09-13-2012, 12:04 AM
To say that the Middle East is a mess would be an under statement, We have two embassies attacked, the Israeli's are being told to sit tight, and iran keeps going on with their nuke program. It won't take long before another hot war starts. We lost 4 people in Libya, and I doubt seriously that the two attacks weren't coordinated. The radical muslims went looking for an excuse and found one. The big question is what are we going to do about it. I hate to say it but the current administration are a bunch of gutless cowards. There is going to be more of this coming. It wasn't like there weren't warning signs for days before this happened.

09-13-2012, 12:15 AM
I tend to agree. I also have to wonder if something along these lines weren't considered during the Muslim Spring last year. I never could figure out how we came to support the Muslim brotherhood and their backers. It just doesn't make sense to me.

As to what I am, or considering doing right away due to this.
1) Remove some of the funds we have in the bank and dispurse
2) Add more foods to the larder.
3) Try to get the Ar build completed sooner than i had planned.
4) Add more ammo, .308 in particular.
5) Add more reloading supplies.
6) Complete rotating my fuel stocks.
7) Add to my diesal fuel stocks.

09-13-2012, 12:22 AM
I wont lie this all has me concerned. However Im pretty well settled in my preps right now. Bought some more food and am trying to pay down some debt. Also Im scheduling my ASVAB and may be joining the National Guard here soon.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-13-2012, 03:39 AM
I wont lie this all has me concerned. However Im pretty well settled in my preps right now. Bought some more food and am trying to pay down some debt. Also Im scheduling my ASVAB and may be joining the National Guard here soon.

Good, they're going to need somebody up there with the keys to the armory to pass out the weapons and ammo to the civilians. HOO-YAH!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-13-2012, 03:50 AM
Also Im scheduling my ASVAB and may be joining the National Guard here soon.

LOL............I just happen to be the guy that administers the exam................not in your AO, of course................

09-13-2012, 03:59 AM
The attack had nothing to do with the trailer of the movie coming out. They were well organized and planned for the 11th which says that this was not done in a day or 2, they would not have seen this movie beforehand. That was just an excuse by the PTB to throw off what is really going on because that would take some balls to stand up and call it like it is.
I agree with BP about stepping up the preps. Really stepping them up.

09-13-2012, 05:19 AM
The attack had nothing to do with the trailer of the movie coming out. They were well organized and planned for the 11th which says that this was not done in a day or 2, they would not have seen this movie beforehand. That was just an excuse by the PTB to throw off what is really going on because that would take some balls to stand up and call it like it is.
I agree with BP about stepping up the preps. Really stepping them up.

LadyHK, I agree with you. I watched the trailer this morning just to see what all the hoopla was about. It was silly, but the extremist muslims don't need much of an excuse or reason to riot against and kill Americans. Mr. O needs to cut off funds to the terrorists. He gave $1.3 billion of our tax payer money to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt since last year and the $300 million to the Libyans. While he's at it, stop the billions to Pakistan.

09-13-2012, 05:32 AM
I tend to agree. I also have to wonder if something along these lines weren't considered during the Muslim Spring last year. I never could figure out how we came to support the Muslim brotherhood and their backers. It just doesn't make sense to me.

As to what I am, or considering doing right away due to this.
1) Remove some of the funds we have in the bank and dispurse
2) Add more foods to the larder.
3) Try to get the Ar build completed sooner than i had planned.
4) Add more ammo, .308 in particular.
5) Add more reloading supplies.
6) Complete rotating my fuel stocks.
7) Add to my diesal fuel stocks.

BP, Good ideas. I think many are on the same page and are stepping up preps and plans. Got several calls today from some folks that are worried that things are moving faster than they thought they would.

The Stig
09-13-2012, 11:56 AM
BP, Good ideas. I think many are on the same page and are stepping up preps and plans. Got several calls today from some folks that are worried that things are moving faster than they thought they would.

Yep...that's the practical application of this sort of news. How does it effect our preps.

Have you invited those folks to join the site? ;)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-13-2012, 12:35 PM
Staying on topic here, I did talk to a Navy buddy of mine yesterday who's still active. He said he was going to increase his inventory and finish his "AR build" (how ironic), he's not the only one he said with our mindset. He has a few "friends" he said he's working with on some "things" as we. But the other thing he told me was the atmosphere over there, the stupidity of the the people of San Diego, sheeples, Peloseites, what evers. They all have the mind set of how "Oh, nothings going to happen, everything's going to fine" He's more worried about his family. He's on shore duty and he know's he can't get out and it's totally FUBAR if the SHTF. So his plan is to monitor and provide what intell he can and try to keep his dad the Marine the Viet Nam Tunnel rat..... I know someone who'd appreciate that:cool:, informed of the situation and try to get them out of that shit hole before the panic begins. He said he'd try to keep me in the loop. But his downfall is that his current duty station does not put him "in the know" as he and I used to be, but he has his connections. To me he was known as "Mighty Mouse" you can get the picture. So I guess at least some active military are keeping up with the times and are as concerned as us.

*Side Note* He made Senior Chief (E-8)this year, First time up, 12 years! Can I get a HOO-YAH! Damn proud of that young man......damn proud, raised him from a pup.

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-13-2012, 01:49 PM
Yep...that's the practical application of this sort of news. How does it effect our preps.

Have you invited those folks to join the site? ;)

Yep, sure have. :)

09-15-2012, 04:44 PM
I've been watching this also.
That silly movie trailer has been on the 'net since July, and it's just now a big deal.
It all started on 9/11, and the movie is just an excuse to continue it.
As for Israel, if they are no longer going to hold back, since they are now pissed, and really, the main, if not only reason they haven't hit Iran's nuke facility is the US, then they are likely to do that soon. If that happens, and Israel is attacked, it is not a far reach for cells, which we know are here, to be activated to "discourage" us from helping Israel.
People here will not know what to do if that starts happening here.
I am looking more into the short term, immediate needs.

What do I not have, but would need the most, and the soonest, should SHTF?

I will prioritize accordingly.

A water supply should the tap stop working.
Food for a time (which has to be determined individually), and plans to continue to eat after that time.
Shelter, with tools to either build shelter, maintain or rebuild the community around it, as well as see to the food part.
Weapons and ammunition, if they are lacking.

My BOV is currently down, so its repairs are pretty high on the list.

ETA: I don't want anybody to think I'm assuming any of what I put above will happen, but I think we all kind of knew it could happen, and therefore is something to be prepared for, as it would definitely affect us here.

09-15-2012, 10:00 PM
I have to agree with Gunfxr. I am concerned with water. We have NO supply at all. I found one of those big water holders with the metal cage around them (know what I mean?) for $125.00. Don't know if that's a good price or not.
I am concerned also that we haven't had time to get out to the property and get any work done especially with winter coming. We have been just so busy doing things here and dh working at my mom's and on the BOV's.

09-16-2012, 02:53 AM
If things when shtf for short-term, say less than 6 mo. we would be pretty okay....but if this turned into a longer term event, we are not as prepared for that as I would want. Like a few others, out weakness is our electric powered well. We have the genny, but that is again, dependent on fuel. Ugh.

Our strengths....food, we live on our BOL, we have a pretty good group just amongst close family and friends (nurse, engineer, mechanic, ff, leo, etdc), weapons, ammo, livestock...

09-16-2012, 03:44 AM
I've been watching this also.
That silly movie trailer has been on the 'net since July, and it's just now a big deal.
It all started on 9/11, and the movie is just an excuse to continue it.
As for Israel, if they are no longer going to hold back, since they are now pissed, and really, the main, if not only reason they haven't hit Iran's nuke facility is the US, then they are likely to do that soon. If that happens, and Israel is attacked, it is not a far reach for cells, which we know are here, to be activated to "discourage" us from helping Israel.
People here will not know what to do if that starts happening here.
I am looking more into the short term, immediate needs.

What do I not have, but would need the most, and the soonest, should SHTF?

I will prioritize accordingly.

A water supply should the tap stop working.
Food for a time (which has to be determined individually), and plans to continue to eat after that time.
Shelter, with tools to either build shelter, maintain or rebuild the community around it, as well as see to the food part.
Weapons and ammunition, if they are lacking.

My BOV is currently down, so its repairs are pretty high on the list.

ETA: I don't want anybody to think I'm assuming any of what I put above will happen, but I think we all kind of knew it could happen, and therefore is something to be prepared for, as it would definitely affect us here.

I see immediate needs as a prudent step in preparedness... I treat preps like a spare tire on my truck, the last thing I wanna do to tomorrow is have to use it.

09-16-2012, 05:28 PM
I've been watching this also.
That silly movie trailer has been on the 'net since July, and it's just now a big deal.
It all started on 9/11, and the movie is just an excuse to continue it.
As for Israel, if they are no longer going to hold back, since they are now pissed, and really, the main, if not only reason they haven't hit Iran's nuke facility is the US, then they are likely to do that soon. If that happens, and Israel is attacked, it is not a far reach for cells, which we know are here, to be activated to "discourage" us from helping Israel.
People here will not know what to do if that starts happening here.
I am looking more into the short term, immediate needs.

What do I not have, but would need the most, and the soonest, should SHTF?

I will prioritize accordingly.

A water supply should the tap stop working.
Food for a time (which has to be determined individually), and plans to continue to eat after that time.
Shelter, with tools to either build shelter, maintain or rebuild the community around it, as well as see to the food part.
Weapons and ammunition, if they are lacking.

My BOV is currently down, so its repairs are pretty high on the list.

ETA: I don't want anybody to think I'm assuming any of what I put above will happen, but I think we all kind of knew it could happen, and therefore is something to be prepared for, as it would definitely affect us here.

More and more details are emerging......Our ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, announced today that the attacks on our embassy "were not" premeditated while the president of the Libya announced that there is "no doubt" that the consulate attacks were planned months ago. This proves that the attacks were not motivated by the movie. Libyan official warned the U.S. 3 days in advance before the attack.

09-16-2012, 06:14 PM
More and more details are emerging......Our ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, announced today that the attacks on our embassy "were not" premeditated while the president of the Libya announced that there is "no doubt" that the consulate attacks were planned months ago. This proves that the attacks were not motivated by the movie. Libyan official warned the U.S. 3 days in advance before the attack.

You have to understand, that our prez thinks these people are " freedom fighters" and them planning a vicious attack, doesn't align with the agenda. Regardless of what people on the ground say. We're evil because we allow anyone to speak the members of the religion of perpetual outrgage are fighting for oppression. It's not much of a stretch to believe the prez who wants to oppress US, could side with them. We just allowed Sudan to forbid our Marines from securing our sovereign soil, I'd tell em' you can let the elite Marine unit come, or we'll send em' all, your choice.

09-16-2012, 07:09 PM
^ak474u, Well said! And yeah, I read that too about Sudan's BS and I was thinking the same thing. I also read where Al Qaeda is urging all Muslims to kill more U.S. diplomats and 4 more of our troops are killed this weekend in Afghanistan by inside police.

09-16-2012, 09:26 PM
This doesn't really change anything for me. The world is full of hatred, conflict, and perils. I'll just continue doing what I can, with what I have, where I'm at.

Incidentally, (and speaking as a moderator here) my observation is proven in this very thread, through commentary that doesn't fit into the prepping context of this discussion and is absolutely not appropriate to the forum.

However, since most of the discussion has been on point and relevant I'll just ask that everyone reviews rule 8 and replies accordingly, avoiding any further drift into politics.

BWRR - I am admittedly prejudiced toward the Army, but I think tunnel rats of any ilk are some BAMF's. I've never heard them described as HSLD, but that's ok. Crawling into tight tunnels - alone - is not a speedy activity, and to do it as they did - through traps and toward the enemy - means anyone willing to do so is dragging some big brass ones behind them...

I'm sure his family is under more than capable care, and I'd say congats are in order on his promotion!

Taz Baby
09-16-2012, 11:53 PM
Staying on topic here, I did talk to a Navy buddy of mine yesterday who's still active. He said he was going to increase his inventory and finish his "AR build" (how ironic), he's not the only one he said with our mindset. He has a few "friends" he said he's working with on some "things" as we. But the other thing he told me was the atmosphere over there, the stupidity of the the people of San Diego, sheeples, Peloseites, what evers. They all have the mind set of how "Oh, nothings going to happen, everything's going to fine" He's more worried about his family. He's on shore duty and he know's he can't get out and it's totally FUBAR if the SHTF. So his plan is to monitor and provide what intell he can and try to keep his dad the Marine the Viet Nam Tunnel rat..... I know someone who'd appreciate that:cool:, informed of the situation and try to get them out of that shit hole before the panic begins. He said he'd try to keep me in the loop. But his downfall is that his current duty station does not put him "in the know" as he and I used to be, but he has his connections. To me he was known as "Mighty Mouse" you can get the picture. So I guess at least some active military are keeping up with the times and are as concerned as us.

*Side Note* He made Senior Chief (E-8)this year, First time up, 12 years! Can I get a HOO-YAH! Damn proud of that young man......damn proud, raised him from a pup.

Be safe.............the night is your friend.


Just getting around to reading this thread as I am not too read Politics do to a deal I made to my D H. I go crazy now with everything that is going on. All I want to do is really speed up the preps and get as much of what I think we need. But D H has to calm me down and remind me that we will be fine if the SHTF happens now. Everyday that goes by that I am not on my BOL I am antsy. So as to keep this a prep thing and not a politics thing, I will say that yes this is affecting me but only to make me more aware as to prepping. There are things that we can get that will make it better for us. And as long as the war ( which is what I think will happen and soon) does not happen the longer we have to get that stuff. But we have what we need to survive already. More is better tho.

Taz Baby
09-17-2012, 04:45 AM
I have to agree with Gunfxr. I am concerned with water. We have NO supply at all. I found one of those big water holders with the metal cage around them (know what I mean?) for $125.00. Don't know if that's a good price or not.
I am concerned also that we haven't had time to get out to the property and get any work done especially with winter coming. We have been just so busy doing things here and dh working at my mom's and on the BOV's.

Lady the 275 gal water tanks run around $75. here is one I found. Is this the one you are talking about/ if so this is the price I see them all the time.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-17-2012, 01:35 PM
This doesn't really change anything for me. The world is full of hatred, conflict, and perils. I'll just continue doing what I can, with what I have, where I'm at.

Incidentally, (and speaking as a moderator here) my observation is proven in this very thread, through commentary that doesn't fit into the prepping context of this discussion and is absolutely not appropriate to the forum.

However, since most of the discussion has been on point and relevant I'll just ask that everyone reviews rule 8 and replies accordingly, avoiding any further drift into politics.

BWRR - I am admittedly prejudiced toward the Army, but I think tunnel rats of any ilk are some BAMF's. I've never heard them described as HSLD, but that's ok. Crawling into tight tunnels - alone - is not a speedy activity, and to do it as they did - through traps and toward the enemy - means anyone willing to do so is dragging some big brass ones behind them...

I'm sure his family is under more than capable care, and I'd say congats are in order on his promotion!

I don't remember using HSLD (my brain's not what it used to be)in ref to his pop,neither is being a tunnel rat, but my command of the english language is not my high on my priority list. As you all can see from "ALL" of my previous posts. "Mighty Mouse" is going to provide what's required in order to get "Daddy Rat" and the clan far enough out of dodge so at least they can get a head start.

Another side note, for those of you who are prior (not "X") military, Law enforcement, Fire fighters, paramedics, EMT's, Nurses, hoping I haven't left anyone out.. It does give you a sense of pride when you hear that your "pups" have grown, advanced, saved lives, or died trying in doing so. All for the sake of others. "So others May Live".

OK, Let's Keep up the our preps and hope that the shit storm does not hit our country as soon as it is hitting their countries.

09-17-2012, 02:30 PM
Lady the 275 gal water tanks run around $75. here is one I found. Is this the one you are talking about/ if so this is the price I see them all the time.


I was going to get one of those to raise tilapia in, but it will not fit through any of my doors and the fish wouldn't survive outside at this point. Maybe next summer. $75 is a great price. I have seen them for up to $225 out here.

Just another thought, could I store gas in that and bury it?

I forgot to add what I was originally going to post!
This whole thing has lit a fire under my ass, but I am also kind of frozen. I have a lot of things on craigslist (still!) and I keep second-guessing myself. What if I need that later to barter? Maybe I should sell it at a loss to at least get some money to buy more supplies before inflation skyrockets? I'm not sure if I should worry about stocking up on gas and oil products first or more food. Even my husband can tell things are about to go to pot. I traded some junk jewelry for a scooter that needs a little work, and now he agreed we should keep it in case he needs it to get to work. I had planned on selling or trading it. But it seems that the rest of my family doesn't even know the Middle East exists.

Grumpy Old Man
09-17-2012, 04:47 PM
Destabilization in the Middle East will affect us first and foremost at the fuel pump. It will be quickly followed by food price increases and an increase in the price of durable goods. This will effect a prioritization of immediate needs and long term needs. I personally don't believe that this will be a short term affair.

09-17-2012, 05:27 PM
This situation, although serious, has just caused me to better organize, and top off preps. I'm not Rambo, and I'm pretty sure that my particular neighborhood won't burn because of it, but I do expect something to happen here. (USA) Panic is really the result of this issue that I am preparing for, panic buying after that "something" happens, fuel prices, food prices, possible supply chain issues due to whatever or wherever "something" happens, etc. short term goals have accelerated a bit, I was going to slowly build my new AR, now it's priority, and getting a decent supply of parts and ammo 2k'ish rds for it as well. Luckily, my anniversary, and birthday are next month, actually back to back days, yes, I have a birth-iversary, so instead of stuff, I am asking for cash toward stuff of my choosing. I've started working in kydex again, so a little extra $ is coming thru the door to prepare. I've got some deferred mantenance that is due on my truck (brakes) so that has to happen very soon, or SHTF for me personally.

The Stig
09-17-2012, 11:53 PM
This whole thing has lit a fire under my ass, but I am also kind of frozen. I have a lot of things on craigslist (still!) and I keep second-guessing myself. What if I need that later to barter? Maybe I should sell it at a loss to at least get some money to buy more supplies before inflation skyrockets? I'm not sure if I should worry about stocking up on gas and oil products first or more food. Even my husband can tell things are about to go to pot. I traded some junk jewelry for a scooter that needs a little work, and now he agreed we should keep it in case he needs it to get to work. I had planned on selling or trading it. But it seems that the rest of my family doesn't even know the Middle East exists.

For me the key is having a list of priorities and focus on those instead of "what if" the situation to death. If I go too far into "what if" I do the same thing....not sell off items that don't fit my current plan and jump around while never focusing on one thing.

Bottom line is not everything you have is "critical". Unless you are independently wealthy you need to find a focus and stick to it. Adjust as needed but dont run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

09-18-2012, 02:42 AM
I don't remember using HSLD (my brain's not what it used to be)in ref to his pop,neither is being a tunnel rat, but my command of the english language is not my high on my priority list. As you all can see from "ALL" of my previous posts. "Mighty Mouse" is going to provide what's required in order to get "Daddy Rat" and the clan far enough out of dodge so at least they can get a head start.

Another side note, for those of you who are prior (not "X") military, Law enforcement, Fire fighters, paramedics, EMT's, Nurses, hoping I haven't left anyone out.. It does give you a sense of pride when you hear that your "pups" have grown, advanced, saved lives, or died trying in doing so. All for the sake of others. "So others May Live".

OK, Let's Keep up the our preps and hope that the shit storm does not hit our country as soon as it is hitting their countries.

The hsld reference was all me. Apparently the reference and description sounded way cooler in my head than it translated out to in text. ;)

09-18-2012, 03:12 AM
For me the key is having a list of priorities and focus on those instead of "what if" the situation to death. If I go too far into "what if" I do the same thing....not sell off items that don't fit my current plan and jump around while never focusing on one thing.

Bottom line is not everything you have is "critical". Unless you are independently wealthy you need to find a focus and stick to it. Adjust as needed but dont run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

I have a PHD in running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Reassessment going on right now on what to keep vs. what to sell.

Grumpy Old Man
09-18-2012, 04:33 PM
This brings to mind the old dittie from "The Caine Mutiny", "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout".

I agree with Stig, focus on priorities. No one can ever be 100% prepared with "tangible items", but they can be 100% prepared with knowledge and attitude>

09-18-2012, 05:17 PM
Until it gets to the point where it's *clearly* time to say, skip the utility bills and skip the mortgage, and take that $ for a one-last-time-blowout at Sams Club and the Co-op, then really, not much will change around here. We are continuing to make improvements around the farm, paying off debt (about 1.5 mo away from being debt free, other than the mortgage, which we are paying off at an accelerated rate), and living our life the way we would be anyway, crisis or not. We are living this simplified lifestyle out in the country not so much because we expect the world to fall apart next week, but because it's good for our soul, for our family. This is the life we want to live. And yes, there is a certain satisfaction and comfort in having that independence, knowing that if you *had* to, you can and could provide for your family. It wouldn't be luxury, but it would be life.

Well, I take that back, one thing will change. If the shtf with all of this, we will probably put off buying that 52" flat screen tv we have been eyeing up for our Christmas gift to each other. We have gone without cable or a real tv for about 5 yrs now. The kids have a small boxy tv for watching movies, thats it. If things go real far south on this whole mideast mess, the $1200 to buy and install the tv will go to something a tad more practical.

09-18-2012, 09:53 PM
Until it gets to the point where it's *clearly* time to say, skip the utility bills and skip the mortgage, and take that $ for a one-last-time-blowout at Sams Club and the Co-op, then really, not much will change around here. We are continuing to make improvements around the farm, paying off debt (about 1.5 mo away from being debt free, other than the mortgage, which we are paying off at an accelerated rate), and living our life the way we would be anyway, crisis or not. We are living this simplified lifestyle out in the country not so much because we expect the world to fall apart next week, but because it's good for our soul, for our family. This is the life we want to live. And yes, there is a certain satisfaction and comfort in having that independence, knowing that if you *had* to, you can and could provide for your family. It wouldn't be luxury, but it would be life.

Well, I take that back, one thing will change. If the shtf with all of this, we will probably put off buying that 52" flat screen tv we have been eyeing up for our Christmas gift to each other. We have gone without cable or a real tv for about 5 yrs now. The kids have a small boxy tv for watching movies, thats it. If things go real far south on this whole mideast mess, the $1200 to buy and install the tv will go to something a tad more practical.

Excellent post! :)

09-19-2012, 03:58 AM
Destabilization in the Middle East will affect us first and foremost at the fuel pump. It will be quickly followed by food price increases and an increase in the price of durable goods. This will effect a prioritization of immediate needs and long term needs. I personally don't believe that this will be a short term affair.

I don't think any incident that occurs at this point will be short term (no matter the cause)

09-19-2012, 04:11 AM
[QUOTE=Grumpy Old Man;43922]This brings to mind the old dittie from "The Caine Mutiny", "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout".

I agree with Stig, focus on priorities. No one can ever be 100% prepared with "tangible items", but they can be 100% prepared with knowledge and attitude>[/QUOTE

Maybe if a handful of us get 30-40% prepped and come together and that should work out to 100% (of course, if it don't at least we will be a little happier for awhile)

09-19-2012, 04:31 AM
Maybe if a handful of us get 30-40% prepped and come together and that should work out to 100% (of course, if it don't at least we will be a little happier for awhile)

Ya know, I was actually contemplating MAG's while doing dishes this evening....(Mutual Assistance Groups, fyi), preppers who basically prep together, and have a plan ahead of time, where to meet, who is prepping what, different individuals specializing in different types of training, etc. I have a friend in OK who pretty much goes around the country and helps set up MAG's. I mean, it went as far as the groups getting together on a regular basis, doing barn/house raising type things, doing survival type camp-outs, bringing preps to the central location a few times a year, etc. Small groups with a specific plan to help each other all come to a certain location. Course, that was a few years ago, I wonder if he still is doing all that stuff, he had started selling survival gear....anyway, it's plain good sense for people in close proximity to have a plan to work together, utilize each others strengths. Once you have a plan in place you can always modify it and go from there. But God help those who have no plan whatsoever, come shtf.

09-19-2012, 04:36 AM
^^^^You should look our TN meet and greet coming up this weekend located in the Town Hall under September Get Together (or talk to Ladyhk soon)

09-19-2012, 04:39 AM
I would have loved to have gone, really and truly, but this fall it just wont work for us. However, I have already warned my husband that I intend to drag him along for some "forced family fun in the woods" next time. He actually would love to go, we love camping, etc. If we can talk the group into doing it again, hopefully make it an annual or twice yearly thing....would be fun!

09-19-2012, 04:46 AM
I noticed we highjacked the Middle East News thread.....but TN is kinda middle east. I sent you a pm.

09-26-2012, 09:47 PM
Destabilization in the Middle East will affect us first and foremost at the fuel pump. It will be quickly followed by food price increases and an increase in the price of durable goods. This will effect a prioritization of immediate needs and long term needs. I personally don't believe that this will be a short term affair.

Agreed........we have an ambassodor and his security detailed murdered in the street and it's called "a bump in the road"..........