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View Full Version : Have you tried hot house/indoor gardens?

09-19-2012, 10:15 AM
Does anyone plan to attempt the growing of large amounts of food indoors? This is based on the winter time frame. (we know about the outside gardens)

09-19-2012, 10:45 AM
I always start my seeds indoors in the Spring, in a small 'greenhouse'. This winter, I am planning on planting several trays of a couple types of lettuce, just so we can have some fresh greens during the cold months

09-19-2012, 01:07 PM
Short answer... No... I don't have the room or facilities to grow much inside. However, I do plan to try to grow some peppers indoors this winter. I have a small half bath room that has one window, and one "Ice Brick" window that sees a lot of natural light. This is the same room were I start my seedlings in the early spring. Other plants have done well in there, so I'm hoping some jalapeno's or habanero's in 12" containers will do well over the winter months.

I would love to have a real green house!

09-19-2012, 01:29 PM
I never have, but I would dearly love to try! When we eventually build our "real" house, I have plans for a "sunroom/greenhouse" off the basement. I have been contemplating something what it would take to build an independent one. I have daydreamed about using glass block and radiant heat in poured flooring, for something a bit more stable than clear plastic or even framed windows.

Chances are, if I am at my sink doing dishes with *that* look in my face, I am dreaming up blueprints in my mind...I also am working on a mental brick oven/bbq pitwith nearby covered patio, lol.

09-19-2012, 08:54 PM
We grow some herbs every year. This year we are trying some cold weather tomato's that will stay outside as long as we can before bringing them in. We also have some miniature fruit trees (2 meyer lemon, 1 valencia,orange, 1 tangerine,1 avacado) that have been outside on the deck and pourch since spring. They will come in before real cool weather hits. The lemons are about ready to pick and the orange has some small fruit on it. This is our second year with these and so far so good.

My step dad has put up a greenhouse and it is working well to start seedlings in, but with no heat source nothing would make it thru winter. I want to do something like that at some point, or have a small hydroponic system in the basement. But those are projects for another year.

Taz Baby
09-19-2012, 11:51 PM
I signed up to Mike's awhile back and I have really learned alot. Even though I have not bought anything of his books, I just get all the free downloads of his. Just copy and paste to word as save. I,m Cheap. But I think everyone should at least check out his site and see if you want to sign up. You won't be disappointed. This is what he sent me today, So I thought it would go good with this thread.

A Simple, Homemade Plant Propagation System
That Works Fantastic


This is his site. Explore it and have fun.


10-19-2012, 05:25 PM
Does anyone plan to attempt the growing of large amounts of food indoors? This is based on the winter time frame. (we know about the outside gardens)

You know it....Just transplanted my beans to media from starter , cut my cherry tomatoe plant into pieces and let sprout roots, now have five growing plants ...My light meter will be here next week to see if I have enough light inside.....My beefsteaks have sprouted.

If you need something to get started, I still have beans I have not transplanted, if all my tomatoe plants survive I could let one of go........Once the lightmeter comes in I will loan it out to help others ....My potatoes flopped...I will figure it out though (think light is issue)

10-19-2012, 05:38 PM
@Taz...The only cuttings I have done were my tomatoe plant...Basically I cut my branches off at the forks , stuck in a bucket with miracle grow mix ...........they deveolped roots in about 10 days.....then I transplanted them,so far so good

10-23-2012, 08:28 AM
Well..............My lightmeter has arrived, results are interesting. Been burning two useless 400 watt MV lights. (6) two bulb T-8 fixtures hung @ 6 foot within 24 sq ft area give you 2500 Lumens every sq ft using 384 watts. The 400 watt MV has 20,000 lumens at 8 inches from bulb, but once you get 3ft away it drops to 1800 lumens. Heck a single 13 watt CFL with reflector hung at 1 foot gives you 2750 lumens. Use a26 watt CFL and it doubles or allows you move to 2 ft away from plant.these readings at dirt level , once plants start growing the lumens will increase as the plant get closer, so when a tomatoe plant gets to fruit stage height it will be receiving 5000 lumens from my overhead t-8's. A single two bulb t-8 fixture will have about 4500 lumens at 1 ft and at 5ft will have 400 lumens. Based on my research I am finding most veggies need 2500 lumens and those producing fruit can always use more during the fruiting stage...My goal is to try to have at least 4000 lumens no matter where I place the meter in grow area of a 10 x 12 room, after overhead lighting, install some glossy panels, and block windows(I could read a book sitting under tree 6 ft from shaded main window, so you know that is a great lumen loss.) If more is needed I will hang T-8 vertical on wall and use CFLs to spot increase as needed.

10-23-2012, 11:30 PM
Good info on the lighting. What kind of light meter did you end up with?

10-24-2012, 11:48 AM
Good info on the lighting. What kind of light meter did you end up with?

Bought a basic meter Amprobe LM-100, there are others.....There is so much bad information out there on indoor lighting in regards to growing plants, half these supergrow lights are useless or you are able to find a cheaper choice. I think CO2 is just as important as the lights, I will know more in a couple months.

10-25-2012, 06:49 PM
I want to convert my basement into a little garden plot, but there is no natural light and two electrical outlets for the entire basement. We will have to work on the wiring first. I also want to wrap our pergola in plastic sheeting to see if I can grow something in potted plants this winter, or at least early spring.

11-12-2012, 01:55 PM
Hmmmm.........problems. Came back to grow room after being gone few days, all plants wilted , no growth, and dropping flowers....Water good, lights on timer working....Cool nights , but not below 50*f in room.....added another 1500 lumens by raising plants up to light, no help after two cycles...Still have issues, Going to introduce more CO2 today. Me not being in the sealed room checking plants may have cut the available CO2......