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View Full Version : Fainting Tennessee Meat Goats

09-21-2012, 12:29 AM
Does anyone here have any experience with this breed? Hubby and are were planning on getting a few beef cows within the next few months. But, we have decided it would be better for us to wait on the beef and get some goats instead. Hang on to yer hats, kids!! I would like to get a polled buck and two does.

Back in the day I milked a goat daily (A sweet Nubian, twice a day, actually, every day) for about a year, it was an adventure! We tried goat milk cheese, goat milk soap (lovely!) but never goat MEAT. We looked it up online today, holy cats, it was $13 a lb!

Anyway, we are always planning the next project, and after the lean to is done and the hay is put up, we will be building a goat pen, and trying our hand at raising goats for meat.

Any tips? We had a milk goat when I was a kid, but not for long, only a few months. We had everything else, beef, pigs, horses, turkeys, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, a sheep, we even raised baby whitetail deer (that's another story). So I am pretty familiar with livestock in the general sense, but I wouldn't call myself an experienced goat person. I have butchered cows before (my parents processed their own beef for years, and do all their own venison, chicken, turkey, etc) and I figure a goat can't be that hard, but I would rather learn now, in a relatively pressure free environment.

I will be posting pictures, as we go along :). I am considering posting some pics of our place as we work on it anyway....not much to see as of yet.

09-21-2012, 12:58 AM
We are basically city folk and really don't have any input other than... I'm looking forward to see the progression. :)

09-21-2012, 06:50 AM
Fainting goats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How much fun!! I can sit for hours and laugh like a child at them...until I want to puke. I love them. Wouldn't eat their meat or drink their milk but they are great for silly stuff. They are sooooo cool. Love them so much. Would make great pets (I'm just not into goat byproducts).