View Full Version : Tennessee Grip and Grin AAR

09-24-2012, 03:05 AM
The Tennessee chapter of the colony just concluded it's first get together.

Huge success!

In attendance were myself, MITunnelrat, Kodiak, Lunchbox, Brownwater River Rat, LadyHK, and Bacpacker
An honorable mention goes out to my friends and our camp guards, Panzer and Jemma

Day 1 consisted of setting up camp and the usual camp chores early on. Once camp was intact, the fun began.
Lunchbox and Kodiak were gracious enough to bring the half cow worth of steaks that made up the main course of dinner, along with beans and 'taters.
Bacpacker's better half treated us all to some rather kick ass homemade rolls and some banana pudding that was out of this world.

The evening consisted of us hanging around the campfire. We swapped old war stories. We talked a little prepping talk. Lots of fun was poked.....all in good fun, of course.:cool:
Some of us even discovered the dual meaning of the term "cornhole".

Day 2 started off with a bang........well, almost. I, the one and only Izzyscout, had to step in and save our bacon (literally) from the hands of certain destruction after Lunchbox let the fires of breakfast almost consume our meat.
3 foot flames emerging form the grill, bacon flying everywhere, and not a camera in sight............
We had a chance to take a hike, relax, and shoot the breeze around camp during the afternoon.
The evening showed us all that with a little "encouragement", road flares and propane torches help campfire starting dramatically.:p

Unfortunately, I was required to work Sunday morning so I had to leave my merry companions after the fire starting festivities Saturday evening.

I had a great time. It was like catching up with that old buddy that you talk to all the time, but hardly have a chance to see.

I want to thank Riverrat and Lady HK for suggesting it and helping the event come together

Lunchbox and Kodiak: Thanks for the grub dudes!

MTR: Glad you made it. It was great to hang out!

Bacpacker: It's always a pleasure to see you, my friend.

More to come.

Come defend yourselves, guys!


09-24-2012, 03:15 AM
Sounds like a fun time was had by all! Pics!!!!

Taz Baby
09-24-2012, 03:18 AM
Sounds like you all had a great time and I am happy it all went well. Kudo's to you for saving the bacon. I do hope this is going to be a yearly thing cause I would love to come next time.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-24-2012, 05:39 AM
Uh, ok LadyHK13 & I did provide breakfast for all and the thick sliced bacon/grease for the great bone fire of Saturday morning. The man (Lunchbox) did request a skillet when the flames commenced, however he didn't say what size or what for so I gave him the small one. I believe I had my back turned and was slowly cooking the sausage in a frying pan at the time on a different grill. I also assisted in recovery of said bacon, and the bacon was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Now the 2 pieces of sausage I dropped in the dirt were a bit crunchy but I ate those to save everyone's dental work cause that's what we do! Now does that count as "defending one's self" Brother Izzy? He, He, He, I'm going to hit my pit, more to follow......... Never get off the boat man! Never get off the boat! Gotta love them Camel Spiders, he, he, he!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-24-2012, 06:50 AM
Oh and we also found out that brother Izzy likes his toilet paper in the freezer...might have something to do with the cornhole discussion????????????? Hmmmmmmm. :)

09-24-2012, 09:45 AM
uh oh... I think we are going to be subjected to a lot of private jokes, inuendos, and allusions that will do nothing but tease.

Sounds like a great time!

09-24-2012, 10:02 AM
Sounds like a goo time was had by all. Being new to this forum it is very good to see that unlike sooo many other forums where the members never interact in the real world that is not the case here. I belong to a prep group and we get together twice a year and go camping for four days each time. The other two quarters of the year we meet at different members home to talk and train. Kudo's to all that went and those that wanted to.

09-24-2012, 11:37 AM
Uh, ok LadyHK13 & I did provide breakfast for all and the thick sliced bacon/grease for the great bone fire of Saturday morning. The man (Lunchbox) did request a skillet when the flames commenced, however he didn't say what size or what for so I gave him the small one. I believe I had my back turned and was slowly cooking the sausage in a frying pan at the time on a different grill. I also assisted in recovery of said bacon, and the bacon was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Now the 2 pieces of sausage I dropped in the dirt were a bit crunchy but I ate those to save everyone's dental work cause that's what we do! Now does that count as "defending one's self" Brother Izzy? He, He, He, I'm going to hit my pit, more to follow......... Never get off the boat man! Never get off the boat! Gotta love them Camel Spiders, he, he, he!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

You're a true brother in arms Riverrat. All good Dozer operators eat dirt while dozering ; So it was first rate that you ate the crunchy sausage so that your fellow Ants didn't have to worry about their dental work. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and we also found out that brother Izzy likes his toilet paper in the freezer...might have something to do with the cornhole discussion????????????? Hmmmmmmm. :)

Sharp eye Lady 13. :) Got anymore good stuff? We can all keep a secret. ;)

09-24-2012, 11:44 AM
Day 2 started off with a bang........well, almost. I, the one and only Izzyscout, had to step in and save our bacon (literally) from the hands of certain destruction after Lunchbox let the fires of breakfast almost consume our meat.
3 foot flames emerging form the grill, bacon flying everywhere, and not a camera in sight............
We had a chance to take a hike, relax, and shoot the breeze around camp during the afternoon.
The evening showed us all that with a little "encouragement", road flares and propane torches help campfire starting dramatically.

A true warrior you are Izzy. Into the fire to save their bacon. I can hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth if you would've fail your mission. But in being ( THE Izzy Scout ) the word failure isn't in your vocabulary.
We need to design a medal for the bacon mission.

Toilet Paper = Don't ask ; Don't Tell

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-24-2012, 01:06 PM
OK, seriously. a complete success. Much better than anticipated, an outstanding group of warriors/patriots/AMERICANS! The Lady and I will most certainly meet up with them again, the 1ST MOUND TENN CHAPTER. There were no idiots in the bunch everyone was taken seriously and everyone had serious input. Coming from a military perspective I would gladly serve "alongside" these men any time, any day. Izzy will be in charge of TP of course depending on geographic locale. Everyone came prepared above and beyond the call so if anyone was in need the other had something to provide. Just OUTSTANDING is my grade for the event, "BZ" to all, and most of all thank you for the wonderful time!

Now to get down to business, Kodiak likes to sneak woodland kittens into his tent ant night when no one is looking. Mitunnelrat, welllll you know it's coming bud so I'll just start it off and say "how's it hangin?" Lunchbox did say "you sure do got a pretty mouth"(refering to Mitunnelrat and their trip down, something about the rest area) speaking of which. Lunchbox, well he's a "cucumberhead" a cool customer maybe that's why things show up around the campsite that, let's just say are tasty yet somehow inappropriate when it comes to certain revenuer's eyes. I'll follow up on him later. Bacpacker came mighty prepared with long cylindrical devices. He wanted to stay but had other goings on. Maybe that's where all this "Corn hole" thing really started and I didn't know about it? This will continue I'm sure but going to fire my little boat and push down river.

OK this thread is now suitable for overhead "friendly" fire, I stand ready. This is Brownwater Riverrat one three, out..............

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-24-2012, 02:20 PM
Oh and we also found out that brother Izzy likes his toilet paper in the freezer...might have something to do with the cornhole discussion????????????? Hmmmmmmm. :)

SO Friday night, I get this text from my wife telling me that I had left a roll of TP in the freezer.....................

09-24-2012, 02:50 PM
^^^ Uhm, Izzy, if the tp was in the freezer......what was in the bathroom? You wiping with fish sticks or somethin'? Strange fella .........

09-24-2012, 02:55 PM
My thanks to everyone who came out to brave the wilds in the first annual colony get together, hopefully we can get more ants to come in the future. Everyone was great to hang out with and it really seemed like I was with old friends. Next time maybe MITunnelrat wont be scared to catch a few zzz's on the way down, we promised him we wouldnt break out red lipstick and leave him in West Virginia. ;)

09-24-2012, 03:45 PM
^^^ Uhm, Izzy, if the tp was in the freezer......what was in the bathroom? You wiping with fish sticks or somethin'? Strange fella .........

I was in a hurry trying to pack and wiping kid's noses. I guess I didn't pay attention to what I was doing.

09-24-2012, 04:12 PM
At least it was just the TP in there, and not kittens!

09-24-2012, 04:13 PM
I also would like to thank all that showed for our little outing. I am in for another trip. Everyone was great to hang out with (of course, Tunnelrat may to be more careful...lol) The whole weekend was ran like a lightly oiled machine, everyone was more than willing to step up and help out where/when needed.

09-24-2012, 04:46 PM
It sounds like you all had a good time and I wish we could have made it.

09-24-2012, 05:49 PM
^Ditto, wish we could have made it too. I'm sure the weather was perfect for this outing. Next time.

Evolver, when are you and Justa planning one for Florida? :)

09-24-2012, 05:51 PM
They should plan it for sometime between Dec 29 and Jan 5!!!

yep yep!

I'll be there for that one!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-24-2012, 06:52 PM
I was in a hurry trying to pack and wiping kid's noses. I guess I didn't pay attention to what I was doing.
Just ask the pit bull.............eh robin hood?

Be safe..............the night is your friend.

Taz Baby
09-24-2012, 06:57 PM
I was in a hurry trying to pack and wiping kid's noses. I guess I didn't pay attention to what I was doing.

Fess up Izzy you just like your TP cold. Stop blaming the poor kids. :D

09-24-2012, 07:50 PM
I have to say that being the only girl there was actually an advantage this time. The guys cooked all the food, kept the fire going, helped to keep the dogs occupied and I got to sit back and relax. I washed a few dishes but it was almost like a vacation for me! I really didn't have to do anything at all. The guys stepped up and took care of everything. If all the wives come next time I think we will have to do all the work and the boys will only do the "guy" stuff.
Sooooo.........thanks guys for a relaxing weekend!

Taz Baby
09-24-2012, 07:53 PM
Oh no I thought everyone's family went. Sorry to hear that they couldn't make it. Kudo's to the guys

09-24-2012, 08:28 PM
Mitunnelrat, welllll you know it's coming bud so I'll just start it off and say "how's it hangin?"

Low, long, and heavy ;)

LB is right though, any less careful and I'd have been hearing some kids asking "Mommy, what is that man doing?" The fact that didn't happen turned out to be a good thing later that night. I'll come back to that. In my defense I was just coming too from a comatose state after 38 hours straight of wakefulness. The sleep addled ADD won out over any AtD (attention to detail). I blame this on LB and Kodiak.

The "adventure" started before I ever got in Kodiak's truck. I heard the I might "end up in a 'holler' in KY"... Imagine my surprise when these two guy's deviate from the interstate system and we do, in fact, end up in the Kentucky backcountry.

Deep enough in the hills even the GPS got lost. Am I gonna sleep now? Oh. Hell. No. Especially not after we hit a dead end, and we pulled into someone's yard. Who are you two again, and where are we?

We finally reach the camp, and I think that *maybe* I'll be safe with the larger numbers, only to immediately hear something about corn holing and "hey rat, you're still awake?" Why yes, yes I am, and seated, thank you very much. By now I'm thinking I really shouldn't have brought cologne on a camping trip; I think I sent the wrong message. Izzy wanted to hug me all night.

So I sat awake by the fire for what seemed like forever, feeling a bit like what a fainting goat must in the moment before it keels over at the sight of danger. There was no way I was going to sleep in such a high threat scenario. I think someone may have even spiked my drink to put me out faster, since I kept hearing things about epinephrine... Scary stuff.

Eventually the Predators, they're from Nashville you know, chose to sleep (I heard that some were up howling all night though), and I was finally able to go hide myself in a little hole I'd established earlier in the day, where I promptly passed out. The next morning I woke up, still groggy, and due to the miniscule nature of my hole I missed an article of clothing that got hung up in my short's waistband. Removing said item attracted the predators, who have taunted me unmercifully since then.

The great bacon fire of 0930 distracted them for a few minutes, but the fun started anew after LadyHK arrived on the scene. Her appraisal of their description of events was quickly emascula... I mean eviscerating.

Anyway, the day passed as already described, and night fell again. I learned just how ballsy an emascula... Er, I mean eviscerated man can still be when there's a gent such as Kodiak behind him (but not too close, there was still discussion of cornholes)

We were discussing the various methods of exploding, extinguishing or disappearing the 4,000 lumen light source our neighbors were aiming at us when I chose to stand up and politely just ask them to move it. It wasn't as much fun as some other methods discussed, but it worked, and I could see the pack of predator's ringing my fire again. But to be fair, I did feel like an accepted member of the pack by then, since I was allowed to partake of their beef, pork, and chicken kills.

With that said, I appreciate ya'll for asking me along and making the logistics of it easier on me. I'm very happy I made this trip and your acquaintance. I really couldn't have asked to meet a better group of people.

09-24-2012, 09:39 PM
Low, long, and heavy ;)

LB is right though, any less careful and I'd have been hearing some kids asking "Mommy, what is that man doing?" The fact that didn't happen turned out to be a good thing later that night. I'll come back to that. In my defense I was just coming too from a comatose state after 38 hours straight of wakefulness. The sleep addled ADD won out over any AtD (attention to detail). I blame this on LB and Kodiak.

The "adventure" started before I ever got in Kodiak's truck. I heard the I might "end up in a 'holler' in KY"... Imagine my surprise when these two guy's deviate from the interstate system and we do, in fact, end up in the Kentucky backcountry.

Deep enough in the hills even the GPS got lost. Am I gonna sleep now? Oh. Hell. No. Especially not after we hit a dead end, and we pulled into someone's yard. Who are you two again, and where are we?

We finally reach the camp, and I think that *maybe* I'll be safe with the larger numbers, only to immediately hear something about corn holing and "hey rat, you're still awake?" Why yes, yes I am, and seated, thank you very much. By now I'm thinking I really shouldn't have brought cologne on a camping trip; I think I sent the wrong message. Izzy wanted to hug me all night.

So I sat awake by the fire for what seemed like forever, feeling a bit like what a fainting goat must in the moment before it keels over at the sight of danger. There was no way I was going to sleep in such a high threat scenario. I think someone may have even spiked my drink to put me out faster, since I kept hearing things about epinephrine... Scary stuff.

Eventually the Predators, they're from Nashville you know, chose to sleep (I heard that some were up howling all night though), and I was finally able to go hide myself in a little hole I'd established earlier in the day, where I promptly passed out. The next morning I woke up, still groggy, and due to the miniscule nature of my hole I missed an article of clothing that got hung up in my short's waistband. Removing said item attracted the predators, who have taunted me unmercifully since then.

The great bacon fire of 0930 distracted them for a few minutes, but the fun started anew after LadyHK arrived on the scene. Her appraisal of their description of events was quickly emascula... I mean eviscerating.

Anyway, the day passed as already described, and night fell again. I learned just how ballsy an emascula... Er, I mean eviscerated man can still be when there's a gent such as Kodiak behind him (but not too close, there was still discussion of cornholes)

We were discussing the various methods of exploding, extinguishing or disappearing the 4,000 lumen light source our neighbors were aiming at us when I chose to stand up and politely just ask them to move it. It wasn't as much fun as some other methods discussed, but it worked, and I could see the pack of predator's ringing my fire again. But to be fair, I did feel like an accepted member of the pack by then, since I was allowed to partake of their beef, pork, and chicken kills.

With that said, I appreciate ya'll for asking me along and making the logistics of it easier on me. I'm very happy I made this trip and your acquaintance. I really couldn't have asked to meet a better group of people.

LOL!! Next meetup I'll have to try at getting up there... sounds like everyone had a blast!!

Now, where are the pics of the festivities? hehehe!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2012, 12:36 AM
I have to say that being the only girl there was actually an advantage this time. The guys cooked all the food, kept the fire going, helped to keep the dogs occupied and I got to sit back and relax. I washed a few dishes but it was almost like a vacation for me! I really didn't have to do anything at all. The guys stepped up and took care of everything. If all the wives come next time I think we will have to do all the work and the boys will only do the "guy" stuff.
Sooooo.........thanks guys for a relaxing weekend!
Relax my ass! She had her nose into everything! She was supposed to be reading her book, but nooooooo! She had to be involved in every conversation, guess that's why I married her, never a dull moment, she's not boring by any means. Hell and she didn't even em bare ass me! Who says there ain't no honor amongst thieves?

Be safe...............the night is your friend.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2012, 12:46 AM
Low, long, and heavy ;)

LB is right though, any less careful and I'd have been hearing some kids asking "Mommy, what is that man doing?" The fact that didn't happen turned out to be a good thing later that night. I'll come back to that. In my defense I was just coming too from a comatose state after 38 hours straight of wakefulness. The sleep addled ADD won out over any AtD (attention to detail). I blame this on LB and Kodiak.

The "adventure" started before I ever got in Kodiak's truck. I heard the I might "end up in a 'holler' in KY"... Imagine my surprise when these two guy's deviate from the interstate system and we do, in fact, end up in the Kentucky backcountry.

Deep enough in the hills even the GPS got lost. Am I gonna sleep now? Oh. Hell. No. Especially not after we hit a dead end, and we pulled into someone's yard. Who are you two again, and where are we?

We finally reach the camp, and I think that *maybe* I'll be safe with the larger numbers, only to immediately hear something about corn holing and "hey rat, you're still awake?" Why yes, yes I am, and seated, thank you very much. By now I'm thinking I really shouldn't have brought cologne on a camping trip; I think I sent the wrong message. Izzy wanted to hug me all night.

So I sat awake by the fire for what seemed like forever, feeling a bit like what a fainting goat must in the moment before it keels over at the sight of danger. There was no way I was going to sleep in such a high threat scenario. I think someone may have even spiked my drink to put me out faster, since I kept hearing things about epinephrine... Scary stuff.

Eventually the Predators, they're from Nashville you know, chose to sleep (I heard that some were up howling all night though), and I was finally able to go hide myself in a little hole I'd established earlier in the day, where I promptly passed out. The next morning I woke up, still groggy, and due to the miniscule nature of my hole I missed an article of clothing that got hung up in my short's waistband. Removing said item attracted the predators, who have taunted me unmercifully since then.

The great bacon fire of 0930 distracted them for a few minutes, but the fun started anew after LadyHK arrived on the scene. Her appraisal of their description of events was quickly emascula... I mean eviscerating.

Anyway, the day passed as already described, and night fell again. I learned just how ballsy an emascula... Er, I mean eviscerated man can still be when there's a gent such as Kodiak behind him (but not too close, there was still discussion of cornholes)

We were discussing the various methods of exploding, extinguishing or disappearing the 4,000 lumen light source our neighbors were aiming at us when I chose to stand up and politely just ask them to move it. It wasn't as much fun as some other methods discussed, but it worked, and I could see the pack of predator's ringing my fire again. But to be fair, I did feel like an accepted member of the pack by then, since I was allowed to partake of their beef, pork, and chicken kills.

With that said, I appreciate ya'll for asking me along and making the logistics of it easier on me. I'm very happy I made this trip and your acquaintance. I really couldn't have asked to meet a better group of people.

Why the hell did you find a dictionary? I don't remember you being this educated, much less "emasculated" this past weekend, who the hell are you anyway, what chicken? Does anyone know who this guy is. I think he needs Pee-pee for his bung hole!

Be safe...............the night is your friend.

09-25-2012, 12:54 AM
LOL! Haven't you heard anyone say "its better to stay quiet and be thought a fool"?

I'm actually a pretty fart smeller when I'm not crackin dumb jokes or peoples ribs/ spine in unexpected bear hugs.

ETA: we had eggs, didn't we? Chicken product

09-25-2012, 01:12 AM
Why the hell did you find a dictionary? I don't remember you being this educated, much less "emasculated" this past weekend, who the hell are you anyway, what chicken? Does anyone know who this guy is. I think he needs Pee-pee for his bung hole!

Be safe...............the night is your friend.


I am Cornholio..........

09-25-2012, 01:13 AM
Hoy moly!!! Emascula..., keeping my nose in every conversation, hmmmmmm. Only took my book just in case the guys wanted to have "old war stories" and I would be able to keep myself busy but luckily the guys were more than enough entertainment and I really didn't need it.

I could not help it if "some" of them put their foot into subjects that I just coudn't jump right in and take advantage of the situation...it's my nature. Give me an inch and I'll take a mile. MTR you just opened the door and showed your buttons so being the nice person who would never want to disappoint anyone I HAD to push them...so sue me. But don't worry, your secrets are safe with me...I won't plaster them all over the site no matter threats may cross these threads! :)

Hey, the big deal was that Kodiak brought Zero bars and didn't share! I thought he was going to bring stuff to make smores but No.....he brought marshmallows only and then his candy bars.I think it was on purpose as a torture treatment for the rest of us. But that's ok because I got your number for next time buddy!

It was really nice though to just meet and get to know each other some with no pressure. We talked some about shtf and plans for the future but above all else we were able to start forming a bond and a friendship which is the foundation that will be needed in order for any MAG to work. I am looking forward to meeting again (hopefully just a touch warmer) and building upon those friendships and adding more to our numbers.

09-25-2012, 01:22 AM
Oh.....come on, Lady..............you know you were calling the shots..........;)

and I think you enjoyed the war stories....................

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2012, 01:31 AM
LOL! Haven't you heard anyone say "its better to stay quiet and be thought a fool"?

I'm actually a pretty fart smeller when I'm not crackin dumb jokes or peoples ribs/ spine in unexpected bear hugs.

ETA: we had eggs, didn't we? Chicken product

Fuckin little shit's right again....................moderators:mad: Probably got a thesaurus packed right next to his M-92. WE ALLLLLLL BUNDLE!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-25-2012, 01:43 AM
Well you miss a day and 4 pages later!
I had a fine time. Getting to meet some new folks and seeing a couple others again. Wish we could have stayed longer. But family was callin. It was nice just hanging out and BS'ing with everybody.

Special thanks to LB and Kodiak for some killer steaks. Very good meal. Lookin forward to next time.. Maybe a nice winter trip. I think at least Kodiak and I would feel right at home. I' m very happy everyone got home safely.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2012, 01:50 AM
*Another serious note* as said by Izzy we had a diverse group of warriors at our round table this weekend, allot of expertise. Engineers, Snipers, Medics, Law Enforcement, and Pirates. We all had serious input and yet there no confliction. We planned, organized, bragged, displayed, trained, BS'ed. I feel everyone took away something from this event. It was more than anticipated, the more I think everyone became comfortable, the more we became a TEAM. Note there was no "I" in there. There was a bond formed here (correct me if I'm wrong) For those who could not attend think of this as your first lesson in survival. You didn't...............you didn't make it to the rally point. We left without you. So as the "Donkey Killer" says, Ranger up!

Be safe.............the night is your friend.

09-25-2012, 01:58 AM
MTR, I'll try to post up your wookie photo later bro.................

09-25-2012, 02:07 AM
MTR you just opened the door and showed your buttons so being the nice person who would never want to disappoint anyone I HAD to push them...so sue me.

Sue you? Nah... I'd be afraid an epi tipped dart would have my name on it if I did that.

It was really nice though to just meet and get to know each other some with no pressure.


No thesaurus next to the 92 btw, I left it in the outhouse for ya. It pays to enrich your word power.

ETA one more smart ass remark: The wookie pic has to be the first displayed?

BP, I was glad to meet you and your wife as well. Thank you as well for the melons

ETA also that I agree with BWRR on his last post. I traveled well beyond the limits of my comfort zone for this meet, and its one of the best decisions I've made in quite a while.

09-25-2012, 02:53 AM
Well you miss a day and 4 pages later!
I had a fine time. Getting to meet some new folks and seeing a couple others again. Wish we could have stayed longer. But family was callin. It was nice just hanging out and BS'ing with everybody.

Special thanks to LB and Kodiak for some killer steaks. Very good meal. Lookin forward to next time.. Maybe a nice winter trip. I think at least Kodiak and I would feel right at home. I' m very happy everyone got home safely.

BP if you would be so kind to ask dw for the recipe for her pudding I think all of us would LOVE to have it please!!!!! It was so yummy that LB was sneaking cupfuls of it the last night and then got the "who me????" look on his face when Kodiak asked about it. Then he was like "well it's over there in the tent" but he was pretty sneaky sneaky when he got his FULL cup (we didn't have bowls) of it and quietly sat down with it I think in hopes no one would notice. I can see hy he's called Lunchbox :)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh.....come on, Lady..............you know you were calling the shots..........;)

and I think you enjoyed the war stories....................

Calling the shots??? I didn't get to give any shots! I tried but was outvoted. ;(

09-25-2012, 02:17 PM
Hey, the big deal was that Kodiak brought Zero bars and didn't share! I thought he was going to bring stuff to make smores but No.....he brought marshmallows only and then his candy bars.I think it was on purpose as a torture treatment for the rest of us. But that's ok because I got your number for next time buddy!

To be fair I only had one zero bar and I had to get that at the local grocery during the ice run, next time i'll make sure we have plenty of sweets. :o

09-25-2012, 04:48 PM
Group shot from left:
MTR, BWRR13, Izzy, Kodiak, Lunchbox

MTR's wookie legs scared the pooches:


09-25-2012, 04:51 PM
You forgot to Ant face, and introduce the dog (the best looking one in that motley crew) IMO... lol

09-25-2012, 05:16 PM

Jemma (red harness) and Panzer (blue harness)

Working on breakfast, just prior to the great bacon fire


- - - Updated - - -

sorry guys..............all my shots will be from the side or rear.............to protect the not so innocent..............

- - - Updated - - -

more to come.............

09-25-2012, 05:21 PM
you guys brought out a 100# bottle of propane for the weekend??? Can you say overkill!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2012, 05:45 PM
you guys brought out a 100# bottle of propane for the weekend??? Can you say overkill!
OK, so I might need to create a diversion for later, or say maybe an alternative fuel supply in case the SHTF over the weekend, say maybe it's the smallest one I have right now. Or maybe I have a submarine fleet in the back yard............shall I continue? I have a manifold laying there in which I can supply the whole park if need be.:cool:
Just me not them, so don't say "guys" I'm into big explosions. By the way the was allot of "WHOOF" SOUNDS this weekend as well. You figure it out.:rolleyes:

Be safe..............the night is your friend.

09-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Hey what happened to Ant facing the dogs?? They were undercover pooches and our protection for the group...now ya blew it and everyone will know their face! Ok and you don't need to put my backside up here, I don't think anyone is interested in seeing it brother Izz :)

09-25-2012, 05:55 PM
OK, so I might need to create a diversion for later,

'nuff said!

...By the way the was allot of "WHOOF" SOUNDS this weekend as well. You figure it out.:rolleyes: .

Of this I have no doubt... you're preppers. Preppers stock up on beans... 'nuff said!


Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-26-2012, 01:27 AM
Yes, the sudden ignition of combustible gases, WHOOF! They were going off every where. Did anyone happen to mention that this was an ALCOHOL EXCLUSION ZONE? Yes, alcohol is prohibited in Rock Island Park, which means that we did all this completely unintoxicated, sober, un-influenced.....OK maybe LadyHK13 put us up to it. Women make men do stupid things. But there were no "human" casualties. Just ask the kitty in Kodiak's tent.

Be safe................the night is your friend.

09-26-2012, 03:01 AM
hehehe! Looks like you guys had a blast!

What izzy, no pics of ya'll almost hexing the day by torching the sacred red meat called bacon? haha!

09-26-2012, 04:09 AM
Just for the record...during this solar flare sized fire, we only lost one piece of bacon. The fire was contained/snuffed quickly and cooking resumed. I'm going to state that it may have been a training exercise just to cover my ass....LOL.

As for the 100lb tank BWRR brought, you should have seen the meat/food on hand. We were not going to be hungry.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-26-2012, 04:21 AM
Yup, WE LIKE MEAT and LadyHK just reminded me that only ONE black helicopter flew over after that. Just ONE the whole weekend. Now that's unusual for us, so we must have done it all wrong.

Be safe..............the night is your friend.

10-01-2012, 04:27 AM
Ok guys...as per our discussion on using .22 ammo and my never having shot a caliber that small, I did the melon test today at 100 yards and here are the pics of of my experiment. I have to say that I still think I like my SKS and .308 better though but the .22 does not have a kick at all which is very nice and the ammo is really light.

http://imageshack.us/a/img829/6265/melonentry100yardswith2.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/melonentry100yardswith2.jpg/)

http://imageshack.us/a/img708/1125/melonexit100yardswith22.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/melonexit100yardswith22.jpg/)

http://imageshack.us/a/img145/6265/melonentry100yardswith2.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/145/melonentry100yardswith2.jpg/)
Entrance close up

http://imageshack.us/a/img594/9999/meloninsidelookentrywit.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/meloninsidelookentrywit.jpg/)
A look inside your brain after a .22 catches ya!

And I have to say thank you very much Backpacker for donating my victim :)

10-01-2012, 10:06 AM

Shoulda drew a face on him first

.22's are great fun, cheap and readily available for practice. The are invaluable for teaching correct form, an for helping break bad habits (flinches, etc)

10-01-2012, 05:16 PM
Guess I would have hit him in the nose, huh? A .22 was what I got my son when he was about 8 or so but I never shot it. He still has it today and he's 22. I do like the SKS dh set up for me, it's awesome and I'm used to shooting it although it's a little heavy to hold. He also bought me a left handed bolt action 308 that has a bit more kick and will need a more padded butt plate (he has already changed it once so I'm not sure what he'll do next, maybe make me one?) but is pretty cool. I do need more practice with it but really havn't had much time. What a great surprise that one was...always hard to find left handed stuff.

10-01-2012, 05:44 PM
Ya know what's funny, Lady, my parents are both left handed, and I am right, so of course, as a kid I had no choice but to practice using the guns they had...I guess I know how most lefties feel then, lol.

10-01-2012, 05:47 PM
It's terrible!!! I was so happy to get a lefty one all for me!!!! My bow is a lefty too.