View Full Version : Question for Travelers

Grumpy Old Man
09-26-2012, 03:59 PM
I need to go across the country to clear out some equipment down in Evolver's neck of the woods. I'm somewhat concerned about being able to get back. My question is, for those of you who travel regularly, do you have these concerns or is it business as usual? Am I being unduly worried?


09-26-2012, 04:15 PM
Grumpy, I wouldn't classify ourselves as frequent travelers. We do however take a few trips each year. The last few we have taken I have found myself loading up heavier in preperation of running into trouble. We actually decided to change our vacation plans and not travel as far from home for the reasons you mentioned.

Not sure what route you are taking but if you come thru east Tennessee. Be sure and give me a holler. Maybe we can break bread or something.

09-26-2012, 04:50 PM
The last few we have taken I have found myself loading up heavier in preperation of running into trouble. We actually decided to change our vacation plans and not travel as far from home for the reasons you mentioned..


Not sure what route you are taking but if you come thru east Tennessee. Be sure and give me a holler. Maybe we can break bread or something.

Most definitely this^^

09-26-2012, 04:53 PM
Grumpy, we just took a trip in our motorhome for 2 months over the summer to go out west. So, I know how you feel. If this trip wasn't on our "bucket list" for many years, I probably would have waited with all the crap going on in the world. But we also figured that if we didn't do it now, we never will. :) I did think about (on a daily basis) getting home if TSHTF and what scared me the most was not getting back to ours kids and family. We traveled from south Florida all the way to Seattle to meet our son and grand-daughter (who flew in) for the cruise to Alaska. We packed the RV with defense items, 30 days worth of FD foods, two large bug out bags, camp gear (in case we had to dump the motorhome). Then we stepped out on faith and just did it. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone in your feelings.

09-26-2012, 05:46 PM
Grump, make sure you let Evo and myself know your schedule and we'll try and hook up for lunch or dinner.

09-26-2012, 06:12 PM
At one time, back when I was living in town with my ex, I had contemplated that if shtf I would try to make it to my parents farm, 17 hrs away. I have topo maps for every state between here and there, I looked up the gas pipelines (usually pretty good atv trails on them), rail lines, back roads, etc, and three good alternate routes (with back ups) around every major city between here and there, mainly Chicago. My thought was, if shtf I know I couldn't make it where I was, my best chance, and my child's best chance, was for me to get home to the farm. If the pioneers could do it, and long distance athletes go great lengths, I figured it was possible (note: NOT easy, NOT convenient, NOT fun, NOT painlessly, but *possible*) to do it myself, though it could take several days or even weeks. I had a plan to start out in my SUV, with a bike and child trailer packed, and go as fast as I could, toward home, realizing that it was likely at some point if there were checkpoints, etc, and if I couldn't use back roads or cut across non-road areas, I would have to abandon the vehicle, and go by bike, or on foot (with just my pistol and knives for defense) and what I could push in the child bike trailer thingy, along with my then toddler daughter. I seriously considered taking a friends horse, if it came down to it, lol. I imagine that my biggest problem would have been water crossings, you have to have a bridge, pretty much, with a child anyway.

So, yes, I am probably crazy, lol. What can I say, I like a good challenge! All that to say this, if you *had* to go, make a good plan, plan for everything to go wrong, and prepare for that, lol. It would be better to have someone riding shotgun, so to speak, than try to go it alone, in my humble opinion.

09-26-2012, 06:49 PM
Yes, lots of reservations about long distance travel here. I always pack heavy as far as gear goes, always take a long gun, and BOBs, but worry more about regional issues (terrorism, unrest, disasters) Than I worry about full-on SHTF. I've got maps, and the tools to survive both urban, and wilderness for the most part, it's just the walk home that scares me. I won't fly anymore, unless absolutely an emergency, and most places I'd go these days by car, or plane allow for decent short term survival while there like going to see family or friends who are moderately prepared. There's an off chance, that if SHTF when we're out of town, it might be better where I'm at than it is where I'm from. Obviously my stuff is here, so I'd rather tough it out at home, or at least start out at home, but my parents' place has my secondary equipment staged up for us, and its close to my in-laws who are moderately prepared (40 miles). My brother isn't quite as we'll prepared, but he's 1 1/2 hours from my wife's family in Souther OK that is pretty well prepared (one aunt's office at the Pentagon was hit on 911, and her attitude toward preparation did a full 360)

Taz Baby
09-27-2012, 01:11 AM
Grumpy we make that trip 2 times a years to Evolvers area and I am there now. This year we made it a month earlier because we didn't want to be in Fla. when Nov. comes. I was worried still about making it now and so far it is ok down here.
But we are leaving the first week in Oct. Just to make sure we are home when Nov hits. That is when I think all hell is going to break out and any big city is going to be the ones you want to avoid. What I did was PM some people who is in that area and ask them how it was as far as trouble. I would not recommend traveling far from home if you don't have to anytime from now until we see what is going to happen. With the election drawing close it is putting pressure on the middle east and I want to be save and sound in my BOL. But then that is only my way of thinking.

09-27-2012, 01:42 AM
Grump, make sure you let Evo and myself know your schedule and we'll try and hook up for lunch or dinner.

Ditto here. I'm not far from Evolver most of the year.

09-27-2012, 02:09 AM
I work 3 hour drive from home, throught Houston, and then it is a 1 hour flight offshore. If something happens me and the pilot are taking the helicopter as far as it will go norht bound. We should be able to carry enough fuel to get home, but will just have to walk the rest of the way. If the helicopter does not start I guess I am dying offshore. No other way in, unless the boat comes by for us.

09-27-2012, 02:12 AM
Grumpy we make that trip 2 times a years to Evolvers area and I am there now. This year we made it a month earlier because we didn't want to be in Fla. when Nov. comes. I was worried still about making it now and so far it is ok down here.
But we are leaving the first week in Oct. Just to make sure we are home when Nov hits. That is when I think all hell is going to break out and any big city is going to be the ones you want to avoid. What I did was PM some people who is in that area and ask them how it was as far as trouble. I would not recommend traveling far from home if you don't have to anytime from now until we see what is going to happen. With the election drawing close it is putting pressure on the middle east and I want to be save and sound in my BOL. But then that is only my way of thinking.

I agree, Taz. We aren't planning to venture very far anytime between now and the first of the year and we absolutely will stay put the week before and a couple of weeks after the election.....don't want to be in s. Florida election time. Based on things I'm reading and hearing, the gov is worried about election time too.

09-27-2012, 03:20 AM
I think you will be fine. Make sure you have your BOB is up to snuff, check the laws in each state that you will go through when it comes to your Carry permit, will you be pulling a trailer? Make sure you have plenty of cash on you (maybe not on your person but split in different areas in your vehicle), pack a cooler with drinks and finger foods just in case you can't stop when you get hungry. Plan on stops to sleep (connect with Ants here that are on your route - you know you can stay with us and I'm sure there are others that would be more than willing to let you swing by!).

Forget the TomTom GPS crap and use a paper map. Just ask MTR, Kodiak and LB about how much time and miles are wasted with those things (we still don't have one just because of that). Use old fashioned technology.

Make sure you have extra meds if you take them (a few days is usually a good idea) in case you either decide to stay longer or some other circumstances keep you - hopefully it wouldn't be a long shtf scenario.

I do think that traveling and being home before the election would probably be a good idea...either that or wait until after and see what happens. Only because we really don't know what is going to happen around that time - so many uncertain things.

09-27-2012, 03:32 AM
You know this sucks, we are all going to turn into a bunch of shut ins. I just got back from Hawaii and if it had been five years ago it would have been an absolutely great trip. The problem was that all I could think about was getting home. I thought about what I would do if I were stranded over there and I think that we would have been royally screwed. It is not like you can get in a car or throw a pack on your back to get home. So like everyone else, now that I am home, my plans for the future do not include any long trips.

I figure that the longest trip I will be taking is to Montana to visit the in-laws. The nice thing about that is there location and I know they have a great support group. One of the big problems is the family does not like the road trip, they want to fly. When we fly I can't take my equipment and then I feel naked. So all I can say is plan accordingly and know your safe havens. I guess it is just another adventure that when you get back you will be glad you went but glad you made it back.

09-27-2012, 05:59 AM
We have a trip to the Carribean planned for next year that we've already paid for so shit better not htf before then or I'm going to be really mad.

The Stig
09-27-2012, 09:41 AM
There are two types of SHTF events that can effect you.

Total catastrophic meltdown. I don't believe this happens over the course of a few hours. It's far more likely to be a slow unraveling over time. Unless a meteor crashes into the planet if things are going south you will have time to recognize it and react accordingly. This go to bed/wake up to a totally unrecognizable world is the stuff of movies IMO.

Localized event: if you are driving you can bring supplies with you to help you respond or make a prompt exit stage left.

Keep an eye on events, give yourself as many options as possible and go about your business.

You can't turn into a shut-in.

For the record I am posting this from Providence RI as a frequent traveler. Do it nearly every week.

Grumpy Old Man
09-27-2012, 04:39 PM
I'll be flying in to Tampa St. Pete area. So a I have my "airline" BOB. And I don't have a CCP here in Kommiefornicastan-they are as rare as a 30 year old blonde virgin in Los Angeles here in SoCal. So that won't be an issue. But I will be down in Bradenton. I'll let the FL ants know my 20 and we can probably hook up. I'm mostly concerned about that area as I understand it has gone a little downhill in the last few years. As always, situational awareness is the order of the day. That and a can of wasp spray.

09-27-2012, 05:23 PM
being a prepper doesn't mean having to be a shut in. wild eyed bushman, living in a shack.

Until there is a problem, life goes on. Enjoy it. If shit DOESNT hit the fan... you're going to be miserable thinking about all the things that you missed out on for your whole life.

2 weeks ago, my wife was in Thunderbay. Tomorrow, she is going to Vancouver. In a couple Months, I go up North hunting. New years, we're going to Floriday, and then on a cruise ship...

09-27-2012, 11:08 PM
I agree with not letting things shut you down. We changed our plans due to multiple reasons. We're still taking some time off and doing some different things. This past 1.5 years has been a whirlwind for us. Instead of driving across the country and back, we are staying closer to home and spending the time in the mountians at about 4400 ft.

We spent a day in thunder bay back in 2008. Pretty neat place. We really enjoied Kecabeca Falls.

09-27-2012, 11:59 PM
Thing are quite here in FL all across the state and I'm pretty sure that you'll be fine. :) Just remember to get up and stretch your legs a few times during that long ass flight and always ask for two packs of cookies and peanuts and just don't settle for your choice of one... I always do and it puts a smile on the stewards face. :) We're on the east coast and it's about a 4 1/2 hr drive to Tampa so if you have some extra time on your hands we would love to do lunch with you in Orlando. It's about half way from Tampa and us and any other FL ant could meet there too. :)

When is your trip planed and how long are you going to be here?

09-28-2012, 12:27 AM
BTW. In the event that something did happen while you are here in FL you can count on me to come your aid. I can make it there and back on a tank of gas and with Justa riding shotgun... No problem and too we have Onestep that lives at the midway point and is in our corner also.

09-28-2012, 04:31 AM
I'll be flying in to Tampa St. Pete area. So a I have my "airline" BOB. And I don't have a CCP here in Kommiefornicastan-they are as rare as a 30 year old blonde virgin in Los Angeles here in SoCal. So that won't be an issue. But I will be down in Bradenton. I'll let the FL ants know my 20 and we can probably hook up. I'm mostly concerned about that area as I understand it has gone a little downhill in the last few years. As always, situational awareness is the order of the day. That and a can of wasp spray.

My old stompen grounds. Make sure you take some time out for the beach! We were just there last month for my dear VietNam vet's funeral service. It's grown big fast. When I first moved there it was a tiny beach community. If you need someone to show you around let me know...I still have contacts!

09-28-2012, 11:27 AM
Thing are quite here in FL all across the state and I'm pretty sure that you'll be fine. :) Just remember to get up and stretch your legs a few times during that long ass flight and always ask for two packs of cookies and peanuts and just don't settle for your choice of one... I always do and it puts a smile on the stewards face. :) We're on the east coast and it's about a 4 1/2 hr drive to Tampa so if you have some extra time on your hands we would love to do lunch with you in Orlando. It's about half way from Tampa and us and any other FL ant could meet there too. :)

When is your trip planed and how long are you going to be here?

We are in Florida from Dec 29-Jan 5. Then we jump on a boat and we're gone until the 16th, where we get back to Fla. and leave for home.

We are staying in a beachfront condo just North of Lauderdale, and will have a car. We did the whole 'keys thing' a few years ago, and spent time in the Everglades, so this year we want to do some bigger touring. I would love to hook up with you guys (and anyone else from down there. If you are in our area, you are welcome to stop by too.

09-28-2012, 01:28 PM
Yes Grump, you should be fine where you are going.
Definetly try and meet up with Evo, Justa and myself in Orlando. Maybe Willie and a couple others can show up too. And as Evo said, if it hits, you have a safe haven with fellow ants.
Sniper, if you decide to head up towards Orlando when you are here let us know.

09-28-2012, 01:41 PM
I'm sure we will at least once, possibly more. My wife is a ride nut, so I'm sure there will be a trip to Disney

It has been a while since I have driven that coast line. Is there a real interstate from N to S of florida now, or is it still that secondary road that putters through every strip mall infested town? How much are the tolls? For whom does the bell toll? What are the speed limits on the highways? roughly I can guesstimate how long some trips may take

09-28-2012, 02:53 PM
I-95 runs from just south of Miami all the way up to Maine. So, you can use that whichs runs closer to eastern coastline or you can jump on the Florida Turnpike which runs parallel with I-95 until you get just north of Ft. Pierce. The tolls are not too bad. I think we pay around $15. to run from Stuart to Wildwood just north of Orlando. We have a pass, so I'm not sure exactly, especially the short runs. We are just north of you during that time of year around Stuart which is just north of West Palm which is just north of Ft. Lauderdale. :)
So, let's stay in touch and we can all meet somewhere for dinner or something. We'll have a Florinadian M&G. :)

09-28-2012, 02:56 PM
^ that's what I am hoping for. be nice to put some faces to names. Neither my wife nor I like to spend hours lying on the beach, so we'll be looking for things to do, places to go

09-28-2012, 03:10 PM
Yes Grump, you should be fine where you are going.
Definetly try and meet up with Evo, Justa and myself in Orlando. Maybe Willie and a couple others can show up too. And as Evo said, if it hits, you have a safe haven with fellow ants.
Sniper, if you decide to head up towards Orlando when you are here let us know.

Grump, just let us know approx. dates of trip and hopefully all of us can meet up.

Grumpy Old Man
09-28-2012, 03:53 PM
I'm checking schedules as we speak. It will be within the next 3 weeks. Thanks for the kind offers.I do want to get together with you guys!

09-28-2012, 03:54 PM
Sniper, Willie's got it for you.
When I travel to South FL, I typically take I-95 from SR 50 (closest exit to me) take it to Jupiter and then jump on the FL Turnpike. The two are only about a 1/4 mile apart there. You can also do the same at Ft. Pierce as they come close together again there.
The turnpike is a toll road but much safer than I-95 from about Jupiter south.
For you going to Disney, I'd take the pike the whole distance as it brings you closer to Disney.