View Full Version : Butt Chugging

09-29-2012, 03:59 AM
You just can't make some things up.

Apparently, all the cool kid are doing it.

It's really funny to hear the local news caster say "Butt chugging" on the TV:rolleyes:

Good Lord, when I was their age we actually liked to DRINK the booze. WHen did kids stop drinking the booze and figure out hey can cram it up their ass? What freaking moron concocted this shit?
This is a perfect example of alcohol abuse............I feel bad for the booze......and the parents who now have to live with the fact that the entire world knows that their son likes to put things up his butt.

Hey wait....................is this a viable way to put someone under for emergency field surgery or teeth pulling after SHTF?:confused:





The SHit we make the news for down here...............

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09-29-2012, 04:09 AM
I saw that on the show manswers on MTV.

09-29-2012, 07:23 AM
Is that what you were doing in your tent Izzy?! ;)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-29-2012, 02:15 PM
And you wonder why.............aw this is totally FUBAR! KIDS HAVE NO REASON TO GO TO COLLEGE, THERE IS NO DEGREE, DON'T SEND THEM!

09-29-2012, 04:14 PM
I had never heard of this until your post and I agree!


09-29-2012, 05:53 PM
It's hard to believe that gettin drunk thru drinking, and chasing tail is too boring, and these kids have to butt chug...

Future leaders of this once great country.

09-30-2012, 12:02 AM
Kinda makes you wonder what kinda shit our current leaders did!

I caught a short blurb about this on the radio news on my way to work the other morning and not being fully awake, it sort of went over my head. When I heard about it later in the day I was like " Well that's a dumb son of a bitch" then I heard there was several more that were found passed out drunk. It just makes me wonder (for just a second) :), was the one being intitiated was the Bartender or the receiver?

09-30-2012, 12:31 AM
oddly enough this isn't new... I've heard of this back into the 90's. Ironically enough, if memory serves, it was started by girls, who didn't want their parents to smell alcohol on their breaths.

Sadly though, the alcohol inserted is concentrate, not filtered by your stomach or liver, but dumped directly into your blood stream. more than a few have died because of this! It was also used for a while aroun here as a 'date-rape' method. a few oz. of hard liquor, and the recipient was unconscious in short order. When the natives started trying this on the reserves with gas (instead of sniffing), it got huge attention, and fell by the wayside.

So, yes, with alcohol, if you want to get stupid drunk quick, it does work. No, you will not beat the breathalizer, as it is in your system, but you may be able to fool someone who kisses you to test.

ASIDE: The origin of the hello/hiya/goodnight kiss came from the Ancient Romans, who would come home from training or battle and kiss their wives to see if they could detect alcohol on their breaths

09-30-2012, 01:43 AM
I apologize for all of the stupidity that my generation has spawned...

09-30-2012, 01:51 AM
I apologize for the retardedness my generation has brought to the table, as well.

Sent from my BRODEVICE using MobileBro2

09-30-2012, 04:07 AM
I apologize for all of the stupidity that my generation has spawned...

I apologize for the retardedness my generation has brought to the table, as well.

Sent from my BRODEVICE using MobileBro2

We can give you two a pass. I cant speak for the rest of your age bracket.

09-30-2012, 07:20 AM
Is that what you were doing in your tent Izzy?! ;)

Hey big boy...you shouldn't poke Izzy since you were the one sleeping with the cat!!! :)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-30-2012, 01:24 PM
WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE APOLOGIZING FOR? DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL WITH OBAMA? Did you guys BUTT CHUGG? This a serious problem, We obviously have a bunch of college kids who find this a way of getting around the system by getting drunk up the ass. They're getting dead, it's happening on campus and they think it's funny and of course it's getting paid for by our taxes! Sorry guys I don't take the thread likely with having two kids one just finishing and might be going back for all I know and the other one still in college. So this is stupid deadly "SHIT" we are dealing with here! STUPID kids that need a serious adult ass whippin! College's need to get their act together and do something about it! I swear if I see someone doing this I'd kick the bottle up their ass...................in a proficient military manner.

09-30-2012, 08:51 PM
My parent's had a unique approach to dealing with college age idiocy. It was called "You are paying your own damn way through school, so how many times do you figure you can afford to fail your classes?"

Worked like a charm. My senior year of high school I took 16 college credits, basically a full years load. Then after I graduated high school I continued college, worked full time second shift at a stinking veneer mill, learned to prioritize and manage my time, and didn't have time to sleep, much less party like an idiot.

If someone wants to go to college bad enough, they will find a way to pay for it themselves. If they don't want a degree bad enough to pay for it, then why the hell would any intelligent person foot that bill? Where there's a will, there's a way....and if there's no will (to get a job, a student loan, and/or behave like a responsible adult), there is no way in hell someone else (Mom's and Pop's) should pay for it. Oh, sure, let your kids party their way through their teens, and screw around, waste time with idiot "friends" and get into trouble, then party their way through college. And then wonder why the hell most of them end up back living at home and can't secure a job in their 20's. Gee, couldn't be because they never had to grow up?!

My kids are expected to be financially independent before age 19. As in, buy your own car, pay your own bills, and learn to manage your time and your money. Figure it the hell out, and don't let the door hit 'cha where the good Lord splitcha! My parents did that, and all three of us girls had purchased our first homes before we were 25, were married, paying our own bills, in stable jobs, responsible, contributing members of society. The problem with parent's these days is that they allow teens to act like children. My parents never treated us that way, we were expected to act like adults, and give adult sized responsibilities, and if you screwed up, guess what, it was an adult sized consequence.

The teenage years are like a supervised apprenticeship to adulthood, it's not a time to squander time, money, and talents. It's the time to learn how to work, work hard, manage your time, your money, to meet your responsibilities, find your niche in life, and find a life goal and pursue it.

09-30-2012, 08:55 PM
My parent's had a unique approach to dealing with college age idiocy. It was called "You are paying your own damn way through school, so how many times do you figure you can afford to fail your classes?"

Worked like a charm. My senior year of high school I took 16 college credits, basically a full years load. Then after I graduated high school I continued college, worked full time second shift at a stinking veneer mill, learned to prioritize and manage my time, and didn't have time to sleep, much less party like an idiot.

If someone wants to go to college bad enough, they will find a way to pay for it themselves. If they don't want a degree bad enough to pay for it, then why the hell would any intelligent person foot that bill? Where there's a will, there's a way....and if there's no will (to get a job, a student loan, and/or behave like a responsible adult), there is no way in hell someone else (Mom's and Pop's) should pay for it. Oh, sure, let your kids party their way through their teens, and screw around, waste time with idiot "friends" and get into trouble, then party their way through college. And then wonder why the hell most of them end up back living at home and can't secure a job in their 20's. Gee, couldn't be because they never had to grow up?!

My kids are expected to be financially independent before age 19. As in, buy your own car, pay your own bills, and learn to manage your time and your money. Figure it the hell out, and don't let the door hit 'cha where the good Lord splitcha! My parents did that, and all three of us girls had purchased our first homes before we were 25, were married, paying our own bills, in stable jobs, responsible, contributing members of society. The problem with parent's these days is that they allow teens to act like children. My parents never treated us that way, we were expected to act like adults, and give adult sized responsibilities, and if you screwed up, guess what, it was an adult sized consequence.

The teenage years are like a supervised apprenticeship to adulthood, it's not a time to squander time, money, and talents. It's the time to learn how to work, work hard, manage your time, your money, to meet your responsibilities, find your niche in life, and find a life goal and pursue it.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-30-2012, 09:21 PM
My parent's had a unique approach to dealing with college age idiocy. It was called "You are paying your own damn way through school, so how many times do you figure you can afford to fail your classes?"

Worked like a charm. My senior year of high school I took 16 college credits, basically a full years load. Then after I graduated high school I continued college, worked full time second shift at a stinking veneer mill, learned to prioritize and manage my time, and didn't have time to sleep, much less party like an idiot.

If someone wants to go to college bad enough, they will find a way to pay for it themselves. If they don't want a degree bad enough to pay for it, then why the hell would any intelligent person foot that bill? Where there's a will, there's a way....and if there's no will (to get a job, a student loan, and/or behave like a responsible adult), there is no way in hell someone else (Mom's and Pop's) should pay for it. Oh, sure, let your kids party their way through their teens, and screw around, waste time with idiot "friends" and get into trouble, then party their way through college. And then wonder why the hell most of them end up back living at home and can't secure a job in their 20's. Gee, couldn't be because they never had to grow up?!

My kids are expected to be financially independent before age 19. As in, buy your own car, pay your own bills, and learn to manage your time and your money. Figure it the hell out, and don't let the door hit 'cha where the good Lord splitcha! My parents did that, and all three of us girls had purchased our first homes before we were 25, were married, paying our own bills, in stable jobs, responsible, contributing members of society. The problem with parent's these days is that they allow teens to act like children. My parents never treated us that way, we were expected to act like adults, and give adult sized responsibilities, and if you screwed up, guess what, it was an adult sized consequence.

The teenage years are like a supervised apprenticeship to adulthood, it's not a time to squander time, money, and talents. It's the time to learn how to work, work hard, manage your time, your money, to meet your responsibilities, find your niche in life, and find a life goal and pursue it.

Sounds like you had responsible parents to emulate from. Now you're taking the lead. I wish there were more like you around. We need more responsible parents, it would save us all allot of heartache and expense. Well said, I hope to see our grandchildren having a better world. Maybe we'll just end up rebuilding it........who knows.

09-30-2012, 11:01 PM
Actually, this is a sore spot for me, I have been debating about posting a question thread to ya'll, because after this weekend, I am at my wits end with my 14yr old stepson. He take's lazy, useless, and irresponsible to a whole new level, and has figured out how to play his parents off each other, and somehow sit in the middle getting off scott free. It burns my ass. And ya know, it's not that I don't love the kid, but he is absolutely the most unprepared and ill-equipped for adulthood individual I have ever met. Long story short, he decided to live with his mother because she is more interested in being his "friend" than being a parent. So he sits on his ass 24/7 (at 14 he is on blood pressure medication, overweight, and severely out of shape, even on rx level stool softener because the damn kid wont eat a friggin' fruit or vegetable) because, hey, his mom buys him big screen tv's, laptops, video games, etc, and that is way more fun than having to do anything. We bought him 2 paintball guns for his birthday, even paid for some lesson type paintball outings with our youth pastor (former semi-pro paint baller), and he didn't like it, because he got "sweaty".

I can't talk about this, it raises my blood pressure and pisses me off, lol. Sorry for the rant....I want to be a good mom. I love my kids, all my kids, and I want more than anything for them to be successful in life. But he wants to be a game designer, and has no concept of life in the real world, or that he has less than a snowballs chance in hell of making a living at that. I don't want him to be 40 yrs old living in his moms basement, playing online gaming and having no real life. However, that is the direction he is headed. I don't like being the bad guy, but his dad (my husband) works 6 days a week, so when he is here it falls to me to be the enforcer, and you can imagine that goes over like a lead balloon. *Sigh*.....stepping off the soap box....

10-01-2012, 12:22 AM
This is a perfect example of alcohol abuse............


Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2012, 01:13 AM
Actually, this is a sore spot for me, I have been debating about posting a question thread to ya'll, because after this weekend, I am at my wits end with my 14yr old stepson. He take's lazy, useless, and irresponsible to a whole new level, and has figured out how to play his parents off each other, and somehow sit in the middle getting off scott free. It burns my ass. And ya know, it's not that I don't love the kid, but he is absolutely the most unprepared and ill-equipped for adulthood individual I have ever met. Long story short, he decided to live with his mother because she is more interested in being his "friend" than being a parent. So he sits on his ass 24/7 (at 14 he is on blood pressure medication, overweight, and severely out of shape, even on rx level stool softener because the damn kid wont eat a friggin' fruit or vegetable) because, hey, his mom buys him big screen tv's, laptops, video games, etc, and that is way more fun than having to do anything. We bought him 2 paintball guns for his birthday, even paid for some lesson type paintball outings with our youth pastor (former semi-pro paint baller), and he didn't like it, because he got "sweaty".

I can't talk about this, it raises my blood pressure and pisses me off, lol. Sorry for the rant....I want to be a good mom. I love my kids, all my kids, and I want more than anything for them to be successful in life. But he wants to be a game designer, and has no concept of life in the real world, or that he has less than a snowballs chance in hell of making a living at that. I don't want him to be 40 yrs old living in his moms basement, playing online gaming and having no real life. However, that is the direction he is headed. I don't like being the bad guy, but his dad (my husband) works 6 days a week, so when he is here it falls to me to be the enforcer, and you can imagine that goes over like a lead balloon. *Sigh*.....stepping off the soap box....

He qualifies for the term that a stole from a mentor who hated kids "put'em in a corner and feed him with a sling shot" that's the way he should've been raised. I'm still chuckling. Uhh, yes my favorite kind of kid. The one you want to kick the crap out of but you can't. Maybe you could........OK I have to be serious. OK he's 14, over weight, the paintball guns were b-day presents so you can't take them back otherwise I would because the kids doesn't want to play paintball then he doesn't need them. So that one is out.

You say he lives with his mom right now? If so then how does he affect your immediate life or does it affect your relationship an that's where the problem lies? Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with being the "evil stepmother" BTDT, there is a difference between what's right is right, and wrong is wrong. When he's there at the house just pull the plug, "revolution" go outside and do outside activities together as a family and make him participate. Rake leaves, it's that time of year, physical labor, menial tasks. It'll be good for him and it'll be good for the family as a whole. That way you include everybody and you're not really singling him out. Question: How do the other kids feel about all this? Just curious..........

10-01-2012, 01:43 AM
They say drinking 10 beers equates to one beer butt chugged. I work with idiots on a regular basis, and although I am in this age bracket (albeit on the older end of it) I dispise my generation. Parents have failed and now society is. Whoopins is what I got, along with tough love. THats what we need more of in todays world. I learned plenty a lesson at the end of a belt.

On a survival related note, you can butt chug dirty water and not get sick. So stuck in a shitty predicament you can hydrate this way. Who needs to filter when you can drink through your butt.

10-01-2012, 02:30 AM
On a survival related note, you can butt chug dirty water and not get sick. So stuck in a shitty predicament you can hydrate this way. Who needs to filter when you can drink through your butt.

How dirty are we talking? would you stilll not be able to get the bacterial contaminants?

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2012, 02:49 AM
They say drinking 10 beers equates to one beer butt chugged. I work with idiots on a regular basis, and although I am in this age bracket (albeit on the older end of it) I dispise my generation. Parents have failed and now society is. Whoopins is what I got, along with tough love. THats what we need more of in todays world. I learned plenty a lesson at the end of a belt.

On a survival related note, you can butt chug dirty water and not get sick. So stuck in a shitty predicament you can hydrate this way. Who needs to filter when you can drink through your butt.

Do we really need to comment on this any more? Remind me to tell all your friends to stay away from your camel back...............

10-01-2012, 02:58 AM
Wow, apssbc, I never thought I would say this, but that is wayyyyy more than I needed to know about hydration!

Riverrat, the situation goes like this, my stepson is with us for weekends and long holidays, and every other week in the summer. He and his mom live about 20 min. away, just on the very edge of town. To give a tiny bit of background, his mom (who happens to have a doctorate in Spec. Ed, and is a professor at a nearby college) is convinced he has the letter diseases, ya know, ADD, ADHD, and basically, he can function just fine if it's something HE wants to do, but lord help us if he is required to do something he doesn't want to do, then suddenly all his symptoms kick in like clockwork, and if you are lucky he might even have a "meltdown". I think he just needs a kick in the pants, and made to grow the hell up, but I am too harsh :rolleyes:. Seriously, someone needs to go Red Foreman on his ass, about 8x a day.

Often the scenario goes something like, we are outside busy doing something, and he needs to come in for a drink/bathroom/etc, and 30 min. later we come in to drag his ass back outside, and he is in his room laying in bed. I kid you not. He is glued to his stupid phone (get it, it's really a "smart phone") constantly, he can't finish a task without sending a text or playing a video, whatever. This is the phone his mother provides, naturally. I don't see a reason for a 14yr old to need a phone, at least not while they are at home. Anyway....he stands around like a statue. If you give him a task you can bet your bottom dollar he will find a creative way to not accomplish it. He need's constant supervision to get ANYTHING done, which frankly, I can't always supply. And to me is inexcusable, I can give my 7 yr old and 3 yr old a task to do, and they will go do it (ex, go feed the cat, or the dog, go water mommies flowers, straighten up the shoe pile, pick up your toys, etc). He doesn't know how to make his bed, sweep a floor, feed the animals, follow basic directions, clean up the counter after he makes a sandwich, etc. He is also terrified of being outside, scared of animals, etc. He despises anything to do outside. We brought his bike out here this spring and he sat and argued for hours that it's impossible to ride a bike on the lawn. I was like, wtf, how in the heck do people go mountain biking then? We rode our bikes on the lawn and on our dirt road when I was a kid, it worked just fine. For a while he thought he wanted to get into skateboarding, ya know, cause he wears all the skater brands of clothing, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he wasn't going to be able to have the coordination to do something like that if he cant ride a bike on grass. Skateboarders, whatever else they may be, are extremely talented athletes.

Now, I have a 4 mo. old baby that frequently needs my attention, plus I have to cook the meals, do laundry, take care of my own list of stuff to do on weekends. The problem is that my husband works 6 days a week for the rest of this year, it's mandatory, and he was recently promoted (yay honey, woo hoo, good for you!!!), which we really needed financially, after him losing his job last spring. And, on the evening of his night off of work he pulls a shift at the fire station (he has been on the local volunteer fire department for 11 yrs, and he has a lot of responsibility there). So, he is here in the morning to get things started, but then he leaves for work, and I am left to be the "enforcer", which frankly, I don't enjoy. We did finally get to a point this weekend, where my husband was able to "see the light" more. So, yesterday before he left for work he confiscated the phone and the DS (some video game crap), and told him that he has to do his list of chores for this week, and redo what he didn't get done last week, and after that is done, maybe next weekend he can have them back, but again, only if he gets his stuff done.

We will see....I know I sound all mean and harsh, but I'm really not. A few weeks ago after they mowed the lawn together (easily a solid 2.5 acres), I suggested they go play mini-golf and ride go carts in Nashville. My girls were with their dad, and frankly I was ready to have some time for just me and the baby (little did I know she was just starting to get sick, we are finally just finishing up her prescription this weekend). So, they went, and they both loved it. We try to drill into his head "work first, play second - work hard, and play hard". But, if you never get your work done, there is no time to play. That's life.

I called my dad this weekend, for advice. He made some good points, that relationship is what the kid needs most, and that really, work is just the platform that provides the place and time for that to happen. Internal change of heart, for him to acquire the motivation to want to do what he is told, is only going to be the result of relationship. So, dad said instead of riding him about not doing what he is supposed to, to work along side of him and try to draw him out. The kid tends to be a bit passive aggressive, quiet, etc. Dad said, ask him about his week, what was good, what was bad, talk about whats going on in his life, all the while working. Work can be enjoyable, if you learn how to enjoy who you are working with, and I know that to be true because my sisters and I had a lot of fun (usually singing, and trying to work out 3 part harmonies, or we would make up stories, mad libs style) while doing thrilling things like picking rocks, piling firewood, butchering chickens, hanging laundry out on the lines, pulling weeds, etc. I guess the point is, you have to learn to have a good attitude while you work. Instead of pouting and complaining, you can use that time to get to know someone. And on that score, I am guilty as sin. My attitude with him has not been great. I get so hung up on the fact that he is not trying/listening/working, that I make the work/task/project more important than the person. That's not right either, there has to be a balance. I want him to learn to find satisfaction in work, take pride in a job well done, and follow direction, so he can be successful in life. But if he doesn't feel loved and wanted, and like he is a valued member of the family, then we won't see much of him as an adult, and no lesson we try to teach him will stick.

Sorry for the book...and the thread jack...I tend to ramble, lol.

10-01-2012, 03:11 AM
And for you poor souls who don't know my good friend
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHlBDyJweYI&feature=fvst, well, you are missing out! It's strangely fitting for this thread....odd.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2012, 03:24 AM
I don't care if you hijacked butt chuggin!

Sounds like you got it all figured out! Your dad's a smart fella, then feed'em with a sling shot! Couldn't help myself. As for the "alphabet soup" disease it's called if i'm not interested I'm not paying attention. It's not a disease, it's boredom. I don't believe in ADD and ADHD. but that's just me. Try your dad's method., If it doesn't work, Hey you're not mean, you're a parent. God forgives parents, not brutality. You're not beating the kid. Shoot him with the paintball gun.....ok after you guys are done with the chores and ya got the baby nappin, get the baby monitor and go paint ballin in the backyard with chubby. He doesn't have far to run so he won't get sweaty, dad's at work, he (the good son)has fun, you get to work out your frustrations, he gets a work out, you both get bonding time and the chores got done. Make sure you hit his phone..........it'll show that women are good shots too! That'll sure impress him it might scare him too. Could get your point across though........

10-01-2012, 03:31 AM
ROFLMAO!!!!! Oh Rat.....thanks for a hilarious mental picture! Now to be fair, I need the exercise every bit as much as he does, and heck, two paintball guns, we could get r done! Hhhmm.....this could work! And wouldn't his mom be pissed if I hit his phone, lol, heck, she might even make him leave it home, if he got it dirty a few times....I suppose I shouldn't flip him into the horses 300 gallon water tank, that was a nasty trick we played on each other back in my younger days. All is fair in love, war, and paintball, right?

10-01-2012, 04:16 AM
Butt chugging ????

I shouldn't have read this, there is now a mental picture in my mind that burns rather badly, and I cannot get it to go away.

We just drank our alcohol the old fashioned way, seemed to work just fine.

We have made a world safe for idiots, and are overrun with them.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2012, 04:30 AM
ROFLMAO!!!!! Oh Rat.....thanks for a hilarious mental picture! Now to be fair, I need the exercise every bit as much as he does, and heck, two paintball guns, we could get r done! Hhhmm.....this could work! And wouldn't his mom be pissed if I hit his phone, lol, heck, she might even make him leave it home, if he got it dirty a few times....I suppose I shouldn't flip him into the horses 300 gallon water tank, that was a nasty trick we played on each other back in my younger days. All is fair in love, war, and paintball, right?

Glad I could help, now everyone can Butt chugg............ALL HAIL RED FOREMAN! HIP HIP DUMB ASS! HIP HIP DUMB ASS! HIP HIP DUMB ASS!

Carry on..............

10-01-2012, 11:37 AM
It is your house that he is staying in when he visits, right? I think you need to introduce him to the new "house rules"
1. Surrenders his phone when he walks in the door, gets it back once or twice a day for x amount of time, IF he earns that right.

2. TV, games, etc are an earned priveledge. no work time, no play time.

3. The house is a priveledge, laying on 'his' bed during the day when everyone else is working is not acceptable.

4. dinner is a priveledge. Well, you have to feed him, but what you feed him is at your discretion. I spent many hours in the evening sitting at the table in front of a plate of veggies that I wouldn't eat... and I stayed there until bedtime if necessary. The next morning for breakfast, guess what was waiting for me.
Oh, and no... you cannot hide broccoli in a glass of milk.

As for working unsupervised, give him measurable tasks. Weed this row, rake that side of the yard. when you're done and it passes inspection, you can have 1/2 hour of phone time, or tv, or dinner

If you're busy working, turn him into your own personal gopher. Get me this/that or the other, NOW. put this back and grab that...

I really like the paintball idea. a couple smacks on his fat ass will get him moving.

For safety sake, if you are busy working outside, you really should have the house locked up. That way he cannot disappear to 'his' room

10-01-2012, 12:46 PM
We have made a world safe for idiots, and are overrun with them. - I nominate this as the QUOTE OF THE YEAR!!!!

Sniper, lots of good ideas! I had to laugh, you sound exactly like my mom. My sister and I were talking last weekend, about how when we were kids, whenever dad told us to go get something for him, he would ALWAYS wait about 3 seconds after we started heading in that direction, and he would yell really loud, "RUN!". It wasn't enough to just obey, you had to obey quickly, lol. Sigh....

10-01-2012, 01:02 PM
yep, my parents weren't big on dallying either. When they wanted something it was NOW. While other kids were walking carefully with scissors, I was running hell bent for leather with a chainsaw or scythe.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2012, 03:14 PM
Well it looks like you have just landed yourself a whole buncha "Firm hand" support group from the men's side of the forum. Sure we all have a bunch of sarcasm to go with it but if you read between the lines the good solid firm hand of love and care is in there. Some of us might have grown up to be respected by others, I can't vouch for myself but I have respect for others that have trained me, and despised many as well. I hope things work out for you but please keep us all informed as to your progress. Maybe you should start a new thread for this?

10-01-2012, 06:47 PM
I know it's a disgusting topic. I would do mildly dirty water. It's meant as a last resort when dehydration is setting in. It's usually meant for seawater which you can rehydrate with anytime. As for dirty water you can use it but there is a chance of getting sick, but it may stave off vomiting which further dehydrates you.

Key word is may...I would try and stick to the cleanest water possible. But the option is there.

10-01-2012, 06:57 PM
"Hey guys we gotta stop for a minute, I need a drink."

As they turn around to see what's up, you're dropping trou..................

10-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Hey gunfixr, can I see the hose from your camelback for a minute?

10-01-2012, 07:38 PM
I just reread the whole thread, as I had kinda skipped over a lot of the kid stuff. Pretty much everyone around here lays into you pretty good if you offer parenting advice.
But then again, many (more like most) parents aren't really parents, just "biological child makers".
Very early on, both our kids (at different times, as they're 6yrs apart) came home on some day after seeing all their "footloose and fancy free" friends, decided we were too "mean", because we made them do chores, and their homework, and they didn't get everything they wanted.
I told them right how it was (and is). "I am your father, not your friend. I will be your friend if or when I can, but I will be your father all the time. If that means I must pick between being your father or your friend, I will pick being your father every single time. If you grow up to not like me, that is ok with me, so long as you grow up proper, to be a productive citizen in your community. If you do not, I will have failed as a father. I will not fail as a father just to be your friend."
I was threatened with having child services called on me for "abuse". I picked up a phone and dialed 9-1, and then offered him/her the phone, telling them either they could dial the last "1", or I would for them. I then said, "However, before you do this understand one thing. I and your mother here love you, and everything we do is because of that love. Where you will go there will be nobody that loves you, so they will not do many of the things we do here. Other kids will simply hit you and take your things, and no one will care, or defend you. If you think it is bad here, it will be much worse where you will be going. Do not think for one moment that you will be allowed by them to come back, so be sure you want to do this before you do it."
They tried to tell us our son had ADHD, and wanted to put him on pills, we refused. Children need a "line in the sand" that they cannot cross, and consequences when they do. You already know as an adult that there are lines you cannot cross, and there are consequences if you do.
Since he is 14, and it sounds like there hasn't been any real "parenting" in some time, it'll be a difficult row to hoe. You'd be doing him a disservice if you don't do what you can, but I think you already know that. There isn't much time to waste, a person's personality and how they will see things and conduct themselves is pretty well setup by around 16. It changes some later, but it takes a lot to change it later.
He may or may not hate you, and his biological mom may hate you, but you'll be doing the right thing. You might want to discuss it with your husband, though, as he'll definitely be dragged into any turmoil it creates. He'll be happier with you if you've warned him ahead of time.

10-01-2012, 08:53 PM
My old man called 1-800-tradeachild. Made me pack my shit and sit outside to wait for pickup. I cried the whole time but in 20 years I remember that one event and I behaved from there.

I got the belt a few times. After the 2 or 3 times I got it. Then all it took was hearing the drawer open to stop our shenanigans.

10-01-2012, 08:59 PM
We never got a belt. It was a paddle. They actually sold those back then, and both my mom and my dad each had their own. They were cut out in the shape of a large hand, and painted with the words "Moms Helping Hand" and "Dads Helping Hand".
My mother hit harder than my dad. Hers broke, and she got a new one.

While my younger sister was quite stubborn, I learned early on not to "cross the line".

10-01-2012, 09:06 PM
My parents both had one. I was homeschooled and our paddle was named the "Board of Education".

10-01-2012, 09:20 PM
Mom used a wooden spoon, dad used his belt, and at school they used a leather strop. (yes both teachers and principals could and did discipline)

APS... I love it!!
1-800-trade-a-kid. That so needs to be put on a bumper sticker

10-01-2012, 09:30 PM
Here in TN I as a parent get to sign a delightful paper at the beginning of the school year, saying that the principle has the right to use corporal punishment, I think it's fantastic! I have met the principle, she is a wonderful woman, and if my kid is such a beast that the principle has to spank her, she is getting her butt whooped at home as well!

10-01-2012, 10:10 PM
When I was in school, both the teachers and principle used paddles.

Oh yes, if you got spanked in school, you were definitely getting more at home.

I wish we had those letters here. Now, the teachers are mostly afraid of the kids, as the kids know the teachers can't do anything to them.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-02-2012, 12:43 AM
Here in TN I as a parent get to sign a delightful paper at the beginning of the school year, saying that the principle has the right to use corporal punishment, I think it's fantastic! I have met the principle, she is a wonderful woman, and if my kid is such a beast that the principle has to spank her, she is getting her butt whooped at home as well!

This is where the term "OLD SCHOOL" is used. Not that new cliche' they always use on TV trying to be cool.

10-02-2012, 12:48 AM
4 That's the way I grew up to. If I got one I could count on at least 1-2 more when i got home.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-02-2012, 12:52 PM
I have to echo with "Gunfixr" on this as well and don't forget to include your husband in this as well with all our ramblings. OH yes, and beat the child at least once a day, at school and at home it'll make him run every chance he gets, thus promoting weight loss!