View Full Version : Stores getting nervous

09-29-2012, 09:38 PM
10:28 Susp Person/Car/Activity 120927
Occurred at Kroger on Oxford State Rd. , Middle. Male with a large amount of meat in his cart acting susp. .
Disposition: Disregarded.

I only had 15lb ground chuck and (8) 3lb boxes of frozen ChickenBreasts...........

It appears shoplifting is so bad , they are watching for anything out of the norm and calling PD before people can hit and run.....

09-29-2012, 09:55 PM
Not surprising given the cost of meat. Not saying you did a single thing wrong of course but it is a good indicator of how things are going around the country. Thanks for sharing that with us.

09-29-2012, 09:57 PM
I only had 15lb ground chuck and (8) 3lb boxes of frozen ChickenBreasts...........

It appears shoplifting is so bad , they are watching for anything out of the norm and calling PD before people can hit and run.....

Dood! seriously? Was that really you? Lol. So you had food in a basket, and they called the law on you? I think I'd want an apology from someone, that's freakin ridiculous.

09-29-2012, 10:06 PM
Dood! seriously? Was that really you? Lol. So you had food in a basket, and they called the law on you? I think I'd want an apology from someone, that's freakin ridiculous.

I was in checkout line, watched a Monroe LEO enter store, go upstairs , return with an employee and chat at front desk while watching me. The next day I was surfing local police briefs, found that entry and checked my timestamp on the receipt....10:46am was the time on my receipt. I was never approached.

09-29-2012, 10:38 PM
When you finished with the meat, you shoulda went to the ammo aisle, then to the knives. Then went to the pharmacy and asked about anti-depressants! lol

Around here, they don't care about what is on the shelf, but if you ask the butcher for a special cut of a top line piece of meat, you may be followed for the rest of your shopping experience!.

I bought some custom baseball steaks a while ago, and had an employee escort for the rest of my shopping experience. Those steaks alone were less than $200!!!

09-29-2012, 11:45 PM
Are you guys serious????? Ok, it's a joke right? We go to Costco or Sam's and buy hundreds of dollars of bulk meats at a time and no one blinks an eye. We could do the same thing at any grocery store too. Does your area normally have a crime problem?

09-30-2012, 12:41 AM
not for me, no... I can do the same thing at costco, in buying off the shelf. Those baseball steaks were about $200, for 6 steaks. About a year ago, I have had them custom age and cut 40 steaks for an event, that totalled over $2000. I can guarantee you, they will not just hand you the box and say "have a nice day"

Next time you are there, talk to the butcher, and ask about getting some meat custom cut. and no... Not roasts, ask about aged porterhouse, 2+ inches thick, by the dozen. I'm willing to bet you'll have a different experience than grabbing misc boxes from the coolers

09-30-2012, 12:53 AM
More great reasons to raise your own.....sheesh!

09-30-2012, 01:05 AM
you know it girl... at the time i had the same steaks in my freezer, but from wild game.... the wife's family wouldn't agree to eat it. but after, I had cooked some of them up too, they were amazed at how much better they were!!!

09-30-2012, 02:59 AM
Are you guys serious????? Ok, it's a joke right? We go to Costco or Sam's and buy hundreds of dollars of bulk meats at a time and no one blinks an eye. We could do the same thing at any grocery store too. Does your area normally have a crime problem?

Not surprising for that store due to its location. Middletown has had its share of crime.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-30-2012, 03:13 AM
I see they altered your your little box too Baconator(off topic) But yes I can see that happening up in your area. If someone sees you buying that amount of meat up there in the grocery store you're liable to get robbed out in the parking lot. I guess it would make a good local news story to see a gang banger getting waxed trying get an old man or woman's shopping cart full of meat. Actually It would make a wonderful headline!

09-30-2012, 03:22 AM
Are you joking? That is ridiculous. I hope you "talked" to the manager, you're a paying customer. Talk about guilty before proving innocence.

09-30-2012, 05:14 AM
Sniper...what's a "Baseball" steak? I've never heard of them before. Dh is a ribeye person and I love my filet's. We usually buy them in a package that's about 3' long (I don't know how many lbs or even how much it costs...I don't usually look, we look for nice lean meat) and then dh cuts them about 1 1/2" - 2" thick and I sucky them.
The only meat we special order is our bison ribeyes and we go directly to the butcher for those and pay when we pick them up. Had a bison ribeye tonight - oh so yummy...but I digress.

I honestly haven't heard of having to be walked out of the store with any special cut meats or platters (publix has those huge party platters). I've never heard anyone ever talk about that or say anything like that so I'm wondering if it really depends on the town/area you are in. From the City Data since 2001 we have never had a murder, a rape or a robbery. We have had a couple of assaults (probably due to drinking) some burglaries, some auto thefts (both less than 50 over these 11 years) and 2 arsons. Our crime rate number is 51.9 (the u.s. average is 319.1 - the higher the number the more crime).
So overall I think maybe just in our general region/area people are more trusting and so police or security wouldn't be called to watch someone with large amounts of meats.

We don't have to pay for our electronics in the electronic dept and we can take the ammo out of the sporting goods dept and pay for it up at the regular counter if we are still shopping. Don't know if that's normal where you are or not.

09-30-2012, 01:15 PM
There has been a couple krogers in the area that have had ppl push full carts to waiting cars recently.....I would have never known about if I have not read local police reports. As far as ppl looking and chatting my direction ,it is nothing new as I usually carry OWB with or without cover. Usually me and wife grocery shop (twocarts), but due to time and schdule lately, she has been getting the basics and I pickup the bulk items later.....

09-30-2012, 11:50 PM
It has been a long time since I lived in a big city and I am glad I don't. I'm in line with Lady we can get piles of meat without an issue. There is one store that is in kinda crappy area and there is still not an issue. I suggest that you move to the left coast that way we can have more people out here who think alike...............not only that we could have a great BBQ, just got a new one yesterday.

10-01-2012, 10:18 AM

Step 1
Remove the steak from the refrigerator 90 minutes before you want to cook it to warm it to room temperature. Keep the steak covered with plastic wrap or wax paper for the entire time.

Step 2
Brush both sides of the steak with an even combination of extra virgin olive oil and melted unsalted butter. Season the meat all over with kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper to taste.

Step 3
Preheat a gas grill until it reaches its maximum temperature. If you are using a charcoal grill, preheat it for 30 minutes.

Step 4
Place the steak directly over the hottest part of the grill and cook it for three minutes on each side.

Step 5
Remove the steak from heat and allow it to rest at room temperature for five minutes so the natural juices can redistribute throughout the meat.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/467852-how-to-cook-baseball-steak/#ixzz282cP64fS


10-01-2012, 05:36 PM

Step 1
Remove the steak from the refrigerator 90 minutes before you want to cook it to warm it to room temperature. Keep the steak covered with plastic wrap or wax paper for the entire time.

Step 2
Brush both sides of the steak with an even combination of extra virgin olive oil and melted unsalted butter. Season the meat all over with kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper to taste.

Step 3
Preheat a gas grill until it reaches its maximum temperature. If you are using a charcoal grill, preheat it for 30 minutes.

Step 4
Place the steak directly over the hottest part of the grill and cook it for three minutes on each side.

Step 5
Remove the steak from heat and allow it to rest at room temperature for five minutes so the natural juices can redistribute throughout the meat.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/467852-how-to-cook-baseball-steak/#ixzz282cP64fS


Ok, here in the States we just call them Filets - or Filet Mignon...that is the same thing that I said was my favorite and what I eat. I can get it here for IIRC $9.99 lb last time I bought them - we cut them ourselves (bought in bulk and dh cut the thickness we wanted) on sale. If you buy them already cut they will cost about $15.99 lb and be thinner than we like so although we have to spend more up front to buy in bulk it is cut the way we want it and the price is way lower. Those are a normal steak here and although more expensive, not unusual in any way - they are in the regular cooler with all the other steaks.

I am assuming that because we are in an region where cattle is abundant our costs can be lower than in other areas of the country or world (i.e. Canada) but with the drought this past year the price of beef and pork will be going up early next year. Right now the prices should be fairly low (I am going to go check them and do some stocking up) as farmers have sold off cattle they couldn't keep up on feed which flooded the market with meats. Once they are gone though, the prices are going to rise greatly.

10-01-2012, 06:09 PM
Yep same chunk of meat, just the cut is different. A fillet is usually about an inch thick, where as a baseball is at least 2". The biggest cost difference comes from the aging. a 14 day old steak is 1/2 the cost of a 30 day one. It is not uncommon to have to spend up to $30. per steak for something aged 30 days. The ones that I custom ordered were aged 40 days and were close to $50.00 each.

I can shoot, hang, butcher, cut and wrap any entire animal for less than one of those steaks cost

We have craploads of cattle around too, but it is just something else they overcharge us for. Almost all of our stores have butcher shoppes inside them, so they don't really shelve more than hamburger, roasts, and some average steaks. Anyone who is interested in a high end steak, usually prefers to have it cut at the time. (the butcher will pull out the loin or whatever right in front of you, and cut it as per your direction.

The only time I buy beef, is for my wife's family, and even at that, rarely! After the hassle I went through with that big order for my work, I said never again, and someone else took over shopping for the upper management elite.