View Full Version : A Very Stressful and Strange Last 12 Days

Grumpy Old Man
10-07-2012, 08:47 PM
Got your attention? Yeah, it got mine too! In the last 12 days I've grown one year older ,been presented with divorce papers, lost a contract, and went on the best tuna trip I've ever been on!

The divorce is just plain sad as we have only been married 4 years and she moved back to Colorado 3 years ago.

So in the last 12 days I've been introspective about my life, I've been sad about my life and I've really enjoyed my life. That was very stressful!

So I am back and I have a new direction I have to pursue on a couple of fronts and I have a lot of vacuum sealing (or sucker thingies as it is known to some around here) to do and an unpleasant time coming up. So the first thing I'm doing is to review all aspects of my life and prepping for what I see ahead of me. I guess you could say that SHTF for me last week, and now I get to see just how prepared I am.

I'll post photos of the tuna trip in the Animals sub forum of the Food and Water forum.:confused:

10-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Damn man, it sounds like some cons are running rampant in your life right now.

Congratulations on aging, the alternative takes you away from us. Congrats are also in order for a successful trip.

Consider me confused re: your divorce, though you still have my condolences on that and the lost contract.

Finally, I really am sorry if any of that was out of line, but I've found humor usually helps, especially so as you contend with a mix of complex emotions.

10-07-2012, 09:19 PM
Good luck man, I'm a year older next Sunday as well, my anniversary is Saturday, and have had the worst year of my marriage so far. Things are looking up around here, but have a ways to go. And I didn't even get to go fishin! Best of luck, just keep pushing forward.

Grumpy Old Man
10-07-2012, 09:22 PM
We haven't lived together as man and wife for 3+ years. I know that and I'm still confused!

ETA that is to say we have been separated; I in California, she in Colorado.

Be sure to check out the tuna pics! That trip saved my bacon! I needed some enjoyment right about then.

10-07-2012, 10:04 PM
I feel for you Grumpy....The trials of life can knock you down and kick you in the gut on occasion.

The best you can do is get a shower, a haircut, and a good nights sleep.....and the next day throw your shoulder into it and drive on.

A good relaxing trip can really give you a new perspective on the situation....the mind needs to wander at times....it allows the bigger picture to be seen.

Good luck be with you.

10-07-2012, 10:08 PM
Well my brother... I know where your coming from and just between you, me and this rectangular thing that I'm looking at that others are too I've said good bye to two other woman that I made that vow to and I must say... It just worked out that way and I found Justa because of it. Hell when my youngest daughter got married at the reception I was dancing with my three daughters (from two different Moms) and both of there Moms (my Exes) we had a blast and we all still laugh about how odd it was but hey life goes on. Justa wasn't there but if she was... she would have been dancing with us too. Life has it's curves in the road but thats what makes it livable, can you even imagine a world with straight roads or an large body of water without waves? I can and No Thanks!!! :)

BTW Just watch out for that sucker thingy it can REALLY SUCK!!! :p

Taz Baby
10-07-2012, 10:35 PM
I am so so very sorry you lost that contract. As far as the divorce goes, you might as well already been divorce since you haven't been together for 3+ years. So I am sure you knew it had to happen, but it is sad. Getting older we have to do that but we don't have to act our age. And last glad you had a great fishing trip to clear your mind. Nothing is better to do that than fresh sea air.

10-08-2012, 02:20 AM
I am sorry to hear you lost the contract.
A good trip is always a welcome thing, so good for you !!
A year older means you're still on top looking down.

Well, I suppose the divorce was coming soon enough, what with that long a separation. If it must happen, I hope it's at least amicable.

10-08-2012, 03:11 AM
I'm really sorry Grumps. I keep telling you that you need to move out here buddy! You already have friends here. We're sending hugs and hope things things look up for you as you adjust. Know that this is not forever and it will get better, just don't let the lawyers give her anything.

10-08-2012, 04:10 AM
Sounds like a pretty rough patch, ouch! So, hopefully you have "used up" all your crappy days for quite some time, and are in for some better luck? You mentioned something about pursuing new directions, now that is always exciting! Here's hoping thing's start looking up :)

Oh, and I second Lady's advice, you really should consider Tn....it's an awfully nice place to live!

10-08-2012, 04:46 AM
Sorry to hear.
Only way to go is up...

10-09-2012, 10:10 PM
Chin up old man!

If life didn't throw you a curveball every once in a while, then you wouldn't appreciate the sliders.

contracts come and go
women come and go
birthdays come and go
Good fishing lives on in your memory forever!

Fish On!!

Grumpy Old Man
11-30-2012, 04:02 AM
So... 1 week ago on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I was let go with a weeks pay and my vacation after 5 year,s of loyal service. I traveled for the company and put forth the party line, however, it was "a family decision". Life as I knew it had ended. Today I got the can concession at a local gin joint as part of my back up plan. I've stressed, been anxious, had high blood pressure, and generally been a chocolate mess. Today I got my BP down to 132 over 88, got my last docs to the lawyer, and came back to the point that this is the first day of the rest of my life! I'm going gray, I've had enough of the corporate ladder! I'm too old to fight that crap any longer!

I'd post some youtubes but my access is limited, but think "I'm Free: and "A Touch of Gray"! Grumpy's back with a vengance!

Illegitimatus Non Carborundum Est! ( Don't let the bastards grind you down!):cool:

11-30-2012, 04:21 AM
Gramps..................what can I say??? I hope that all of your pain and bad luck will have passed this year and 2013 will bring nothing but wonderful things and happiness. So are you ready to move to TN yet?

Grumpy Old Man
11-30-2012, 04:41 AM
Pretty damn close Darlin"

11-30-2012, 05:23 AM
You know, for being a grumpy "old" man you certainly do display the resilience of a young sapling!

11-30-2012, 11:59 AM
When you are at the bottom... the view in every direction is up!

11-30-2012, 12:47 PM
Congrats on the B- day Grumpus Maximus.
Glad you got the fishing in ; It probably saved your sanity. Sorry to hear about the job. But you have a whole colony here to help you out.

As for the divorce ; My 1st. wife sent me a ( Dear George ) letter 3 months into my Vietnam tour. Tore my heart out at the time but was determined to get home in one piece. Especially after she told my Capt. not to let me do anything stupid !!! Swore women off as the spawns of Satan. Got home and met my wife 1 week later and she showed me I was wrong.

I guess what I'm saying is just when we think all has turned to shit something or someone comes along and pulls us back up and shows us a whole new side we never saw before. Besides you are GRUMPUS MAXIMUS. The conqueror of everything unknown.
May the wind fall gently on your back
May the sun land softly upon your shoulders
And may your path be straight and true.

Grumpy Old Man
11-30-2012, 05:17 PM
Thanks for all the kind thoughts! The Colony is the best. Look for upcoming deals on various items.

11-30-2012, 06:20 PM
Best of luck, but I don't think you will end up needing "luck", sounds like for a "grumpy old man" you still gotta lotta rubber left on them tires. Life is an adventure (that sucks at times), look at all the new opportunities in front of you...an open road, you can go anywhere, do anything. Sounds pretty good to me ;)

11-30-2012, 06:48 PM
From all of the posts I have read of yours, you seem to be the type of person to chalk all of this up to another chapter in your life. Good on you, and we are here to help you through it. Let me know what I can do for you.

11-30-2012, 11:05 PM
Eight years ago I was broad sided by a "like" train that carried the same cargo... Heaps of green and brown stinking ass shit that eventually stopped stinking and turned into a sweeter smell as time passed. May your shit stop stinking!!! Cheers to you you curmudgeon you! (((Big Smile)))

12-01-2012, 12:03 AM
I think it's time for another trip out to the desert, whatcha say Grumpy?
Btw, you got a pm.

Grumpy Old Man
12-01-2012, 03:32 AM
I bought some new used tires today so I'm ready FB! I'll pm you tomorrow; my phone is acting up so I had to order a new one and it'll be a couple of days before it gets here.

12-05-2012, 05:06 PM
chicken soup for the soul my ass!

Nothing brings a smile to ones face, and a warmth to ones heart like getting out in the middle of nowhere and shooting the shit out of some shit!

Ready... Aim...